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My carpool buddy

March 30, 2021
James joined our research group maybe 2 or 3 years after I did. During the first part of our interactions, I watched him working on Linux on laptops - when both Linux and laptops were extremely novel concepts. That effort grew to be VA Linux - the V stands for Vera. I learned a lot from James during this time - going after new areas, innovation, and so on.

After I graduated, I continued with the research group as a Research Associate, and moved out of student housing to Fremont. James had also moved to Hayward. The two of us carpooled to Stanford from the east bay for at least a year or two. He met Jenny during that time.

The incident I remember from those carpooling days was how James calmed down a nearby driver stricken with road rage. That guy felt James had wronged him in some way and got out of his car and started banging on James car (it was his turn to drive that day). It took James just a few seconds to calm things down - I'm sure if it were me, the situation would have just escalated. I'm sure everyone can relate to this - given all the other stories I have read.

James, I know we were not in touch recently, but I'm going to miss you. We've met frequently at various parent events in the Palo Alto schools, but that has been a few years ago. Rest in peace - you are taking your greatness to a better place.


The Soda Can Challenge

March 29, 2021
During our R. A. years, James and I shared an office. Every afternoon around 3 pm, one of us would get up and go to the vending machine and grab two sodas for the both of us. It was kind of a ritual for us.

One day I got the brilliant idea to play a prank on James. So, when I came back from the vending machine I placed both cans on his desk and informed him that I had shaken one them during my walk back.  James picked a can, reached out for the tab and I took a step back.  Without hesitation, he stood up, went to my desk, sat down and opened the can. Lucky for me, he had chosen wisely.

And that's one of the many things I admire in James, his problem solving ability.

P. S. As a side note, before people think I'm a villain, I had never actually shaken either of the cans, just told him that that had happened.
March 27, 2021
So many knew James as an amazing colleague and friend; I knew him to be a wonderful husband and father.

When during our daughters’ baby years, it somehow seemed important to me to be able to work crazy hours, James stopped working so that he could stay home with them.  He was their primary caregiver during their most formative years, and was instrumental in enabling them to become the kind, smart, strong, caring young women that they are today.  

When our daughters wanted to become girls scouts but their school did not have a troop, he founded one, and even became a girl scout leader.  That troop probably did more science-related activities by far than any other troop, but also had the most laughter. 

When a bug was discovered in a corner of the house, and other occupants of the house were running shrieking to another room, James patiently held a cup under the hesitant daddy long legs or other creepy crawly bug, gently convincing it with well-reasoned arguments to plop into the cup and move to the garden for a quieter life.  No bug got smooshed on his watch.  

Except for computer bugs. Whenever a computer in the house did become locked or get into some weird mode such that it would not respond to the usual remedies, one simply had to call James over. He would say “What’s going on?” and then magically the problem would disappear and could not be replicated.  Honestly, this must have happened a hundred times. Computer bugs knew when they had met their match.

Whenever James would sit down on the couch for some quiet time to read, it was inevitable that children and animals would soon be competing for snuggle time with him. He was always so warm, in every sense of the word.

Whenever anyone needed help with anything, James was there. But if you needed help solving a problem, be it a homework or a life problem, he would never just give you the answer, even though he likely knew the solution.  He ever so patiently guided you though the thought process, making you reason it out for yourself. Gosh, that was exasperating.  

Don’t worry, you will always know where to find James.  He is sitting near the kids’ end of the table, laughing.

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