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November 3, 2015

Mummy, the little time i spent with you makes me understand the real term "Mother". You are not just a mummy, you are a Mother... Miss you.


I Smile

August 28, 2015

I smile, because when i remembered what you said to me that night... my heart says you are a blessing to all...

It all started great, I wasnt spiritual enough, I was with no right wisdom for that situation, i was secretive, but mama, that evening in your room, i spilted out and u gave me advise correcting my wrongs and teaching me how best to stay spiritual

and that night I accepted you as my own because of what you said to me which i hold close to my heart, if i truly make use of it, i am going to be the best woman on Earth.

Abiyamo toto

August 22, 2015
mummy u so special to us and ur lovely boys.u are more than a million.a special mum to celestial and to d world.we love u but God love u in peace

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