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March 18, 2021
Over the years by far the most common description of my mother has always been based around her no-nonsense attitude and restlessness. For those of us that knew her it was always obvious that she was impatient to help and to love. In work a fantastic teacher and housemistress, but this inevitably spilled into every corner of her life, and for better or worse every day was a lesson.

At times like these we are told to try to find the positives, the silver linings. For me the ones that really stand out are that both of my children had the opportunity to meet her, I got to spend a week in isolation with her before she was taken in to hospital, the limitations of age and her Parkinson’s diagnosis did not restrict her and that I was able to spend her last moments with her over the phone.

A year has now passed since we last saw each other.

For the relentless drive and ambition. The years of care, laughter and learning. The start in life, opening my eyes to the world and the patience to listen to the arrogant ramblings of a 10 year old boy as I tried to explain the fundamentals of Christianity and spiritualism on long car journeys. For the passion to teach, to improve and to help. And the smiles, the tears and indifferences…I’m eternally grateful.

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