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February 23, 2023
February 23, 2023
I struggled with what to say on here ever since we lost you. The world lost the right bright light when we lost you. I only knew you for a short period of time in the grand scheme of life. From the moment I met you I was drawn to your aura and your kind heart. You were there for me in a time that I needed somebody in the worst way you gave me a sense of purpose and always was there to boost me up whenever I was feeling down. I met you and probably the worst time of my life but you made that time of my life so much better. You opened my mind up to ideas that I had never even thought of. You were always right. I miss that about you. Matter how long we debated about things or if we got into an argument you were always there at the end and you were right even though I hated it sometimes. Your sense of humor and how you were able to read the people around you and how you were able to to care and love is different from anyone that I've ever met in my life. I don't think that anybody including my family has ever impacted my life as much as you have and I hate that I wasn't able to see you again before you were gone. Now you know the truth of our next steps in life and I know I'll cross path with you again sometime. I still listen to your music and you're still in my heart everyday there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you And wish that I could talk to you again. You changed my life in so many ways that you'll never know and you made me believe in myself when I didn't believe in myself anymore. You always had my back unwaving in your support and your friendship. When so many other people turned their backs on me you never did and I'm grateful to have been part of your life and had you in mine. Until we meet again my friend just know, you were always enough. 
January 12, 2023
January 12, 2023
Jared, you were a part of our family and we will never forget you! We love you so much!
December 29, 2022
December 29, 2022
Jared, you were my very first friend. I lived across the street from you in elementary school. We would walk to school together in the mornings. You, Dom, Mac and I. We'd come home in the afternoon and play war on the swing set for hours. We would explore the woods in our back yards for hours. You gave me my first yu-gi-oh card, and jump started my collection, and new-found hobby. You were a kind, welcoming soul. You will be missed dearly. We'll meet again one day, I'll make sure to bring that Exodia you gave me.
December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022
I cannot believe it has been two weeks since I saw you. I still cannot accept that you are gone. Every day I wakeup, and expect to roll over to you smiling and saying, "Gotcha!"

Thinking back through the last nearly 3 years it amazes me to think of all we did together. We survived Covid! We argued, debate, and had adventures like no other. But the biggest thing is I survived Cancer. And it was all because of you. You were by my side at every appointment. You helI boughtand when I was scared. Ced me up when I was sick. Bought food, and cooked, and then fed/forced me to eat. And when I cried, you would do something or come up with something theory to make me laugh until I was crying from laughter.

Not many people saw that compassionate side of you. You've never met a single stranger, and in my opinion everyone who met you, had to love you, and there was never an animal that, when you came into the room, didn't try to become your best friend.

I fully believe your profession was to be a nurse or a doctor, your compassion, and how you would care for others, it's a rare gift. I miss cooking, even the weird concoctions that I didn't think I would like.

I miss your warm and embracing hugs, and I would give anything in this entire world to receive just one more.

Not many people know the heartbreak and misery that you've gone through most of your la ife. How you agonized over ho,w to answer text or phone calls to people you would have given surething to be with again.

I'm not sure many people know that you felt that you weren't worthy enough for friendship, love, companionship, or any basic human necessity because you weren't good enough in your opinion. Many people did not see your screensaver, which said "you are enough". Baby, I'm here to tell you you were more than enough and you were loved you were cherished and at least with me you were my everything.

The last time I saw you, you promised me you were going to get the help you needed. I had found you a job. I had gotten your insurance. Add like everything else, you would do it on Monday. I hate myself, that I let you leave my home. I hate that I wasn't more forceful. 

I didn't find out till Monday afternoon that you were gone. By then it was too late. Unfortunately, I am one of the last people that knew your final wishes. And I'm sorry they were not carried out. I did try, but it was too late. 

Reagan misses his dad. Every night he lays at the door crying and he you were wonderful with him two peas in a pod and thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for enriching my life. Thank you for forcing me to see myself in ways that I have never done before. Thank you for seeing me that way. thank you for helping me learn to love myself again. And thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me your heart and even though you're gone I swear I will continue to hold onto it and your memory for the rest of my life.

I am lost without you. I love you. But I know I will see you soon. I see you in heaven, sitting on the fluffiest cloud closest to the sun, no longer cold, and watching over all you held dear. You also know the truth now and how things always were. You can rest in peace knowing you were loved, cherished, and more than enough; you were perfect, even with all of our human imperfections.

Love always,
December 16, 2022
December 16, 2022
I really just cannot accept that you aren’t going to walk through the front door at any moment with that grin, as if this was one of your jokes. How could you not be here? How could you never come home again?

Allison, Rosemary, G’ma, and I will forever miss you as a part of our family. You were such a big part of our lives for so long. I cannot imagine our lives without you. Your presence gave us laughter, smiles, and happiness. We were blessed to have you as long as we did and are so grateful for the decade of you.
December 15, 2022
December 15, 2022
Hey bro my grammers is bad cause you know im still a fcking chink hâhha, but im going to try my best here , you was my first roommate, 1st friend when i first got to LW, we slowly but surely become brother, i remember we got in shoes polish fight , smoking weed in our room, and the time we acting homo as fuck in Mrs.Oliver class lmao its was all the good memories but the best memories until the colonel’s think im a bad influence on you, and we no longer roommates after that but my love for you didnt change brother, cause when you fight Neverdick i almost kill that lil bitch for you… all the good Memories we have bro, the last time i talk to you was back in 2012 how fuck up you was on pills i didnt think you being serious, cause when i check out your facebook profile you were in college, hangout with you families looking successful, i was ashame to even talk to you cause at that time my life was just stood still didnt go anywhere, and when it got better and i try reachingnout to you again you never replies to any of my messages, im sorry bro this is my biggest regrets that i didn’t try harder to reach out to you, i love you My boy, I believe in Buddhism, so I believe your next life will be better and I believe somewhere in next life we will meet again and still be brother, Rest In peace brother ill alway pray for you till the day i die.
December 15, 2022
December 15, 2022
Jared, it’s been hard for me to put these feelings into words so soon, but hopefully I can articulate it. When I first met you, I was being dragged to military school because I was veering off on the wrong path, and as a lot of his friends on here can attest, is not an easy transition going to military school. It took me a little while to settle in.

I had given up on sports at my previous school despite everyone telling me not to. I was arrogant, angry and mad at everyone else for decisions I made, and then I got to know you. You made me realize that anyone can be a friend and see the positives in you if you let them. I refocused myself after getting to know you and it gave me some of the best sports memories of my life. The ORIGINAL splash brothers, the backcourt of a final four and what would have been a state championship team had unfortunate circumstances not happened. We were a two man unit, and it’s because we understood each other. We could fight, bicker, annoy each other, but it was always cause we were so similar.

When we graduated, I didn’t know what I was doing with myself. Wasn’t going to school, sitting around all day, praying for the sun to set so I could go to bed. Depression is real. Even spent a week at a hospital cause I didn’t want to live anymore.

When I got out, you drove down out of the blue and invited me to move in with you. Nobody even knew about my situation except you and my parents because they knew you could get through to me. The two months I lived with you, it reinvigorated my drive to be my best possible self and completely changed my life, even though, that was when I began to worry about you. I’ll always regret not being able to be there for you in your time of need.

We drifted apart, as high school friends do. We still always had that bond but you move away, life gets busy, more responsibilities, etc. but you were always in my heart. Two weeks ago I even dug up some articles about our games online, should have been a sign to me to check in. I’m sorry I didn’t reach out more brother, because you went out of your way to be there for me. Love you my friend, until we meet again.
December 14, 2022
December 14, 2022
This is so heartbreaking. I still can't believe that you're gone. You mean't so much to me for so many reasons, Jared. You found me years ago and although I wish we would've had more time together I'm so thankful for what we did have. I'm going to miss our conversations, your kind spirit and the bond that we had. Although you're no longer physically here I know you'll always be with me as I'll carry you in my heart forever, I promise. I love you little brother. I can't wait until we can see eachother again.
December 14, 2022
December 14, 2022
Gustin had a smile that was infectious and a personality that would instantly lighten burdens. He was small in size but large in stature. He rose high in rank but was held even higher by his fellow cadets. He has a battalion who loves him, rest easy friend ♥️
December 14, 2022
December 14, 2022
I’m really heartbroken, but I know that he is looking down on each and every one of his LW brothers smiling. He’s in a much better place where he has no struggles or worries. I will always keep your family in my prayers and you close to my heart bro. I’m sorry we didn’t talk much, may you forever rest in peace Jared.
December 14, 2022
December 14, 2022
"The Lord is close to those whose hearts are breaking and he rescues those whose spirits are crushed."
         Psalms 34:18
My prayers are with Paul, Julie ,Sara
and the entire family.
December 14, 2022
December 14, 2022
Jared will forever be remembered by our family. A young man who had great potential. has left this world way too soon.
May he rest in peace.
December 13, 2022
December 13, 2022
I have no words, however, I do know that he know longer struggles or suffers. This kid was so loved by so many. So many memories he shared with our family. He will forever be in our hearts. Prayers and thoughts for the Gustin family and The LWMA family.

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