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June 18
13 years ago, you left us. I still think about the things we could have done growing up together. I live in Fowler now, so I won't be able to leave a car like I do every year. But we will do stuff together soon enough. I love you baby brother. I went to Australia and Guam and Japan the Alaska for my birthday this year. Before that for New Years I went to New Orleans, Honduras, Belize and Mexico. At least my mom's side of my family is making sure I get to do things. Just want you to know you are never forgotten and always with me. D
December 21, 2023
December 21, 2023
Hey Baby Bro. It's Christmas. So Merry Christmas. Soon we will see each other. love you, D
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Hello Jayden, 12 years ago you passed. I was 3. I live in Northglenn again. I haven't seen our siblings in a while since our dad's wife won't allow it. She's not right in the head and super abusive. Not missing anything by not seeing her. Just glad you didn't have to be around her. Are there video games in heaven? I guess you wouldn't need them there. What do you do all day? My Gramma says there is more peace and love there than I could imagine. Think I'd like that when I'm old and die. We will play cars when I get there. And ride bikes. And all the things we didn't get to do here. I love you baby brother. You are not forgotten. I keep your memory alive. And look forward to hanging out after my life. D
February 27, 2023
February 27, 2023
Hey little brother. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. 12 years old. Almost a teenager. I live in Alamosa right now so I can't leave you a car this year. But I think of you all the time. We would have been great friends. Listen for me. I talk to you. I will listen for you also. Love you. D
December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022
Merry Christmas little brother. I think of you often. I love you. D
February 26, 2022
February 26, 2022
Happy Birthday little brother. 11. A pre-teen. It's what my gramma calls you. Says you and I would have been a handful together. My dad never came and got me. Always has an excuse. My mom has temporary custody and I'm living with a friend of hers for now. I'm starting football in a couple of weeks, I hope. We haven't officially gotten word yet. Sometimes I wonder where I will be this time next year. In a month I will be 14. My grammas moving 6 hours away. I'm scared of what may happen to me. But anyhow. Happy Birthday. We will play baseball in heaven someday. I just know it. Love you, D
December 22, 2021
December 22, 2021
Hey baby brother, It's almost Christmas. I just wanted to say I'm living with my gramma Tracie for a short time. Our dad is supposed to get me next week. You are almost 11 now. Cayeden lives in another state far away. Vermont. Landon was adopted by his stepdad. I don't know about Maysen. Our dad moved to Texas 2 years ago. He left me behind. And now he has to come and get me. I'm so lost sometimes. My gramma is heartbroken that I have to go. But she's 60 now. And can't take care of me like I need to be taken care of. She tells me you are my guardian Angel and as long as I have you, I will be ok. And I know I will. Life is just so hard sometimes. I got this. I can always come back to my gramma if I need to. She will always make sure I'm ok. I am her heart after all. Talk to you in February. Merry Christmas.
February 26, 2021
February 26, 2021
Wow baby brother. You are 10 today. I picture us playing baseball and riding bikes and football for sure we would be skateboarding. I hope you have the best Birthday. I miss you. I know we will see each other soon enough. I really like to think we would have grown up being the best of friends as well as brothers. Talk to you soon. I love you, D
December 22, 2020
December 22, 2020
Merry Christmas little brother. I still think of you often. I think how we would be fighting and playing with our Christmas gifts. Do you have Christmas in Heaven? Do you get to ride bikes? I hope so. I know we will see you soon. Love you, D
July 3, 2020
July 3, 2020
I'm sorry I didn't get back sooner. The computer was down. It's so hard to believe 9 years has passed. You would be running and riding bikes with all of us. Enjoying the fire works and good food. I hope you are here with me in spirit. I need someone now. I have moved around from home to home so much in the past 3 years I don't know where I will live tomorrow. Miss you, Love D
February 26, 2020
February 26, 2020
Dear Jayden,
You left this life 8 years ago but never my heart. I think of the fun we could have had growing up. I'm in the 6th grade now. How is school in heaven? Maysen and Cayden are getting big too. Colton and our baby sister are fine. My gramma will drop you off a car today. I hope you are collecting them like I am. I can't wait until I see how many you still have from me. Love you, D
June 18, 2019
June 18, 2019
Hey Jayden,
It's hard to believe 8 years has passed so quickly. I think about you all the time. I ask my gramma to stop by your grave when she drives by. I think we would be playing baseball together if you were here. We would be swimming for sure. Do you play baseball in heaven? Or go swimming? Maysen and Cayden and I swim whenever we can. We moved to a place that has a pool. I know you play with Gramma Linda. I miss her too. So tell her I said hi. And give her a hug for me. I miss you and Love you. D
February 26, 2019
February 26, 2019
Hey Jayden. Happy Birthday. Wow 8 today. I bet you are big now. Dad's having another baby. He says it's a girl. That's 7 of us. Sometimes I think of the things we would be doing together if you were here instead of in heaven. My gramma will put a car out for you today. I will be in school and my dad has to work. I miss you bud. We'll see each other someday. Take care of Gramma Linda. Love you, D
December 21, 2018
December 21, 2018
Hello Jayden. We have another brother now named Colton. He was born in July. I like to think you played with him before he came here. You have 5 brothers now. It's almost Christmas. Do they have Christmas in heaven? Maysen and Landon are both in the first grade. Cayden is in kindergarten. I'm in the fifth grade. You are in the third grade. We are getting so big. Merry Christmas. Talk to you soon.
February 26, 2018
February 26, 2018
Hello baby brother. A lot has happened since I talked to you last. I live with our Dad now. I see my brothers almost every weekend. We talk about you. Masen is getting so big. I think you would like them. Cayden is also growing up fast. We make sure you are with us. Happy Birthday. I hope it is warm and sunny where you are. Climb a tree for me. Love you. DeAngello. Your big brother. P.S my Gramma will be taking you a gift today since I have to go to school. I hope you enjoy it.
September 18, 2017
September 18, 2017
Dear Jayden, This is Maysen your little brother. I just wanted to tell you I love you. I'm at D's Gramma Tracie's house and she said I could leave you this message. I just turned 5. You would be 6 this year. I will see you someday soon. Bye.
February 27, 2017
February 27, 2017
Hey kiddo. Sorry I'm late. I live with my mom now and I'm having to readjust my life. Wow your 6th Birthday. I still talk about you and miss you. I left a cool gold car for you today. I picked it out and I have one myself. Things here are hectic. But I want you to know I think about you all the time. I hope you are riding ponies and playing ball and flying kites in heaven. See you soon baby Brother. D
January 5, 2017
January 5, 2017
Sorry I missed Talking to you at Christmas. It's been crazy here for me. I wanted you to know I think of you often. I talk to my Gramma about you. It's been pretty cold for a few days and we got about 6 inches of snow. I have a car for you. I bought 2 alike so we could both have one. I'll be stopping by your grave soon to put it there. I love you. D
June 18, 2016
June 18, 2016
Hey Jayden,
It's hard to believe it's been 5 years since you became an Angel. Our Gramma is sick. She hasn't felt good lately. I was wondering if you could sit with her and sing to her. It might make her feel better. I'm going into the 3rd grade in August. I'm 8 now. You would probably be annoying to me like my other brothers are. But I would still play with you. I miss you. But I know God will let me play with you one day. See you soon little bro.....D
February 26, 2016
February 26, 2016
Happy Birthday Jayden. This is your 5th birthday. I hope you are enjoying kindergarten in heaven. My 8th Birthday is coming soon too. I hope you will be at my skating party. I'll look for you. I bet we would have been great friends here. I now we will be in heaven. Wait until you see what I leave you this year. I love you baby brother. I miss you. D
January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016
Dear Jayden, We were thinking of you and wanted to say hi. I hope you are playing with Grandma Linda and having fun. Our Gramma Brenda has been very sick. If you could just say a prayer for her it would be a great help. We pray for her all the time. We have a whole bunch of snow still and your garden is covered up. My Gramma Tracie says we will go to your garden when the snow melts. I miss you. I love you. See you soon. D
June 18, 2015
June 18, 2015
Dear Baby Brother Jayden,
4 years ago you left and I miss you still. You should see how big Maysen, Landon, Cayden and me are getting. Even though you never met them you would Love them. Maysen is almost 3 now . Landon just turned 3 and Cayden is 2 and I'm still 7. Me and our brothers love you and someday you will get to know them. Gramma and me are on our way to put something in your garden now.
I love you Jayden and hope you are having fun in heaven, DeAngello
April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015
Dear Baby Brother, I had a great Birthday this year. I wish you would have been here to enjoy it too. Someday we will play together. Until then I will miss you. Love You, DeAngello
March 4, 2015
March 4, 2015
Dear Jayden, I wish you were here because I really miss you. I would love to play with you. Love D.
February 26, 2015
February 26, 2015
Dear baby Brother, This year has gone by fast. It's hard to believe you would have been 4 this year. My Gramma took me to see Heaven is for Real and I told her that's where you are. I still miss you and talk to and about you. We have a lot of snow but I still put your car out for you. I hope you like it and add it to the other ones I left. Our baby brothers are getting so big. You would have so much fun with them. I know one day we will see each other again. I love you. DeAngello
February 26, 2014
February 26, 2014
Dear Baby Brother, It's you're 3rd Birthday. Happy Birthday. I hope you enjoy the cake the Angels make you. I'm almost 6 now. Maysen is walking and Cayden is getting so Big. He's already had his hair cut 2 times since he was born. My Gramma says you are most likely my Guardian Angel and looking out for me. I love climbing trees and often talk to you when I get up there. I still miss you. I Love you, D.  P.s. Look for the gift I left you. I will play with mine and know you will be playing with yours too.
June 18, 2013
June 18, 2013
Dear Baby Jayden, It's been 2 years now since you went to play with the Angels. Our new little brothers name is Cayden. He is as cute as can be. I'm 5 now. I'm going to kindergarten this year. I miss you. Love you D.
February 26, 2013
February 26, 2013
Dear little brother, Happy Birthday. You would have been 2 today. My Gramma tells me you are dancing with the Angels. We went out in a snow storm to bring things to your grave. I pretended I was playing with you. I love you. D
February 22, 2013
February 22, 2013
Dear Jayden, It's almost your 2nd Birthday. We have 2 new brothers. We have Maysen, he's cute as a bug and we have Landon who also is cute and cuddly. We have another brother on the way too. Not sure yet what his name is but he will be here in May. I turn 5 in a few weeks. I like being the big brother. I miss you and Gramma tells me you are my Guardian Angel. I like that. Love You D
February 26, 2012
February 26, 2012
Happy Birthday little Brother. You are loved and missed. I am growing so big myself. I talk about you alot. My Gramma and I go by and see your place of rest often. I hope you like the Truck I left you for your Birthday. Its one of my favorites. I would like for us to have played with it together. See you soon.....

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