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It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of our beloved husband and father's passing. After a courageous battle with illness, he left us peacefully on the 25th of April 2024, surrounded by his family who loved him dearly.

Jean was a remarkable man who touched the lives of many with his kindness, wisdom, sense of humour and unconditional love. He taught us the value of hard work, the joy of laughter, the power of love and the importance of family. He embraced every day, living life to the fullest and showing us to do the same. We feel blessed to have had him in our lives and will cherish every memory we made together forever. How lucky we are to have someone that made saying goodbye so hard.

There will never be anything that can replace the space he has left in our hearts, but we will honour his memory every day knowing that he will always be by our side.

With all our love,
Primprow, Anissa, Tania and Silvia
and on behalf of all relatives

The funeral service will be held at 11 A.M. on 1st May 2024, at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Chiang Mai. This will be followed by a burial at Chiang Mai Foreign Cemetery.

We acknowledge our family and friends who cannot join the funeral but are with us in spirit. If you wish to send flowers, please have them delivered directly to Sacred Heart Cathedral, 225 Charoen Prathet Rd, Tambon Chang Khlan, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50100. To ensure they are included in the service, please arrange for flowers to arrive before 10:30 A.M. on the day of the service.
May 4
Jean I have just heard about your leaving us .. you were always full of life , energy and amusing company so this is hard to contemplate.

We met in 1990 and for a time sat next to each on the broking desk at Chin Tung .. there was never a dull moment as only those who know you well will fully understand.

Your greatest accomplishment was raising your family which it was clear gave you so much long lasting happiness..

Whist we saw less of each other over the years whenever we did speak or meet it was as if there had been no passage of time.

Travel well Jean.
May 3
May 3
We're all so sorry to hear of this sad and very premature loss. From earliest recollections of a long-haired bronzed youth astride a motorcycle in Bangkok in the late 1970's, to the many happy memories of living as our closest neighbours in the Natural Place in the 1990's, Jean always seemed to live life to the full, and he'll leave a big void behind. We'll always remember him with great affection. With love to you all.
May 1
Rest in strength dear Jean. I will always remember time spent on the mats playing our sport. I remember the day Jean showed me pictures of him on his bike and how he loved the feel of the wind as he rode. But he said nothing comes close to the love of family. My deepest condolences. 
April 29
April 29
I met Jean only a couple of times but he made a big impression on me. He came to Thailand at a time when fewer Westerners did, and the country was so different from what it is now. Jean was an early pioneer, and I always admired him for his great sense of adventure. I already think back to the nineties, the decade I moved to Thailand, with a sense of nostalgia, but Jean was here already in the seventies and eighties, and he was truly an “old Asia hand”, and as such I and many of my friends looked up to him and his wisdom and experience.
Jean actually met some of the characters now made famous in the Netflix series “the Serpent” and I truly thought that was amazing.
Jean posted pictures of his early days in Thailand on FB, pictures of Jean on his motorbike, with his wife, and with his three young daughters, and the love and excitement and happiness on display in these pictures continued throughout his life.
Jean was also the perfect host, I had the privilege of staying in his beautiful homes both in Chiang Mai and Phuket, clear displays of his and Khun Primprow admiration for Thai culture and exquisite taste in interior and exterior design.
Jean combined many of the human attributes few of us can lay claim to…he was modest and humble, he was wise, he was a loving father and husband, he had an amazing sense of humor (I will always remember that he referred to my employee salary as celery sticks :-)), he was a gentleman, and of course the sense for exploration was in his DNA. He was lucky to have a very beautiful family, with a loving wife and three fantastic daughters…daughters that grew up to become exemplary adults…
Last time I actually spoke with Jean on the phone was less than 2 years ago, when I asked him for the pros and cons of living in Phuket versus living in Chiang Mai…again Jean took all the time in the world to generously share his intimate experience with me…
Jean’s life was cut short, too short…but his loving girls were there with him until the end, again proof of the strong love binding his family to him and vice versa…
Jean’s life was too short, but for sure he lived his life to the fullest, and has experienced much more life and much more love than many other people in the world who live to an older age.
I will never forget Jean.
Rust in vrede, beste Jean ❤️❤️❤️

April 28
April 28
RIP my dear dear friend!

To the family,

Your husband and wonderful father was a truly remarkable man, full of humour, mischief, intellect, street cunning and quick wit, he and I go back nearly 50 years and he was always considered my dearest friend. I knew I would always be able to rely on him in time of need no matter the distance between us or the time that separated us, he remained loyal to the end concerned by my own health issues while battling his own in silence. He loved his family, he was proud of and adored his children and lived his life to the fullest everyday. Staying at the Hilton hotel in Bangkok in the late nineties, I was woken at 3.00am to a knock on the door from “room service” advising that they had the breakfast I had ordered - it was a foul smelling fish head soup!! ordered and scheduled by you know who!!

Every subsequent visit to BKK and there were many was planned and executed with extreme caution, secrecy and excessive levels of security necessary to keep the visit covert from Mr Gomery, despite all these efforts he managed on multiple occasions to breach the security cauldron and I payed the price

He will truly be very sadly missed, never forgotten and I am sure we will never share the likes of him again.

To Meow, Anissa, Tanya and Sylvia my love reaches out to you all, my heart bleeds for your loss and I want you to know that our prayers, thoughts and best wishes and condolences are with you at this very sad time….please do not reflect on your loss as I am sure you naturally will but rather celebrate his and your lives shared so fully together, celebrate his legacy and live his dream - with love from Nigel & Caroline
April 28
April 28
Jean was someone that once you met you can never forget.
A charismatic man, full of energy and life, always with a smile on his face.
Jean was our friend and neighbour in Bangkok for eight years. We appreciated his intelligence, his wit, his great sense of humour as well as his incredible energy!!! He adored his beautiful family. He was a great father and he was always proud of his amazing wife and his lovely daughters!!!
We will remember him with emotion because he was not only a character but above all a real GENTLEMAN.
Our sincere condolences to his family.
You will always stay in our hearts Jean.
Rest in peace in your beloved Chiang Mai.
Yves, Elena
April 28
Dear family
From Europa Brussels we send you all our hearth thinking and I will Kiev in my mind all the happy time we had with Jean,!in London when we were student ! And in Belgium when he came to see his family and also us at the Belgium sees side Knokke le Zoute.
I know by Alain that we were always next to Jean sinds he was hill and for Jean having a so nice family is happiness and love.
Good luck to all of you and courage. Jean is still with us and he will join Augustine my husband with happiness.
Kind regards to all off you xxx Odile de Saint marcq
April 27
April 27
My deepest condolences to the whole family. I speak for the whole BJJ community when I say that his presence will be missed. I will miss him as a dear friend.

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May 4
Jean I have just heard about your leaving us .. you were always full of life , energy and amusing company so this is hard to contemplate.

We met in 1990 and for a time sat next to each on the broking desk at Chin Tung .. there was never a dull moment as only those who know you well will fully understand.

Your greatest accomplishment was raising your family which it was clear gave you so much long lasting happiness..

Whist we saw less of each other over the years whenever we did speak or meet it was as if there had been no passage of time.

Travel well Jean.
May 3
May 3
We're all so sorry to hear of this sad and very premature loss. From earliest recollections of a long-haired bronzed youth astride a motorcycle in Bangkok in the late 1970's, to the many happy memories of living as our closest neighbours in the Natural Place in the 1990's, Jean always seemed to live life to the full, and he'll leave a big void behind. We'll always remember him with great affection. With love to you all.
May 1
Rest in strength dear Jean. I will always remember time spent on the mats playing our sport. I remember the day Jean showed me pictures of him on his bike and how he loved the feel of the wind as he rode. But he said nothing comes close to the love of family. My deepest condolences. 
His Life
Baron Jean Gaston Adrien de Gerlache de Gomery was born on December 20 1952, in London, United Kingdom. He excelled in his studies and earned both a Bachelor of Science in Economics and a Master of Business Administration in London. Seeking to broaden his horizons, Jean relocated to Thailand, a country that captured his heart with its rich culture and lush landscapes.

In Thailand, Jean met and married Primprow de Gerlache de Gomery. Together, they not only built a loving family but also designed and constructed beautiful homes in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket. These homes became symbols of their shared love for Thai style.

Jean and Primprow raised three children: Anissa, Tania, and Silvia, instilling in them the importance of family and love. He taught them the value of hard work, the joy of laughter, the power of love and the importance of family. He embraced every day, living life to the fullest and showing them how to do the same.

Jean's entrepreneurial spirit flourished in Thailand, where he embarked on various business ventures. His adaptability and keen business acumen earned him widespread respect in international and local business circles.

Jean passed away in Bangkok, Thailand, on April 25, 2024, surrounded by his family. He leaves behind a legacy of dedication to family, a zest for life, and a journey rich with adventures spread across two continents. His story is one of continual learning, profound love, and an unwavering commitment to savoring every moment.
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April 30
Jean and I met in 1982 at a special party in London  , we were both Sagittarian , only 1 day difference in birth ,by 3 years ,enjoying our new found freedom and both worked in the City of London as stockbrokers.We became friends and regular lunch , apperitif  and dinner party partners.
He was an exceptional individual in progressing my career through Sun Hung Kai ( onto ADIA , Paribas , Citicorp etc…)  , Lord Andrew Fraser and many elite institutions , as he was a gentleman and understood I came from humble  village backgrounds In Ireland  and newly arrived in London. 
He helped me and many other people whom had career , health and personal problems and was always discreet but attentive and silent, a rare attribute in our career financial sector. We all will remember his generosity in private matters.
Jean and his family were a great inspiration to myself and my family that family always come first and we will never forget this .
We will miss him forever and ever and we know he will be rewarded in his next life . RIP

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