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Dear Mom

December 22, 2022
As we approach Christmas I miss and love you so much. It is still really hard on me like every year. I know you are watching down on me cause I see you with the cardinals in the yard so I know you and daddy are keeping an eye on me. Well we are going to be really cold tonight like in the teens but I'm going to be warm cause I know you have seen my little dog. His name is Rebel and such a good dog. Well guess I go for now I hope you hear me talking to you all the time. So much has happened. Love you both.
December 23, 2020
Well it is almost Christmas and you are really missed. I hope you are very proud of me of what I'm doing in my life. I'm still in contact with family members but most of all I miss you so damn much. 
Love with all my heart.
Your daughter Sherri 

Dear mom

September 28, 2021
Well it has been 7 years and it seems like I just talked to you yesterday. You are always on my mind. I really hope you are proud of everything I have done since you were taken from me. I love and miss you so much. Say hi to everyone there with you for me. Love you to the moon and back ❤ 

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