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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Jennifer Ibe, 11 years old, born on September 22, 2000, and passed away on June 3, 2012. We will remember her forever.
June 4
June 4
Jenny dearest Jenny. It’s that time of the year again. Jess and I send our regards to you and your mom. Continue to remember us in heaven as we remember you here on earth. Always and forever. Daddy.
September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023
Jenny. Jenny. Jenny. Today, you’re missed on earth but celebrated in heaven. Happy 23 birthday. Tell your mummy we’re still here. Jess and I are doing OK.
June 3, 2022
June 3, 2022
Dearest Jenny, it’s that time of the year again. We remember you and your mum everyday. May your souls continue to Rest In Peace as we ask that you continue to pray for us in heaven. Amen.
June 3, 2022
June 3, 2022
Hey Jenn! How are you and mom up there? Today marks a decade since both you and Mom departed from this world due to the corruption and greed of our leaders. Up till this day, I still remember our moments together and what we used to do as a family.

Rest well my beloved mom and sister❤️ Until we meet again!
November 17, 2021
November 17, 2021
Hey Jenn, it's Jess your beloved sister. I just came back from my graduation ceremony and it was a complete success. It would have been more fun with you and Mom, but God knows best. Life in England has really changed me for the better. I'm becoming more and more responsible by the day and looking after the household. I now have a job at a warehouse and I have used some of the salary to help dad and the rest of the household. Isn't that amazing?? Anyways, I just wanted to drop by and say hello and we shall meet again soon.
April 7, 2021
April 7, 2021
Hey Jenn!! How is heaven up there with mom? I just wanted to stop by say hello. I will be graduating real soon. I can't believe that I've made it this far in college despite all the challenges, but I give all glory and Honor to God.
There is no day that goes by that I don't think of you and Mom Continue to rest in God's bosom. Both of you are forever in my heart
September 22, 2020
September 22, 2020
Happy 20th birthday in heaven dearest Jenny. Jessica and I are ok. Tell your mummy we are fine. Ora pro nobis.
July 11, 2020
July 11, 2020
Hey jenn how are you and mom? Life on earth is now meaningless without the both of you, but who am I to question God? I’m about to enter my last year of college, isn’t that amazing?!! I know you And mom would be excited And happy for me, but God knows best❤️ My regards to everyone in the clouds❤️❤️ Both of you will forever be in my heart✨❤️
October 26, 2019
October 26, 2019
Hey Jennifer, how is heaven up here and mom? Life in England is pretty much fun, but not fun without you. I’ve accomplished so much in school. Making new friends, getting a job and going for events. I’m sure you would’ve been eager to join sororities and clubs just as much as I do. Life means nothing with the two of you, but I have Sophia, dad and all my cousins with me. Continue to rest in God’s bossom to my lovely sis and amazing mother❤️
September 22, 2019
September 22, 2019
Happy 19th Birthday, Jenn! May you continue to Rest In Peace. Today, we celebrate you and the impact you left on us. You were one of my closest childhood friends and at times, it still doesn't feel real. But, I am forever grateful for the time we spent together. Although things are not the same, I appreciate the memories we created. I find myself hanging onto our childhood jokes, the games we would play at recess, and the Friday night sleep overs at your house. I miss you Jennifer and that will never change. I am so glad that I got the chance to meet you, your mom, dad, and Jess. Life makes little sense to me at times, but I know that God knows best. Happy 19th Birthday, Jenn! WE LOVE YOU---I love you. -Danielle, a Treasure House friend forever.
June 3, 2019
June 3, 2019
Jenny my dearest daughter. It’s been 7 years you and your mummy moved on. It seems like 7 days. Continue to Rest In Peace. Ora pro nobis.
June 3, 2017
June 3, 2017
Jenny my loving daughter, it's five years but it seems like five days. The reality of your departure with your mum is still like a mirage. We are just holding on to your memories. Jess and I are still struggling but trudging on. Jess was very sad on 26th of May because you and your mummy were absent at her graduation. But I told her you were present and happy for her. Keep resting in peace with your mum in God's bossom. Continue to pray for us.
June 3, 2017
June 3, 2017
Hi jenny I remember you today not with fear and confusion anymore but with strength and hope . So much has happened since you left with your mum . I choose to have fond memories from now on no more bitterness toward a foolish government or money minded cooperations but with love in my heart for the things you lived for.God bless you
September 22, 2016
September 22, 2016
1 Corinthians 13:12. "For now we see only a reflection; then, we shall see face to face."
Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Harrrpppyyy birthday nwa Chineke! Holy air kisses to your mum!
To God be glory, in Christ Jesus. Amen.
June 3, 2016
June 3, 2016

June 3rd 2012 should never have been created. When I see God, I would ask Him why He made that day. That day, a combination of factors including corruption of the system made it the worst day in the history of my family. That was the day a Dana airline flight crashed and killed my dear wife Nancy Ibe and my loving daughter Jennifer and 151 others including my wife's relation Mrs Maria Okwulehie. The agony and pain will never go away easily. I pulled my wife and children away from our comfort zone in America to Nigeria to see if we will help to make Nigeria a better society. My friends told me I was crazy. They were right. This is the result—June 3rd. Nancy was the beacon of light in our family. Jennifer was the sunshine in our lives. As we mark the fourth year of their transition today, Jessica and I with the entire Ibe and Okwulehie families thank you all for your continued prayers. May their souls and the souls of all faithful departed continue to rest in peace. Amen.
June 3, 2016
June 3, 2016
Hi Jenny, miss your mum. Been learning from the Word that I should be rejoicing instead as both of you are resting in Christ Jesus. Have to believe, so that my name will be written in the Book of Life.

For the cause of your untimely deaths: man's wickedness, man's failure to acknowledge Jehovah God, God forgive mankind today.

Thank you God for answering and starting to heal the world! In Jesus mighty name I have prayed. Amen.

Christ's Holy Spirit continue to offer comfort to all pertaining to Nancy and Jennifer. Thank you for shielding and protecting all of us from further harm . In Jesus mighty name. Amen.
November 26, 2015
November 26, 2015
Hey Jennifer! It's been awhile, y'know? Time goes by really fast nowadays, I wish you were here so I could just talk to you about life and all the unraveling thoughts that go through my mind. Can you believe I'm graduating high school in a few months? I'm thinking of going to college in New York or I might just go to Atlanta--- it's hard to tell where I might just end up in a couple of months. I've been back and forth in Nigeria, having faith of reconnecting with your dad and Jessica. Sometimes I wish you could just tell me that you're proud of me and I get really sad because, I miss your voice a lot.
  But then, I'm reassured by God about how proud you are of me. There's not a day that goes by where I don't think about you, and the memories we shared. You were such an amazing person & you inspired me so much while we were still kids. I'm almost 17, and I tell myself all the time that it's time to put on my "big-girl" pants & stop questioning God for taking you and your mom. I'm happy that you both enjoy God's presence everyday & as it is Thanksgiving Day, I want to let you know that I am very thankful for the times we shared. The times we cried together, laughed together, played together, learned together, ate together, watched tv together, and etc will NEVER be unappreciated. I miss you everyday but, I'm glad you can see how far I've come. Three years ago, I was broken & didn't care about life or the world. Today, I won't say I'm completely healed however, I am a stronger person than I was when I found out about your death. Thank you for being one of my greatest best friends ever, and I will continue to work and strive to make a difference in the lives as others as you've done in the lives of the people who'll always love you.
November 26, 2015
November 26, 2015
Hey Jennifer, to be honest life in this world means nothing to me since you and mom are gone, but now me n dad r now in Atlanta starting life afresh, rest in peace and happy thanksgiving
September 29, 2015
September 29, 2015
Hello Lil Jen, hope you and mama are doing great and watching over us. Your aunty Chinwe.
I still hear your comment and I use them often. You always said, NOT ON MY WATCH !
September 28, 2015
September 28, 2015
I had no idea there was an accident and they were lost. I am still a teacher at High Bridge Elementary School where I was a teacher to Jennifer/Jessica. God grant you all peace and love. I love you all, please know my heart is broken for you.
September 22, 2015
September 22, 2015

What a world Jenny my loving daughter. You would have been 15 years today if not for that stupid dana crash that took you and your mummy away from us. The house is quiet today and all your songs are in our heart. Jess and I are still miserable without you. I still have your picture in my wallet. But God loves you more. Say hi to mummy. Sing a song for us in Heaven.
September 22, 2015
September 22, 2015
Hi Jenny baby...Happy birthday little angel. Kisses to your mum...
June 3, 2015
June 3, 2015
Jenny can you see? It's been three years and you and mummy have not come back. Are you ever coming home or don't you miss Jess and I?
June 3, 2015
June 3, 2015
Little one, I think and talk about you often. Today, I am surer of Almighty God, Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit, saints no longer with us - like you, and saints here with us. And I am smiling.

How great is our God! God is indeed on the throne.
June 3, 2014
June 3, 2014
No human mind can conceive the magnitude of you and your mum's death. Therefore, I thank God for working it all out for each of us, individually. Though we may not see it, today, his Holy Spirit is at work in us, comforting and guiding us to a place of understanding and peace. So that we will not fail or faint in lifting his name higher. To a point where he will show /shows himself as Jehova - Lord God Almighty. I am certain of it.
June 3, 2014
June 3, 2014

Nancy and Jennifer were two of a kind. Nancy was the wind beneath my wings. For fifteen years She made me soar to great heights. She was all I needed to excel and I excelled. Jennifer was the sunshine in my life. She brought the sun when the clouds gathered. She made every frown on my face disappear. She made joyful sounds. Both were my wind and my sun. Two years now, Jessica and I have not soared and the clouds keep circling. They tell us time heals all wounds, what a lie. Yet to heal but maybe still could heal. Our help is in the name of God who made heaven and earth. Eloi Eloi Lama Sabactani. Mary the mother of Jesus, Ora Pro Nobis.
September 30, 2013
September 30, 2013
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. Na wao. It's not over untill you have sang. The world is totally different without you and mummy in it. Nothing makes sense anymore. We look at the sky all the time to hear a whisper of your voice and the sound of your songs. Jenny, Oh Jennifer.
June 11, 2013
June 11, 2013
Jennifer, since you enjoy music, you must be happy to know that nice music is slowly trickling back to the US. People are again taking their art seriously. The funk and oppression is lifting. I know you are making better music there.
June 3, 2013
June 3, 2013
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. It finally hit one year today. The sky was still the sky but the colour was different. The angels lined up around you singing some of the new songs you taught them. You were watching and you were nodding in excitement. I knew you would make us happy up there in heaven. God has already confirmed you one of the super angels. Ora pro nobis.
June 3, 2013
June 3, 2013
Jennifer! I miss you so much! Where are you? Please send some condolence to us! Rest in Peace! I love you sooooooooooooooo much!
June 3, 2013
June 3, 2013 are you doing? I am hanging in here. I now know you did not die in vain. Love you and your mum lots. LOVE YOU.
May 27, 2013
May 27, 2013
It kills me to say that, by next Monday, it would be a year that, you have been gone. Rest in Peace Jenn. I love you & miss you very much. By next week Monday, reality will kick in. I've prayed that this is all just a misunderstanding, I haven't been proved proved wrong yet. I pray for your family's recovery from this incident everyday. I love you, Jenn, you remain in our hearts forever.
May 3, 2013
May 3, 2013
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, 11 months and we still struggle with reality. But I know you are watching over us with your mum from there. We still ask questions about why this happened. I'm sure you have been given the answers by God there. Ask Him to make this burden lighter for us. Jess and I are holding on and praying for God's grace. Sing for us Jenny, we miss your voice always. Rest on Angel.
April 3, 2013
April 3, 2013
Jenny, so this is it? No more morning hug and no more good night songs again. 10 months and counting and not a lot of things make sense so much again. How many songs have you composed to God and your mum over there? I trust you and I know you. Keep smiling my Dear Jenny. Keep an eye on your mum for me. I miss her, I miss you.
March 27, 2013
March 27, 2013
Jennifer, been thinking of you and your mum. God bless you perfect little angel. Say hi to your mum for me.
March 4, 2013
March 4, 2013
Jenny, dear Jenny, you and mummy have been gone for 9 months. 9 months of pain, anguish and heartache. Nothing makes sense down here again. But I know you are with God and it makes sense there. Pray for Jess and I to get through this till we join you. Jenny, oh Jenny.
February 4, 2013
February 4, 2013
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. 8 months there and loads of sadness here. Your school games is coming up this week and Jess craves your spiritual presence. How are you and mummy. Keep us in your prayers always. Life is tough here, very tough.
January 25, 2013
January 25, 2013
You should have had so many years, To watch your life unfold,
And in the mist of this, Watch the Ibe’s family grow!
I hope you’re watching us with your mum from above,
At the daily tasks, And let there be no doubt at all,
I really do love you.
Sing for the Lord, Jenny & Mum.
January 25, 2013
January 25, 2013
The ache is deep inside my heart, And never goes away.I hear it mentioned often, That time will heal the pain,But if I'm being honest, I hope it will remain.I need to feel you constantly, To get me through the day, Why did you go away ?
The angels came and took you and your mum, That really wasn't fair.
January 25, 2013
January 25, 2013
I only have a picture now, A frozen piece of time,
To remind me of how it was, When you were here, and mine.
I see your smiling eyes, Upon your lovely face. How much I miss you being here, I really cannot say.
January 7, 2013
January 7, 2013
Jenny Jenny Jenny, what a life. Can't believe you and mummy were not here for xmas. Jess and I were in London and France the last spots you visited on your last vacations on earth. There were no songs and there just few smiles. Will we ever recover Jenny? Pray for us to God and sing for us Jenny.
December 3, 2012
December 3, 2012
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, my Miss Nigeria, the shinning star. You know you have been away for 6 months now, you know time has not healed anything like they promised. Please send us your songs and flash us your smiles. Tell mum to remember her last promise to me that it will be alright. Jess and I are struggling. Tell God that this is not what we agreed. RIP my Angel. RIP JENNY.
November 5, 2012
November 5, 2012
Hey Jenn, it's me, Danielle, you've gone for quite a while now. We miss you a lot you know? I pray for you and your mom evryday. Lovve you guys till the death of me. Rest in Peace. Gone to Soon but, never forgotten, know that Jenny, know that.
November 3, 2012
November 3, 2012
Miss Jenny, you and mummy have been away for five months now. Is everything ok there? We haven't heard from you for sometime. Hope you are singing to mummy. Send us your new songs.
October 22, 2012
October 22, 2012
Jenny, I could hear you singing for me all over heaven on this my birthday but sad day today. I wish you were here to sing for me in person like you did with your mummy last year, then it would have been a happy day. Jess played very well at the volleyball tournament on saturday. She helped your team win the silver cup. I know you are proud of her.
October 19, 2012
October 19, 2012
Jenny, I'm sure you must be proud of your sister Jess. She did well in her first quarter report in school. She is also playing tommorrow in the voleyball tournament at AISA. All she keeps saying is that she wished you were here to play with her as usual. But I have assured her you will be watching over her ensuring she plays for both of you. Its Daaaaaaaaady.
October 12, 2012
October 12, 2012
Jenny, just to let you know that Jessica and I are struggling. On our way to school this morning, Jess was very very sad knowing she will not physically see you here again. She kept thinking of what life has become. Please ask God to help her and me to keep marching on. "Visit" us more regulary, let us be comforted. Its daaaaaaaaaaaaady.
October 3, 2012
October 3, 2012
Jenny, its exactly four months today. Last night I 'spent' time as usual with you, mummy and Jess. We looked at some CDs and your mum talked about why we must keep living. You even "called" uncle Emeka PA to make corrections on my business card. Last friday Jess sang in your memory at your school's national day event, she wore your mum's clothes in her memory. We Love and miss you, Jenny.
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June 4
June 4
Jenny dearest Jenny. It’s that time of the year again. Jess and I send our regards to you and your mom. Continue to remember us in heaven as we remember you here on earth. Always and forever. Daddy.
September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023
Jenny. Jenny. Jenny. Today, you’re missed on earth but celebrated in heaven. Happy 23 birthday. Tell your mummy we’re still here. Jess and I are doing OK.
June 3, 2022
June 3, 2022
Dearest Jenny, it’s that time of the year again. We remember you and your mum everyday. May your souls continue to Rest In Peace as we ask that you continue to pray for us in heaven. Amen.
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September 30, 2013
by Ike Ibe
God, Nigeria and my Family's Blood Story by Ike Ibe added on : 09/26/2013


Sunday September 22 was an important day in Owerri. It was the long awaited day of the presentation of my tribute and book in memory of my late Dear wife Nancy and my Loving daughter Jennifer. It was also my late daughter's birthday. She would have been 13. The presentation brought a semblance of political unity in Imo state. The event chaired by the state chairman of PDP also had chairmen and leaders of APC, SDP, UPP, APGA etc in attendance. Several current and past government leaders, religious leaders, Project Ike members, NAJICPA members from different cities, scores of my Facebook friends and rank and file of Imo people were in attendance. Of course the media outfits also came too. I thank all who took time out of their busy schedule to join me in honoring my late wife and daughter. We also took time to address some national issues especially corruption. Political leaders of Imo state dropped their divisions and threw banters at themselves. It was as if there were no political divides. Everyone was at peace with each other. God, Nigeria and my Family's Blood brought unity to Owerri albeit for a short time. Hopefully this is the beginning of new things in our body politic especially in IMO state. God bless and keep us all.


June 12, 2012

  A few years ago I met Jessica and Jennifer Ibe in Nigeria, newly coming to Africa from America. They were pretty cool and we hung out with each other, (honestly I wasn't  regretting the idea of coming to Nigeria anymore.) I met their parents and they were like the coolest adults I had ever met. Life was great. School was good but, most importantly I had my two new best friends right by my side and I never thought I was going to loose one of them.
I remember when we had this huge argument and I didn't want to give in and she didn't want to either but, one day she came up to me and said, "Danielle we're suppose to be best friends but, we can't even straighten up this crooked line between us". I just looked at her and I looked into her watery eyes and said,"I'm sorry" and she didn't say anything but, all she did was hug me and I knew then and there that she had forgiven me and I knew too that she knew I had forgiven her.  I respected Jennifer even though she was a grade below Jessica and I because, she reasoned better and understood more than her fellow class mates. In 6th grade I had only three people in my class, and that was Jessica Ibe, Saidu Shehu, and myself (Danielle Egbufoama) that made us only three students in the class. Saidu and I played alot with Jessica and sometimes we went a little over board with it but, we were just little kids just having fun, not trying to mean any harm. Jessica would always try to act annoyed when we messed around with her but, she would always laugh with us but, besides that we were having the time of our lives. One day after playing around with Jess, Saidu ran out to get a drink of water and I sat down with Jessica and we were just talking, I was still trying to mess around and before I knew it I said, " Do you love your little sister?" and she first looked at me as if I was crazy and finally she said, "Yes. Yes I do. Why are you asking?" I shrugged my shoulders at first and said, " Would you do anything thing for her?" she hesistated at first and then she said, "Of course I'd do anything for her. She's my little sister and I love her to pieces. Why do you keep on asking these questions? Don't you believe me? Why do you even care?". At that point I could see Jess wasn't lying, she was being honest , I could see it in her eyes that she'd do anything to protect her little sister ,Jennifer and  I could see she was concerned just with the look on her face. I wanted to tell her to chill it was just some questions but, I didn't because, I just started asking her questions like that out of no where and I could see she was just being protective but I just shrugged my shoulders walked around to the back of the room and sat there, it was until Saidu came back the silence had broken, at the end of the day I walked up to Jess, and said, "I believed you and you're a great big sister, I just wanted to hear you say those words, I don't know why but, I just did" she smiled and walked away. After 6th grade Jess and I didn't really see each other because, she went to a different school and Jennifer went to a new school too. The last time I actually remember seeing Jess and Jenn was on Jennifer's 11th birthday and time to time I would call and see how it was going with them.They moved to Apo so I could n't see them and I would beg my mom so I could go over their house so I could hang out with them and maybe even have a sleepover at their house. When I heard about the plane crash I went down the list and saw Jenny's name and said to myself, "No ,it can't be her there can be alot of Jennifer Ibes' in Nigeria. What are you thinking,that's just crazy". To find out later it was actually the Jennifer I knew. It killed me inside.  Sometimes I still think that maybe just maybe you'll wake up from death but, I know that's not going to happen.

   Jennifer was a sweet girl and her smile was the best in crowd and it's just sad to know that she's really gone with Mrs. Ibe. I can't even imagine how the Ibes' will cope with their tragic losses. But, deep down I know that you're still here watching over us and even though you can't be with us phsically you will always remain in our hearts. I keep telling myself it's real, that you're gone but, my mind can't bear the fact that I won't ever see you and your mom again. Rest In Peace Jenny. You were a great person. 



4 Days Party

June 7, 2012

Last year, Jennifer and Jessica came to spend some time with us. We had such a fun time and everyday when we were bored we will start a party. Luckily for us we had a good excuse, it was Obinna's birthday that period (My nephew and Jennifer's cousin). Each morning after the birthday Jennifer and the other grand kids will say, Aunty can we have another party today? and I always said "why not" this carried on for 4 days  until we got tired of partying.

We had to look for another avenue to spend our time and we resorted to going to the beach almost every other day. Being around Jenny was fantastic. She was full of energy and always up for a laugh. She was very intelligent and smart and like most kids her age was always singing all the latest songs and playing all the latest games.

Jennifer was only 12 but she was wearing my cloths and shoes. I jokingly discussed with her mum Nancy also a victim of this terrible crash that there is no need to shop for cloths for Jenny anymore rather I will be transferring my cloths to her, but recent events has proved otherwise.  

I spent lazy days telling them all the things they used to do when they were little and they could not stop giggling, they inturn were teaching me all the "cool things" and telling me which songs were the latest. They showed me their school videos and pointed out their friends in the video for me.       

To think that I will not spend another family holiday with her is unthinkable. I REST MY CASE.     

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