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Would she be proud?

May 25, 2021
I hate to ask here, but im doubting anyone will see this, espically you. But do you think your mom would be proud of what youve becone rachel? Id have to say no...Unless she wanted her daughter to become all the things ive seen from you. It saddens me how cold blooded you are. How you can pretend to love someone and instantly start stealing every and anything you can from them. Material items and worst of all, your manipulation and mind games. You worked your way into my life and did a lot of damage, like you knew i had a heart and would be loyal and exploited that for everything you could. Even destroying a very important relationship with a woman who was like a mother to me. You seemed to want to destroy all you could. And i kept taking you back. And you'd act like you cared, just to chip away more, steal more, damage more, destroy more. And all the while, play the victim. How and the hell does anyone with your character even are able to live guilt free is beyond me! Youve robbed me of so much. Money and otherwise. But guess that was the plan huh? 
   Theres so much more i could say, share what kind of a woman you really are, but i wont mention how you made yourself a mini you, with the help of her dad and a fat "chomo" according to you. Which good call as a mom, all the time alone you gave them. Youre one, if not the worst person ive ever met and you taught her to be 10 times worse then you. Shes a victim in all of this. Yet you make yourself the victim in that too. Youre poison rachel. And you speak of god, such a farce. Oh and question. Have you been faithful to anyone? I doubt it. How was i dumb enough to treat you like a woman when youre just gutter trash, community ass, no morals and zero shame. 

In loving memory Jennifer

July 18, 2017

Mother, this is for you n our family. Since no one cared enough about you or us to give you a funeral. It's sad that you we're so unimportant to everyone, sad. I love you soooooooooooooo much Mom. 

In loving memory Jennifer

May 24, 2017

I made this for my forever missed Mother "Jennifer Rodgers" your truly loved, n missed Mom. We lost the most given, caring, loving, smart, funny, witty, beautiful individual that day we lost my Mother. Miss you Mom, save a place for us all, see you soon.    Love your oldest daughter, Rachel Mae (aka)  Joy.... ❤

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