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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Jeremiah Hansen, 32, born on June 22, 1984 and passed away, unexpectedly, at his home on May 2, 2017.

We will remember him forever.....

I encourage uploads of any pictures, videos, or memories you would like to share. The site will ask for an email address and to set up a password. This allows the site to send me a notification so I can ensure the content remains appropriate. I will not share your email information with anyone.


June 22, 2021
June 22, 2021
Happy birthday Jeremy!
I love you and miss you so very much.
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
It is so hard to believe that it is 4 years since you left us.
Today like any other day brings special thoughts of you. Of the happy times we've shared and the caring things you use to do.
And once more we are reminded that life's road is sometimes rough, because the time we shared just wasn't enough.
You were someone special with your contagious smile and sense of adventure. You lived life to the fullest.
You brought joy to every life you touched but a beautiful soul lives on forever. The memories of you will always be a treasure.
Love you and miss you so very much.
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
Still feels like yesterday, not 4 years. If you were here, I think you would be proud of what I have been able to do with craft fairs. Miss you.
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
We can't believe 4 years have gone by already. Miss you. 

Love, Linda & Bob Logemann
June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020
Happy Birthday Jeremy!! You are still missed everyday!

                  Love, Linda and Bob Logemann
June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020
     Missing You On Your Birthday

You were very kind and thoughtful with a warm and loving heart.  When other people needed help, you always played your part. You're thought of every single day whatever time of year. But somehow more than ever now your special day is here. No present can be given and that's really very hard but there's a world of love inside this special little card. Each memory is shining bright and treasured dearly. But memories can't take the place of you. 
You are loved. You are missed. You will always be remembered.
May 2, 2020
May 2, 2020
You are loved. You are missed. You will always be remembered.

Ever since you went away the days go slowly by.
The hardest thing to cope with is never knowing why...

That I don't understand and maybe never will.
Questions left unanswered now your voice is still.

To lose you was unbearable and time and time again,
I've tried to look for reasons that no one can explain.

Life and death hold mysteries but one thing is for sure,
I loved you then, I love you now and will forever.

May 2, 2020
May 2, 2020
You are still in our thoughts everyday.
                    --Your in -laws Bob and Linda Logemann
June 22, 2019
June 22, 2019
Happy Birthday Jeremy!

   Without Warning
You left us without warning,
Not even a good bye,
And we can't seem to stop,
Asking the question why?
We didn't see this coming
It hit us by surprise,
And when you left
A small part of us died.
Your smile could brighten anyone's day,
No matter what they were going through.
And everyday for the rest of our life
We will be missing you.
Love you and miss you
May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019
To the family of Jeremy Hansen
It's never easy to lose someone far too early in life. I recently was made aware of Jeremy's passing from 2 years ago. I'm beside myself in disbelief. This might be too late to give my condolences, but I still wanted to share my deepest sympathy and short story. I graduated high school with Jeremy and played volleyball with his dear wife. While I was never close with him as we grew older, I still knew the kind of man he was. It's no secret Jeremy was a kind, smart, talented and well-loved guy. I would always smile in the halls because wherever Jeremy was...Holly was. And wherever Holly was...Jeremy was. If God ever made a perfect was them. One day in school I was simply having a bad day. Everything that could go wrong..did. Walking timidly to the nearest bathroom as tears pour down my face...I heard a boy talking. Embarrassed..I looked up and it was Jeremy passing by in the hall. He asked if I was okay and if I needed anything. Kindly denying his help, he wished me luck for the volleyball game that night and we parted ways. This may not seem significant to anyone, but it was to me. Kids can be really mean and awful, but Jeremy was not one of them. It's been almost 18 yrs since that happened, but it's a memory of him that I will never forget. I remember things that mattered. Jeremy mattered. And his simple kind gesture changed my day from bad to great. He was the kind of guy where you felt lucky to have him as a friend. I never saw him again after graduation, yet, always knew he'd be successful in whatever direction he chose. So, to Jeremy's heart is heavy hearing of your loss...but you raised one heck of a guy. I hope you find some comfort in this story because your son was nothing less than perfect.
May 2, 2019
May 2, 2019
Missing you today and always.
Today like any other day
bring special thoughts of you.
Of happy times we shared
and caring things you use to do.
And once more, it's a reminder
that life's road is sometimes rough
because the time we shared
just wasn't enough.
For you were someone special
with your smile and your sense of fun.
You brought joy to every life you touched,
And you are missed so very much.
But a beautiful soul lives on forever.
The memories of you we will always treasure.
Love you and miss you so much.
May 2, 2019
May 2, 2019
We know it has been 2 years since you have been gone but we still miss you as if you left yesterday. #bestson-in-lawever. Love Linda and Bob Logemann
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Thinking of you this Christmas and how things just aren't the same.
There's this dull and nagging heartache when someone speaks your name.
Sadly, we can't buy gifts for you just silent tears that fall
For this time of year without you is the hardest time of all.
Losing you was painful. But the biggest challenge is learning to live
without you. And till today, I am still struggling.
Love you and miss you.
June 22, 2018
June 22, 2018
Missing you
We're missing you a little more each time we hear your name,
We've cried so many tears yet our heart's broken just the same.
We miss our times together, things in common we could share.
But nothing fills the emptiness now you're no longer here.
We have so many precious memories to last our whole life through.
Each one of the reminders of how much we still miss you.
Happy birthday Jeremy!
Love and miss you so very much.
Love Mom
May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018
Today marks one year since you left us.
It seems so surreal.

To lose someone so special
Is really hard to bear.
It hardly seems believable
That you're no longer here.

You left us far too early
Before your time it seems,
And now you will never have the chance
To fulfill all of those dreams.

However hard it is though
We will take comfort in the thought
Of all the memories we have of you
And the happiness you brought.

You always lived life to the fullest
But ours won't be the same.
You are forever missed
Forever in our hearts.

Love and miss you
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
Not a day goes by I don't both smile and cry.
Every memory of you brings me such joy,
the pain comes knowing you are not here to make new ones.

I honestly don't believe the pain will ever go away, nor do I want it too.
I do believe I will learn to live with it day by day.

Everything I see or do reminds me of you. And that my son is a great problem to have!

I'll always miss you,

Love Dad
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
Of all the special gifts in life
However great or small
To have you as my Son
Was the greatest gift of all.

A special time
A special face
A special Son
I can't replace,

With an aching heart
I whisper low
I miss you Son
And love you so.

Today marks nine months since you have left us.
It still seems so unreal.  Not a day goes by that a tear is not shed just thinking of you.

Love you with all my heart.
June 22, 2017
June 22, 2017
Missing You
The moment that you left us my heart was split in two, one side was filled with memories, the other side died with you.
I often lay awake at night when the world is fast asleep, and walk down memory lane with tears upon my cheek.
Remembering you is easy. I do it every day, but missing you is a heartache that never goes away.
I hold you tightly within my heart and there you will remain; you see life has gone on without you, but will never be the same.
Author unknown
You are forever missed, forever in our hearts.
Happy birthday!
Love mom
June 22, 2017
June 22, 2017
Happy 33rd Birthday Jeremy! We miss you. Love from the In-Laws
May 10, 2017
May 10, 2017
Jeremy was the best son-in-law a father could hope for. He loved my daughter and treated her very well. I will miss him.

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June 22, 2021
June 22, 2021
Happy birthday Jeremy!
I love you and miss you so very much.
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Honoring Jeremy's creativity

January 7, 2018
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Jeremy loved to do things that challenged his abilities. There was no such thing as good enough. He would let his mind design something then worry about how he would make it a reality. He never had any doubt he could accomplish something regardless the task.

This first Christmas without our son has been tough. I needed something to focus on so I came up with this idea. Everything is fabricated by me including the controller. I almost quit on numerous occasions but wanted to get at least one song operational for Christmas. I found myself stringing lights and running wires in the dark on Christmas eve. I could only hope it would work when the family arrived.

The completed project reflects everything about Jeremy. Take an idea and turn it into a reality with little knowledge of how to build such A thing. From design to reality was less than a month. I learned a great deal and already have ideas for next year.


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