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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Jesse Sayers, 34 years old, born on July 26, 1979, and passed away on August 15, 2013. We will remember him forever.
September 6, 2021
September 6, 2021
Well Jesse, so much has happened since your last birthday. You became a grandfather. Katlyn had a little boy February 3,2021. His name is
BEAUTIFUL he looked just like your birth picture. The ultrasound looked just like Zac. Through it all I saw Katlyn. I get to see him a good bit now. We had a bad year of Covid 19. Now we are keeping safe from delta variant. Everyone is well. Happy, and safe. I Love You. My son. Happy 42nd birthday. Stay with nanny and my dad  They will love you as I do.

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September 6, 2021
September 6, 2021
Well Jesse, so much has happened since your last birthday. You became a grandfather. Katlyn had a little boy February 3,2021. His name is
BEAUTIFUL he looked just like your birth picture. The ultrasound looked just like Zac. Through it all I saw Katlyn. I get to see him a good bit now. We had a bad year of Covid 19. Now we are keeping safe from delta variant. Everyone is well. Happy, and safe. I Love You. My son. Happy 42nd birthday. Stay with nanny and my dad  They will love you as I do.
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