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July 27, 2020
Dearest Jessica,

I just found out that you passed away, my beautiful friend. I will always remember your warm smile and how wonderful and exciting it was to work side by side with you and Nancy for so many years. I learned a lot from you. And It was you that kept me, Barbara and Mariann strong when we ran away from the towers that dreadful day. You will always be in my heart. Rest In Peace, Jess. XOXO

Jessica Ascencio

July 1, 2020
I will miss your big heart and generous soul. I am struggling with your passing but I know that you are no longer in pain and you are at rest now. I want to thank you for being a part of my life and even though we couldn't connect as much in your last years please know that you were always in my prayers and thoughts. Until we meet again, Rest In Peace my friend!

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