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When we got home from the Hospital after Jessica passed

November 5, 2017

We were cleaning the living room, getting ready for family and friends coming into town.  We needed to fold up Jessica treadmill; there was a book on it.  Jess would always be reading a book while walking on the treadmill.  The name of the book was "The Unfinished Portrait of Jessica".

3 yrs ago today

November 5, 2017

Jessica had this come up on Facebook this morning - she posted this 3 yrs ago today:

I go in to the prep stage of my LVAD surgery in a few hours. Then they are moving me to surgery at around six thirty a.m. The surgery should start about seven a.m. It will probably last twelve hours. So I won't be on or responding to messages for a bit. In case anything happens you should know that I love each and every one of you! You are all special for many various reasons. Never forget your own worth! I am so lucky to have met you or talked to you or even just played a game with you. You have all enriched my life and helped keep me sane through all the ups and downs with my health. I don't think I will ever be able to adequately express my gratitude. Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers!  No matter what happens, I will be at peace in the place I belong!

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