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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Jessie Skiff, 29 years old, born on April 10, 1987, and passed away on June 3, 2016. We will remember him forever.
June 3, 2021
June 3, 2021
You were so amazing
Not one day passes that i don't think of you

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June 3, 2021
June 3, 2021
You were so amazing
Not one day passes that i don't think of you
His Life

Jessie and Carlyn

June 3, 2021
  • The most amazing wonderful love i ever had 
  • I will always love you
Recent stories

R.I.P My Brother and Best Friend

January 2, 2023
Anyone who knew Jessie knew how much he loved HIS FAMILY and how close he was to them especially his brother, my husband, Jeremy Skiff. Its been almost 7 years and it doesn't get any easier I know that much! Jessie's life was taken from him and us way to SOON! Because of his lifestyle, of course his death was never investigated but it should have been! It was definitely not an accident and he would have never taken his own life!! Life without him is hard especially for his FAMILY! I have had to watch my husband ache in pain for his brother everyday since he has been gone as well as all of us!! Jessie loved his Neices and Nephews as if they were his own and they miss him so much and some didn't get to know him because he was taken so soon and they were so little! He lives on in our hearts and we keep him alive by talking about him and sharing memories. He was funny, caring, loving and just a wonderful person. He had his days of course and he could get fiesty like any other person lol, he was a hard worker and so outgoing to. Loved to go fishing and crabbing on the beach and we did that often. It took my husband till just last summer to step foot on the beach again! I wish I could take all our pain away but I can't and I know Jessie will forever be in out hearts and in our dreams! Rest Easy My Brother and Best Friend! I hope karma finds who did this to you and that it will come back to them and the guilt eats them up! God sees everything!! There were errors in Jessie's ways but he knew that and he still loved and believed in the Lord!! I love you Jessie!!!

Jessie was one of a kind

December 24, 2021
I fell head over heels for Jessie and it wasn't long before we lived together and were Best friends and made it almost five years

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