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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Jim Harmel, 57, born on June 10, 1958 and passed away on March 18, 2016. We think of him often and will remember him forever.

March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
Vanessa, I did not know him but what I have heard he was a wonderful man. You are very lucky to have shared a love like that so cherish it forever, some people never experience that gift. I too am grieving for a loved one and you just can only take each day at a time. I know that is all I can do. I do miss your laughter and friendship. May your heart be at peace. You have a lovely heart. Take care my friend, Sharon Bodie
March 18, 2017
March 18, 2017
I miss you more everyday babe. It's not getting any easier with time. I think about you and see you everywhere I go. I love you today, I love you forever.

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March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
Vanessa, I did not know him but what I have heard he was a wonderful man. You are very lucky to have shared a love like that so cherish it forever, some people never experience that gift. I too am grieving for a loved one and you just can only take each day at a time. I know that is all I can do. I do miss your laughter and friendship. May your heart be at peace. You have a lovely heart. Take care my friend, Sharon Bodie
March 18, 2017
March 18, 2017
I miss you more everyday babe. It's not getting any easier with time. I think about you and see you everywhere I go. I love you today, I love you forever.
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Established 1977

March 17, 2017

In August of 1976 we met at Dunkin Dounts in Albuquerue NM.  Jim was a baker and I was a counter girl.  We could not get along, he tried to get me fired and I requested not be scheduled at the same time as him.  We bumped heads immediately.  Both opinionated, stubborn and didn't like to be wrong. As we were forced to work closely with each other we found middle ground and began talking while we worked.  We talked about everything.  He was a big dreamer, that never changed in the 40 years I knew him.  Always dreaming and looking at tomorrow.  But never forgot the past. On January 16th, after a long day of working about 10 hours he asked me if I wanted to go and get something to eat. It was after that pizza at Pizza Inn that I knew I wanted to spend alot more time with him.  Of course he had a couple of other girls he was dating, the boss' daughter being one of them.  So we didn't really "date".  I went and stayed with my grandmother during Feb and Mar and then on March 26, 1977 I came back home and we had our 2nd date and March 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 we were hanging out somewhere together, mostly at the donut shop or the Subway next door.  Then on April 1st we went roller skating and he asked me (I think unplanned) to get married.  I said yes... spontaneously and thought maybe it was an April fools joke, because, if you knew JIm, he would do that.  But he asked me the next day if I told my parents, I said no, but I would!  We joked about it for years, thinking we were both too stubborn to admit either of us were just joking!  But honestly, we both were following our heart, not our head and that is how we lived everyday of our life together, always allowing our heart to lead our way.  We were married on June 11,1977 and that is only the beginning of thousands of stories. I'm going to record them on this website over time. I hope you will share one or two about him also. 

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