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March 18, 2014
March 18, 2014
Thought about Jim throughout yesterday, March 17, 2014 (St. Paddy's Day and Jim's birthday.) He was born a week before I was. So, if he were around, I'd now be reminding him loudly that he was in his (gasp!) seventies, while I was still in my sixties. I'm sure Jim would simply smile and say, "Wait a few days. Then you can join the adults."
October 18, 2013
October 18, 2013
Sandy Martin, Alonzo Clark and I had dinner a few weeks ago and took turn telling Modisette Jokes. We talked about the many years we were all at LAYC and what fun we had. Talked about the Bahamas Thanksgiving, and what good hosts Roth and Jim were.
As they say...gone but definitely not forgotten.
May 10, 2013
May 10, 2013
I passed by the entrance to Jim and Roth's house the other day and noticed the riot of daffodils by the road and remembered seeing Jim digging there and all over the place with his tractor toy to plant those daffodils. A beautiful thing to leave for the rest of us.
May 9, 2013
May 9, 2013
Erno and I just learned of Jim's death and are so sad and shocked to think his always cheery presence is with us no more. We were all transplants from Pasadena to Maine, a strong bond. Our greatest sympathy and best wishes to Roth and JM.
April 22, 2013
April 22, 2013
My husband Todd and I first encountered Jim as clients in 1997 in Maine. I was still in the military serving in Maryland. We had encountered problems with a vicious family member with property that had been in my mother-in-laws family since the 1700s. Todd and I don't have a lot of money to speak of but Jim never treated us any differently than his wealthy clients. I call him our "Adicus".
January 20, 2013
January 20, 2013
I believe I first "met" Jim in approx. 1961 when he played DB for the Flintridge Prep Highlanders in La Canada, Ca. I played receiver for arch rival Chadwick School. Good chance Jim tackled me (cleanly, of course) after my only reception. Later, we were law partners for years when Jim introduced me to the annual stag cruise held on Catalina Island. He is much missed by Judy and me.
November 9, 2012
November 9, 2012
I added a few photos of Jim at the Castine regatta in 2007. It was a specticle of bright colors, festive boats, and lots of kids. Jim was zooming around organizing and helping. I was and am impressed by his ability to organize and support the high school sailing team at George Stevens Academy. He obviously loved it and his enthusiasm was contagious. He is missed. My best to Roth and JM.
November 6, 2012
November 6, 2012
I'll remember and honor Jim for his generosity, his uflagging good humor and his immense pride in and love for Ruth and JM. He was first in line to lend a hand, learn something new and celebrate the good times. A life ended too soon.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Working with Jim on the creation and implementation of KSEA was a pleasure. Collaborating with Jim on KYC was fun. Cruising with Jim and Roth was a joy. Knowing Jim was great. Being his friend was an honor.
He will be missed but never forgotten.
Rich & Susie
October 31, 2012
October 31, 2012
I have fond memories of Jim and the many conversations we had on the docks supporting JM and Patrick during their high school and collegiate sailing. Always smiling - a really good guy!

Christopher W Rynne MD
Scituate, MA
October 29, 2012
October 29, 2012
Godspeed Jim. We miss you. Thank you for being a good friend, a good neighbour and a warm, caring person. Our heartfelt condolences to Ruth and JM.
Ann and Andrew
October 29, 2012
October 29, 2012
I have known Jim and his family for almost 25 years. He lit up every room that he ever entered. I looked forward to seeing them every year when they came home to Maine, before they moved here permenantly. Such a sad loss and a life taken way to soon. Thinking of you all...
October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012
Dear Roth and JM, I was so sad to hear the news. Jim was such a wonderful presence at KYC and especially with KSEA - he escorted KSEA into existence. He will be missed. Love to you both. Deborah
October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012
John and I got to know Jim through my friendship with Ruth, and we enjoyed many great times visiting them, mainly in Hopetown. Jim was a kind and generous soul, and very outgoing, On our various outings, it seemed he either knew everyone he met, or if not would introduce himself and immediately add a new friend. He left us all too soon. Our deepest sympathy to Ruth, JM and Mora.
October 23, 2012
October 23, 2012
Jim always had a smile and a story - we will miss him walking Beau down the lane in Hopetown. We will miss him at the KYC and Marlintini's. We will just miss him. 
Our deepest sympathy to Roth, JM and Beau. Rich and Aletha
October 23, 2012
October 23, 2012
Out of pure coincidence, Jim was one of the first people to welcome me home to Maine and into the KYC family. Always ready with a smile and story, true blue and rock solid, funny, direct, devoted to everyone and everything he believed in. A chance meeting in the Fox Island Thoroughfare led to a treasured friendship with Jim and Ruth. We are lucky to have known him. ~ Isla & Andrew
October 23, 2012
October 23, 2012
Jim was such a supportive guy with an uncanny amount of common sense and great judgement. Every conversation which I had with him I remember clearly how much humor he had with so many things in life. His only concern upon visiting MIT was that JM was having fun. Clearly he knew better than anyone else how tough JM could be on himself.
October 23, 2012
October 23, 2012
Jim was a supportive part of my family while Marisol was in high school & college with JM. Jim provided her with fatherly guidance. She was one of the many young people Jim mentored, influenced & drove around the country on sailing trips. I will forever be grateful for the good experiences he brought into my family's life. I will miss his cheery hellos & his presence at GSA gatherings.

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