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day we met

August 17, 2014

The day we met, was really nothing special, I was bartending and you came in before  going home from work, we talked awhile while I was working you started talking to me about your son Luke you showed name pictures of him you where so proud of him the picture you should me was so cute I told you!!! You came back the next day also but you had Uncle Larry and Chuck with you then about the third time you came back you asked me out!!! We went to PePes Mexican restaurant in Waukegan!!! I loved it you where the perfect gentlemen you opened doors and everything!!! You worn flannel shirt and that grey vest of yours ,( still  Have)!!! The next day you tried to call me but you couldn't get a hold of me, you thought that I didn't want anything to do with you, but I was at the hospital visiting Jackie, she just got done having Kelly so I went to see them!!! But load and behold we did end up on more dates and getting married!!! I found out sometime later about you thought that I didn't want to go out with you!!!  To this day I'm glad that you didn't give up and kept chasing me!!!! Even though someone told you not to marry the "BARTENDER" cuz there would go the free drinks!!! Thanks for following your heart and not Uncle Larry's stomach!!!  I LOVE YOU JD FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART !!!!

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