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December 29, 2019
December 29, 2019
To the Kings family, my deepest condolences to you all. Death gives no answers, may you be comforted and strengthened during this difficult period.
December 28, 2019
December 28, 2019
A Journey Remembered from DaySpring Card

“As some people journey through life, they leave footprints wherever they go- footprints of kindness and love, courage and compassion, humor and inspiration, joy and faith.
Even when they are gone we can still look back and clearly see the trail they left behind- a trail bright with hope that invites us to follow. “

Mrs. King you were truly a special person who meant so much to my mom and my family. We learnt what true friendship was by growing up with you, mom and Ms. Blair.

Those beach trips and going to all the family graduations and special functions.

You will be gone in body but never in spirit!

Sleep on my beloved. Sleep on and take your rest.
Psalm 89:15
Blessed are those who walk in the light of Your presence.

From Ruby, Claudia, Francine, Carla, Ariel and children.

Say hi to Daddy for us.
December 27, 2019
December 27, 2019
Mrs King, if I am half the teacher you were then I have done well. You were fair as you were stern and by extension brought out the best in us as students. You made us laugh so much, even at ourselves. I also remember that you, Ms. Palmer, and Ms Blair were a “3 piece” package deal. No bad behavior would go unnoticed. You made Grade 5 memorable. My condolences to your family and friends. I will continue to share the principles I learned with my students. I will never forget that you believed in me when others didn’t.
RIP Ms King.
December 26, 2019
December 26, 2019
I am grateful for a wonderful teacher such as you. You were my wonderful grade 5 teacher who taught me about leadership and gave me my first experience in public speaking among my peers. Thank you for being an inspiration. Thank you for being an awesome teacher. While stern,you showed your love for your students and how much you wanted them to do well. I am blessed because you were apart of my educational journey and I know you would be proud to know those vacabulary classes are still apart of me and even while writing this message about you I am still checking my spelling.
You will be missed Mrs. King
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
"Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher"..
                   (Japanese proverb)

Looking back to yesteryear.. truly I've had many great "one days" with Mrs. King my former teacher who instilled discipline and ingrained the word "ambition". Mrs. King was never a mediocre teacher but instead, she was a Master teacher who believed that all her students had the potential to learn. Unceasingly, Mrs. King was committed to seeing the success of every student who entered and exited her classroom door.

For all the lifelong learning lessons that you taught.. Salute and Hats off to you Mrs. King.

We shall meet again somewhere in the 'spirt world'...
Love and respect always...

"Ms Downer's busy body Karen"
Former grade five(5) student
1986 - Spaldings Primary School
December 21, 2019
December 21, 2019
Joan you were tired God knows and he want you to rest. But my heart is broken. You never say “goodbye”. To the family God is standing by, he will encourage and quiet you. It is confusing, but we have a hope and hope that won’t make us not ashamed. Goodnight Joan, see you in the morning. To the family: the sun will shine again.
Love always, Sibs
December 21, 2019
December 21, 2019
Mummy, I love you and I miss you so much. 

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