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August 5, 2017
August 5, 2017
August 3, 2017

Dear Cindy and Family--Having your mother as my neighbor and friend for the past 21 years has been such an honor. Her smile, warm heart, and her gift of making people feel loved will be greatly missed, but I carry these gifts from her close to my heart. What a beautiful lady. My prayers are with you as she is now in God's arms and at peace.

Barbara Grass, Winfield, IL
August 4, 2017
August 4, 2017
Cindy, You were the most devoted and sweet daughter a mother could ever have. Sympathies to you and your family.
August 4, 2017
August 4, 2017
I truly enjoyed caring for your mother! A very, very sweet lady. When I think of her, there was an incident that always brings a smile. One day her exercise class at Wyndermere, let out a little early and I had no idea where she had gone. Jody always loved her sweets. Evidently, she had found her way into the dining room where they were having a party for all the people who had sung for the Christmas program. She had a little plate filled with assorted cookies. I explained the situation to the people there and they were happy that Jody was enjoying herself. I did have to stop her though, from having a second helping.  However, I'm sure there is a pastry shop in heaven just waiting for Jody's arrival.
I hope the fond memories of your mother comfort you always, Shirley
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
I will always remember Joanne in her cozy, dimly lit little kitchen
with WGN radio playing softly in the background. She would be busily
preparing a meal or always making sure Cindy I got something to eat
or a snack after school. She was a strong, quiet, sweet, and loving soul that I remember finding great comfort in just being around her as I myself had just lost my own mom a year before I met Cindy. She always made you feel welcome and loved. She was a truly remarkable mom for giving of herself and sharing her heart with us. So grateful I had the chance to know her and witness her elegance. She was a treasure and will most assuredly be missed.

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