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Family & Friends:
This memorial website was created in memory of my son, Jochim Emmanuel Cotton, 45, born on February 23, 1972 and passed away on May 19, 2017.

Please feel free to share your memories of Jochim in any format: pics, videos, music, art, audio...
This is his celebration.. Let's share his life.
Love & Peace 
Wendell Pearson Cotton

December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022
A vivid memory of my son comes to mind in the wake of the passing of Franco Harris this past week, just days before the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the "Immaculate Reception" of December 23, 1972.
It happened to be Jochim's 10th month birthday. As always, I watched the NFL playoff game with intense interest. As the game wound down in the breezy snow field with the last-second pass downfield by Bradshaw and the ball was miraculously caught just inches from the ground by Franco and he scampered into the endzone for the Steelers' victory, I completely lost it. I was sitting on the floor just a few feet from the TV between our bedroom and the front room. As the play unfolded and Harris trotted into the endzone I went completely crazy - jumping up and bashing my back on the door frame and yelling and screaming about what I had just witnessed. Jochim's mom had not seen me react to anything like that before and was terrified. Jochim, laying on the bed, didn't budge. I scooped him up and tossed him up in the air and cheered some more. He was delighted and excited with me. It was a warm bonding moment that I will cherish forever. RIP Franco and thank you for a fond memory of my son and me bonding over this exciting moment in history.
Jochim's Dad
December 23, 2022
May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022
Today marks the 5th year of receiving the most devestating news of my life. My first child and first son departed this world and entered his eternal resting place with his creator and his ancestors who lovingly embraced him. Jochim Emmanuel Cotton lived an uneven life between his physical personal challenges.
My son at 45 was still reaching for his potential as a creative artist, musician and deep thinker. Through his many trials and tribulations, Jochim wrestled with and confronted his personal demons along with dealing with his cultural identity. As a mixed race person in America, Jochim was always facing two sets of racial identity. As his father, I always instilled in him that he was first of all an independent human being who had nothing to say about his ethnic background and that he represented the best of both ethnicites. His challenge was attempting to "fit in" with one group or the other and feel comfortable in his own skin. I'm not really sure that he was ever comfortable in either world - black or white, but he dealt with it the best he could.
Despite these challenges, Jochim remained a caring and respectful person with all those he met. I miss him every day and pray that his spirit continues to stay close to my heart. God bless you son.
I love you, and miss you every day.
May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022
My dear son. As the days, months and years move on since you left us my heart continues to grow with the memories of your life. My quiet smiles remembering you on your tike bite, zooming around the yard, building giant sale boats with your legos, speeding down the soccer field, broad jumping with the best and making tackles. I still see you at all ages doing what you loved to do. And always having in your mind the song book of your life. Jimi would be proud. The smiles continue to overcome the tears. Happy birthday Son. We continue to hold you close to our hearts.
February 23, 2022
February 23, 2022
I’m so sorry I didn’t see this before. It was an honor to have you as family! I only wish we could have spent more time together getting to know one another. All of the stories and tributes speak so well of your Legacy. We miss you. Happy Heavenly Birthday!
July 11, 2020
July 11, 2020
I just read through all the tributes and kind words my extended family shared with the Cotton family. It was three years ago this weekend that the family gathered in Dallas to memorialize Jochim's much too shortened life.
I want to thank all of you for expressing such heartfelt condolences to our family in remembering my Super Baby, Jochim.
He is resting peacefully with his Maker and I know is strumming the sweetest chords on his guitar. Fly on My Sweet Angel, Fly on with the Spirits!
February 29, 2020
February 29, 2020
It has been three years since you left us for a better place and I still can’t believe you left so quickly and without warning. I think of you constantly and continue to feel your love and guidance when I meet difficult times. Son, you will always be number one in my heart and soul. Your spirit continues to give me strength to carry on. I will always miss you but I keep you tight to my heart. Love you son.
February 23, 2020
February 23, 2020
Forever loved, forever missed, forever remembered!
February 27, 2019
February 27, 2019
As we leave this February of 2019 with all the crazies in the world surrounding us everyday, I continually feel the love of my first son envelope me and tell me to chill. "Its gonna be all right."
We speak constantly through the spirit if our endless genes.
Jochim's spirit continues to motivate me to stay humble and treat everyone with due respect. 
He is with the family's Pisces school - his great-grandfather, Joseph Pearson, February 22, 1875; his grandfather, Wendell N. Cotton, February 25, 1922; and his nephew, Christopher Todd, February 26, 1969. They continue to give me strength to live and love.
Happy birthday son.
February 27, 2019
February 27, 2019
Pearson, this is such a lovely way to keep the memory of Jochim and actually continue to hold him in belonging to the community of souls yet on the earth plane and even beyond. He belongs, therefore he is. And so are we.
February 23, 2018
February 23, 2018
Today I celebrate the life of Jochim Emmanuel Cotton, my first child born on this day 46 years ago. We lost him way too soon last year to a blood clot in his knee that resulted in cardiac arrest.
He was our Super Baby, walking at 8 months old and a master at legos at age 3. He loved drawing pictures of the rock group Kiss and giving them to his kindergarten classmates. His passion was playing the guitar and made his own out of scrap wood, nails and string at 7. To hear him play the piano at that same age was a delight. He kept the passion for music throughout his life. I believe he was just getting the confidence and skills to take that next step into fulfilling his dreams of playing his guitar when he left us last May. He now I’m sure is playing in that celestial orchestra with his idol Jimi Hendrix and all the other wonderful musicians who are now playing for all of us who loved their art. I miss my son dearly and never a moment goes by without remembering his awesome smile and his sparkling eyes. I love you son. Happy birthday son. You are my heart.
February 23, 2018
February 23, 2018
I know my cousin is resting in the arms of Jesus. He will live forever in the hearts of his loving family and friends.
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
Wendell please know that our prayers and thoughts are with you during this time of sorrow. May Jehovah comfort and support your family.
July 4, 2017
July 4, 2017
Dear Pearson & Family:
We are heartbroken. As you face this unimaginable loss, may the love of your family and friends help you endure what you must with Grace. We are with you.
Nora, Guy, Hasna & The Family
July 3, 2017
July 3, 2017
While I never had the pleasure of meeting Jochim, I just can't imagine the devastation of losing a son way too early. Our deepest and sincere condolences, Pearson.. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Bob and Lynn Naksone
July 3, 2017
July 3, 2017
I met Jochim in Bellingham when he was 8. My partner, Sharon, and I spent many enjoyable times with Jochim and his family. Looking at the photos brings back a lot of fond memories of the "Cotton Family" at the little Cable Street house. To hear of Jochim's untimely passing was of great shock and sorrow to me. I taught Jochim how to fish at the local children's fishing derby and shared his excitement of catching his first whopper (an 8 inch trout). The last time I saw Jochim he was about 17, when he put me to shame when we played some electric guitar riffs. Sadly, I never saw much of Jochim after he moved from Bellingham. Having a 12 year old son myself, tells me just how painful and difficult it must be to loose a son at such a young age. I send my heartfelt support and condolences to the whole Cotton family. Love, comfort, and peace to all.
July 3, 2017
July 3, 2017
Dear Pearson, I cannot imagine the unbelievable grief that you and the entire Cotton family must feel after the loss of a child. If Jochim was anything like you, his dad, he was full of kindness and sincerity, and had a life of adventure that was cut off way too soon. I love you--always--just know I cannot stop thinking of you!
July 3, 2017
July 3, 2017
It is hard losing a love one at any time. Just know that God is with you in everything you do. I give my sincere thoughts and love to the whole family. God bless you and keep your mind, spirit, and soul through the passing of your son. 

Veronica Pearcy
July 1, 2017
July 1, 2017
i remember the first time I met Jochim, i think he was only about nineteen, great smile and personality. He knew how to make a person feel at ease, one couldn't help but feel his beautiful spirit. My Sincerest Condolences to you, Pearson and your family. Remember that his light is an eternal flame.
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
My dear, sweet cousin! We haven't seen each other in a very long time, but when we did see each other, we reminisced about my visit to Bellingham and our fun getting to know each other and your trips East to visit us in Philadelphia.  Rest well, Joachim!! Tell the family hello and keep watch over us, here, still in our earthly living.

Cousin Elaine 
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
Burn sage, frankincense, and lemon balm . . . for calming depression. Take care of yourself, and know that you are loved dearly by many good people who are wishing you well. I can only imagine your pain, but I believe in the power of the Creator to heal.
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
I can't begin to imagine the sorrow brought to your family over the loss of Jochim. You have been in my prayers since we spoke. All my love,
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
"There are no words that can truly express how terribly sorry Dean and I are for the loss of your beloved son. The entire Cotton family are in our thoughts and prayers. You are loved"
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
Just received this jolting news, And my heart reaches out to you this morning as you process the loss of your son. I shall be thinking of you as I pass through the Lompoc region as I return to Atlanta from San Luis Obispo,Cali cherishing memories of all the Cottons. See you later in July.
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
My deepest condolences to you and your family. God has His reasons for calling His children home. I pray for you in your time of grief. God bless you.
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
It was too soon, and a complete traumatic shock to lose my son at age 45. I am still dealing with deep grief and each kind and soothing word from family and friends have made it just a little bit easier to bear. Thank you all for your love, prayers and support for the Cotton family during this difficult time.
Please feel free to share your thoughts. They will all be greatly appreciated.
Pearson Cotton, Dad
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your beloved son and brother. On this Home Coming know that the creator can call us to return home at any time for life he needs us to perform in his realm. Always remember through your love as parents, siblings and family, Jochim made life better for all lives he touched forever and that is an eternal feeling and memory. Love, James, Lisa and Jenaro
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
There are no words. I can't imagine your grief, old friend. To you and yours, my heartfelt condolences. We need to meet and fill in the blanks of way too many lost years. When we do, when we catch up, I'd love to hear more about Jochim and the rest of your beautiful family. Then, we can compare notes on life, love and an ancient friendship that could stand a fresh start. Your brother from another, Kenny.
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
Oh, dear Pearson, I cannot imagine the depth of your pain from losing Jochim. We were young, idealistic and optimistic young parents together. Our children made our lives whole. Such a beautiful child he was. I know it is not for us to understand the order of these things, but it seems like the cruelest of tragedies for a parent to outlive the child. I am sending you, and the whole family, my deepest sympathy and love. Suzi and the Johnston family.
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
Wendell: I'm so sad to read this. You know I love you, and have traveled a long way with you. Losing Jochim, shouldn't have happened.  I hope you can feel my love coming from so far. I'm sure Jochim was a good man, he has such a good Dad.
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
Dear Cousin Pearson,
I want you to know that you have my love and prayers. I don't know your pain, but I do know that joy will come in the morning. Your son is at peace and you too will find peace.
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
Dear Pearson and the Cotton family - I'm so sorry to here this - I can't even imagine the grief. Sending love - Too soon!
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
I know how proud that you were of your son and the father that he had become. My sincerest condolences to you and your family. His memory and the impact that he had on all of his family and friends will live on forever. You all will see to that. I will add my thoughts and prayers for you and yours as you work your way through this traumatic loss.
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
My heartfelt condolences to you Wendell and your family in the loss of your Jochim. May God continue to bless and give you strength during this trying time. You are loved.

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December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022
A vivid memory of my son comes to mind in the wake of the passing of Franco Harris this past week, just days before the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the "Immaculate Reception" of December 23, 1972.
It happened to be Jochim's 10th month birthday. As always, I watched the NFL playoff game with intense interest. As the game wound down in the breezy snow field with the last-second pass downfield by Bradshaw and the ball was miraculously caught just inches from the ground by Franco and he scampered into the endzone for the Steelers' victory, I completely lost it. I was sitting on the floor just a few feet from the TV between our bedroom and the front room. As the play unfolded and Harris trotted into the endzone I went completely crazy - jumping up and bashing my back on the door frame and yelling and screaming about what I had just witnessed. Jochim's mom had not seen me react to anything like that before and was terrified. Jochim, laying on the bed, didn't budge. I scooped him up and tossed him up in the air and cheered some more. He was delighted and excited with me. It was a warm bonding moment that I will cherish forever. RIP Franco and thank you for a fond memory of my son and me bonding over this exciting moment in history.
Jochim's Dad
December 23, 2022
May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022
Today marks the 5th year of receiving the most devestating news of my life. My first child and first son departed this world and entered his eternal resting place with his creator and his ancestors who lovingly embraced him. Jochim Emmanuel Cotton lived an uneven life between his physical personal challenges.
My son at 45 was still reaching for his potential as a creative artist, musician and deep thinker. Through his many trials and tribulations, Jochim wrestled with and confronted his personal demons along with dealing with his cultural identity. As a mixed race person in America, Jochim was always facing two sets of racial identity. As his father, I always instilled in him that he was first of all an independent human being who had nothing to say about his ethnic background and that he represented the best of both ethnicites. His challenge was attempting to "fit in" with one group or the other and feel comfortable in his own skin. I'm not really sure that he was ever comfortable in either world - black or white, but he dealt with it the best he could.
Despite these challenges, Jochim remained a caring and respectful person with all those he met. I miss him every day and pray that his spirit continues to stay close to my heart. God bless you son.
I love you, and miss you every day.
May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022
My dear son. As the days, months and years move on since you left us my heart continues to grow with the memories of your life. My quiet smiles remembering you on your tike bite, zooming around the yard, building giant sale boats with your legos, speeding down the soccer field, broad jumping with the best and making tackles. I still see you at all ages doing what you loved to do. And always having in your mind the song book of your life. Jimi would be proud. The smiles continue to overcome the tears. Happy birthday Son. We continue to hold you close to our hearts.
His Life

The Master Builder

May 19, 2021
Right from the beginning on February 23, 1972 when Jochim finally took his first breath after his laboring mom had been in labor for 26 hours, I knew he was special in so many ways. His mother and I had visions of our first child throughout the pregnancy. We knew his initials "JE" from a visual sign displayed to us in a manner we could not ignore. He became Jochim Emmanuel - "God is with us." "Jockie," his first nickname, was indeed a superbaby. He crawled at 2 months old, he was pulling himself up on coffee tables and the side of the bed at 4 months, and he walked (actually ran) at 8 months. His curly sandy-golden hair surrounded his joyful face highlighted by his brilliant blue eyes. 
We were in San Francisco one afternoon, and we jumped on a trolley with Jochim in my arms. Just as we got on the trolley a ray of sunlight beamed directly into his shining blue eyes. Something in that moment led several folks on the trolley to look up and see what we saw every day, the glow of joy and love in his radiant blue eyes. A few comments from the passengers verified what we felt about our superbaby. His mother and I looked at each other and were reassured that "God was with us."
With the 4th anniversary of Jochim joining his grandparents, his auntie Heather, and all his transitioned ancestors, it is still difficult to fill that hole that I have in my heart for his physical presence. I'm working on what the 46th POTUS continues to remind us that eventually we will have a smile come to our face before a tear comes to our eyes. It's difficult. but these remembrances of our Super baby truly help to ease the pain of a special person who left too soon. I love you son, and miss you dearly. Rest assure, your joy to the world shines through. Peace, Love, and Joy to the World...that is all you wanted every one to feel. God Bless You -- my Super Man. 
Your Dad


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December 23, 2021
All he wanted for his 4th birthday was a backhoe. He was bound and determined to get it no matter what his parents said. Just days before his birthday he launched a plan to get his backhoe. He got up early in the morning, woke up his little brother Eshay, all of three years old, and took off in their blinkins (pajamas) followed closely by their Australian shepherd, Angel and set out for K-Mart to get his backhoe. 
When his dad woke up and didn’t hear anything from the downstairs bedroom where the boys slept he got concerned. Half dressed he went downstairs to check on his boys. Shocked beyond belief the bedroom was empty and the boys were no where in sight. Dad frantically ran outside and circled the house but to no avail. The boys were no where in sight. Frantic Dad ran up the long steep driveway and looked up and down Cable St. for any signs of his missing boys. No signs for several minutes until a car approached the driveway in the other side of the street and stopped. A man got out of the driver’s door and opened the back door and out tumbled the two lost boys! Guardian Angel was closely behind the car as they were reunited with their dad. 
Needless to say this was one of the most memorable moments in Jochim’s life. We kidded him for years about his strong determination to get what he wanted! 
a trait that never wavered in his life. 
I miss my son terribly but these memories always brings a smile to my face. RIP my son. Always remembered. 
June 28, 2017

My dear, sweet cousin! We haven't seen each other in a very long time, but when we did see each other, we reminisced about my visit to Bellingham and our fun getting to know each other and your trips East to visit us in Philadelphia.  Rest well, Joachim!! Tell the family hello and keep watch over us, here, still in our earthly living.

Cousin Elaine 

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