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My hero

May 25, 2017

I will never forget the last week you were with us on earth I think it was the hardest but the best week ever I watched you witness to us and kept us together knowing that we would fall apart I remember walking into it room not knowing what to expect but you pulled it out only to show us to show me what a hero looks like I will always love that me and you got our time that Wednesday night I hope I kept my promises the best I could  and that Friday I was the last one you spoke too you knew without me saying how conflicted I was that I could  not save your life even though you saved me a million times I couldn't make it better or fix it and you knew because of these words you said to me I LOVE YOU IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT  and then at 5:42 you started your final transition to the place you belong I know that you are in that log cabin covered in snow decorated like Christmas with a fire in the fire place and miraha Carey on crafting  I know that you go to hobby lobby micheals and JoAnn's and Target too and shop for free and that tabby and Dennis are with you  I hope every night you sit at the Lord's table and eat I can't wait to be with you  I miss you and I need you so bad these past  couple of years have been so hard with out you  nothing is the same just remember that I love you too the moon and back and I look for you on those full moons and when people say that they are sorry about you being gone I tell them don't be sorry I witnessed a miracle that day most people will never get to do that but I was the lucky one I watched you say I love you and shed that tear and I watched the light from heaven come and take you home  I love you sissy  p.s I sure could use a rainbow 

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