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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Joel Cordell, 40 years old, born on May 13, 1976, and passed away on June 28, 2016. We will remember him forever.

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My Big Brother

May 13, 2020
Oh how Joel loves his people! He was a protector and provider for the majority of his life. I think that was one of the hardest things about his illness, he could no longer be those things for those he loved. I pray I never forget just how much he loved us and all the good times we shared! I love you Joel! You are gone but not forgotten! I will see you in Heaven one day when my journey here on Earth is done! 



March 12, 2017

On March​ 20, 2004, Joel became a permanent fixture in my life. I am grateful for that day. No matter what was seen from the outside, it was good. Lupus is a debilitating devastating disease that I wouldn't wish on ànyone. He handled as well as he could. It became all encompassing and I think God kept him here for me. When I finally let go and told God, I'm ready.. Whatever it takes just help him, he died that very day. I'm glad he was mine as long as he was, but I'm so glad he is no longer dealing with lupus.  I will see him again, just make sure you will too. 


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