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Last night our dad unexpectedly left us to join the saints and his Heavenly Father above. We already miss him dearly. He was the most loving husband, amazing father, and  wonderful grandfather we could ask for. We are forever grateful to God for giving him to us, and we look forward with eager anticiaption to see him again in Heaven. We know that God used our dad's life to touch the lives of so many others. This page is set up to honor his memory and the impact he made on others. Thank you for leaving your tribute for him!! (To read the tributes from the family, go to the His Life tab.)

September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
I miss you more than ever. Looking forward to being with you again.
Happy Heavenly Birthday with much love!
September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
Jack was a special man of God, miss you. Have a heavenly birthday!
May 22, 2023
May 22, 2023
Hello Harren’s Do you remember your so called pet rooster? Your Dad thought it was time for him-the rooster to go to his reward or not. So he was put down and Mom made a soup out of him. Lots of pouting at the table, which Jack ignored. I thought it tasted pretty good. I was in the minority.
September 1, 2021
September 1, 2021
Your voice was always distinguishable no matter where I was in the room. Even if you were disturbed with someone or an issue, you put on this fake smile as you gently gritted your teeth and dealt with the situation. All is well with your soul and mind as you get that glimpse of the Savior’s face and He smiles back at you. Amen and amen. Gloria
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020
Dear Dad,

Fiona's sweet posts remind me just how much the grandkids have grown in the three years since you've been gone. When you first died, I remember thinking that I desperately wanted to freeze time. I didn't want my kids to grow without you being here with us to watch them change over time. And yet, they have grown. Zach is now 10, and Gabe is 8 (they were 7 and 5 when you died). Fiona is 14 and Luke is 11. You would be so proud of all of them!! They are all so precious!! (And they all have your great sense of humor!)

We are thinking of you today and missing you as we commemorate 3 years since your graduation to Heaven. Tonight as I read through the wonderful posts here on this site, I am reminded of the many lives you touched. There is such consistency among the posts and what each of us, your children, read at your memorial service. We all noted what a man of prayer you were, how much you loved us, how you demonstrated such an interest and concern for other people, how you encouraged and built us up, how you contributed to who we are today. So many people can say that along with your children - you made an impact on so many lives. Thank you for being the wonderful father that you were and for allowing God to do His work in your life - a work that blessed us all. I love you and look forward to the day we are all together again in Heaven!!!
Love, Julie
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020
Dear Grandpa,
it's been exactly three years since you left us to join God in heaven. I remember Mommy and Daddy sitting on the couch after Luke and I woke up that morning. I had thought something was different, and when they told us, on this day three years ago, I couldn't believe it to be true. We drove straight to Florida that day. It was the first time I had seen Daddy cry. I wanted to let you know that your memory will never ever ever be forgotten. I think about you all the time. And just for you, we are getting Dunkin Donuts today. I know you would be proud of me for that. We will pick up your favorite: A glazed stick and a hot coffee, so don't worry! I wish you could come stay in our new house with us, I think you would really like it. I miss you more than anything in the whole world, and I'm not just saying that. I miss our Uno competitions, and driving around in your white pick up truck. Our hand stacking, and swimming laps at your pool. I know you are in a much better place, but I miss all of our memories every single day. I love you so so much.
Love your favorite granddaughter,
Fiona Harren
May 14, 2020
May 14, 2020
Dear Grandpa,
today i was just thinking about how much i loved and miss our Dunkin Donut runs every morning and our very competitive Uno games. I miss watching you swim the whole length of the pool without coming up for air, and rides in your pick-up truck. I wish you were here with us to watch me grow, but I know you are in a better place and watching from above. I love you more than words can describe❤️
October 10, 2018
October 10, 2018
Dad, today is the 50th anniversary of your marriage to Mom. You both honored your commitment until the day you died. Thank you! Your marital commitment to each other was an incredible blessing to all of us -- your children and grandchildren and to the many other couples who looked up to you! We are forever grateful to you both!!!
Happy Anniversary!!
September 1, 2018
September 1, 2018
Happy Birthday, Dad!!! We miss you so much and wish so badly that you were still here!!! And yet, we are so happy for you that you are no longer in your tired, aging body, but are instead in the presence of the LORD!!!!! There is no better way for you to celebrate life than to be in the presence of the Creator of life!!! We look forward to being with you again some day! We love you!!!!!
P.S. It's so hard to believe that you would have been 85 today and that it was 5 years ago that you road the bike 80 miles to commemorate turning 80. What a great day that was for all of us!!!! Such wonderful memories!!!!
May 20, 2018
May 20, 2018
Dear Dad,
I can’t believe it has been a year since you’ve been gone. We miss you so much!! There have been so many times during the last year that we wished you were here to share in our experiences!! The Bible seems to indicate that you might be able to see us from Heaven, so maybe you did share in our experiences. Either way, I know for sure that you celebrated the two most important events with us because Luke 15:10 says, “There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” So I know that when your two grandsons, Luke and Gabe, made the decision to place their trust in Jesus as their Savior, there was great rejoicing in Heaven and you were there to participate! Those were the most important moments in the lives of your family members this past year. I wonder if those moments were some of the greatest you’ve had in Heaven so far.
I don’t know what else you’ve seen of this past year, but I hope you were able to see how we all came together the night you died and continued to remain united as a family, bonding together in our deep sadness over such a painful loss. Family unity was always so important to you. In your last week on earth, you were overjoyed with how we came together to rally around you in the hospital. I hope you were able to see how we honored you and glorified God at your memorial service. You would have felt so loved - you would have been overwhelmed with “happy tears.” And you would have been touched, as we were, by each person who came to your service, sent flowers or cards, or posted beautiful words on your memorial website!
Shortly after your service, Mom began to get the house ready to sell, and so many people came over to help her. Then, the way God postponed her sale so that she could grieve, and the way He provided a new roof, and a bigger sale price and a new condo are all miracles that have blessed her immensely in the grieving process. And then, God has given her a closing date the very day after the one-year anniversary of your departure. He gave her exactly a year in that house. He is so good and is in all of the details!! Packing up that house and saying goodbye is probably not going to be easy. We have so many memories of you in that house. Just last month Tyler and I took the kids down there to teach them how to golf. Being at the pool and golf course was very emotional for me – so many wonderful memories of cousins together with Grandma and Grandpa at that pool.
Speaking of moving, the last time I saw you, I told you that Tyler and I were going to be looking at a house to buy. Well, we did end up buying a house shortly after you died. It was so exciting, and yet marked by sadness because I wished so badly that you could be here to celebrate with us. You would have loved our new neighborhood. And this house is decorated with pieces of you scattered throughout. I have your diving mask as a bookend, and your hard helmet wind chimes on the back porch (I think I gave those to you as a gift many years ago, but I can’t remember when or where I got them). I also have beautiful conch shells that you found in the Bahamas and driftwood that you found locally at the beach, and of course, lots of pictures with you in them.
You would have loved the private ceremony that we had for you in July to place your ashes in the ocean. Your brother, Bob, along with Kathy and Nancy, made the big trip to Florida to go out with us to scatter your ashes at sea. The boat was rugged, like you, and the spot was Ft. Lauderdale, your old stomping grounds. Ironically, we picked up the boat right near the Elbo Room where you and mom hung out when you were dating back in 1968. Dawn made a beautiful basket to put the urn in to lower it into the ocean (the basket is now a decoration in our house). Sean had purchased a nice sea-salt urn, and he bought you the most beautiful headstone, which he dropped into the ocean with your ashes. Jay and Siobhan and kids were here and helped with many of the details. The kids all put notes in a balloon and sent them up. We also wrote notes and Scriptures on the shells in Dawn's basket. Mom gave a great devotion on Heaven, and Tyler prayed.
In August our kids started school again. I missed you so much. I wished that you could be here to see Gabe start kindergarten and Zach start 2nd grade. They have both grown so much this past year, I wanted so badly for you to see the growth. Maybe you did from Heaven. I’m so thankful that you were here the previous year to see them complete their first full year at The King’s Academy. You were so proud of Gabe going to school for the first time and not letting fear stop him. You said Gabe came out that first time you and Mom picked him up, looking like a big shot who thought he owned the place. You were so proud of him! And you were so happy that Tyler had a job at their school. That first football game that you went to with us, you were so happy that the kids could feel so connected to all of it through Tyler. And you were proud of Zach as he went through first grade on the honor roll all year. I’m so glad we had that whole year together. You made it through until their very last week of school, dying just five days before the school year ended.
Throughout the year, when I have been sad that you were missing this year of growth in my kids, I have been comforted that you were here for the first year of our new life at King’s. Some of the times I have missed you this year were football season, when Zach and Gabe became huge New Orleans Saints fans because of Michael. You would have loved that!! You loved your brother and his family so much, and you would have loved the connection my kids felt to the Mautis. Football season was a lot of fun. You would have thoroughly enjoyed listening to Zach explain the plays, understanding fully what was going on in each game. He probably would have even taught you some new things about football! ☺ 
You would have been so happy for Gabe when he lost his first tooth this year. He was so excited! And you would have been amazed that he breezed through kindergarten as if he has always been Mr. Social. But you saw him surprise us by starting school with ease the previous year, so you wouldn’t really have been surprised this year.
On September 1st – did you see the balloon with the messages we sent up to the sky for you? And did you notice we ate your favorite ice cream to honor your birthday? Shortly after your birthday, Mom and Aunt Marilyn rode out Hurricane Irma with us in our new house. We wished you were here!! We hung out in the bathroom during the tornado warnings – it would have been so nice having you with us!! At Thanksgiving we celebrated our first holiday without you. That was very strange. We missed you so much!
At Christmas, you would have absolutely loved being here. But I realize where you are now is beyond our imagination, and being here on earth would probably not seem that great to you anymore. ☺ But if you had never experienced what it is like to be in the presence of the Lord, you would have thought Christmas was pretty great. Mom, Jay and family, with Siobhan’s dad, stayed here at our house for the week. Dawn and Devin came for Christmas day, and a few days later we all got together again to celebrate Sean’s birthday. Mom made pillows for each of us out of your shirts. They’re beautiful! It was a great week!!
When Gabe confided in us at Christmas time that he couldn’t believe the Bible is true, we did exactly what you would have done. We told him we were simply going to pray that God would give him the ability to believe. Throughout those 6 weeks of praying, Gabe agonized over his inability to believe, and Zach remained greatly concerned for Gabe. On February 7th, after seeing the videos of Jesus’ empty tomb, Lazarus’ tomb, and the story of God bringing a WPB man back from the dead in response to Dr. Crandall’s prayer (all requested by Gabe), Gabe said he was finally able to believe that Jesus and Lazarus both rose again. You would have been sobbing watching Zach say to Gabe, “Well Jesus is the most important one. Do you believe Jesus was real and that He died on the cross? When Gabe said “yes”, Zach replied, “Well you can become a Christian right now, Gabe” And when Gabe asked Zach how to become a Christian and when Zach explained that Gabe could repeat a prayer after him, you would have been blown away. And minutes later, when Zach did lead Gabe in prayer to receive Jesus as his Savior, that’s when you were in the midst of the Heavenly rejoicing!! I’m so glad you shared that moment with us from Heaven – it was the best moment of our whole year!!
In January you would have been so proud of Mom traveling to New York by herself. She went to see Fiona in her first play – I know they all wished you could be there! Fiona did such a wonderful job!! And you would be proud of the way mom plays ball with my kids on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I used to come home from work on those days, and you would be sitting on your walker playing baseball with them at our old house. You would love the athletes that they are becoming now. And you would love hearing about Luke’s baseball games in New York. He is so good!!
On Spring Break when we went to Lake Louisa State Park to camp, we saw the perfect little boat for you. You had said that you wanted to get a little Jon boat and fix it up to take the kids up and down the waterways. We saw this one sitting by the lake with a “For Sale” sign – only $100. I wanted to buy that boat and bring it home for you to fix up. I felt so sad realizing that you wouldn’t be there to fix it up or use it if we brought it home.
Just this past Friday, I wanted to call you and tell you about how Gabe played football with kids 2 and 3 years older than him and how he held his own. He said he made 4 touchdowns. And I wanted to tell you about Zach being the one to encourage Gabe to play with him and all his friends and how Zach catches every ball.
There are so many times throughout this past year that we have all wanted to call you! I know that throughout this past year Dawn would have loved to tell you about the changes in her life, and also how the volunteer job that you got for Devin at Trinity when he was in college has now become a part-time paid position, in addition to his full-time job. And Sean would have wanted you to be here when the Treatment Center where he worked sadly closed down and he moved on to his new position. And now as Jay and Siobhan are in a transition, it would be so nice to have you here to see what is next for them. And yet perhaps you are watching from Heaven.
Jay will be here tonight and we will all gather together tomorrow to commemorate the one-year anniversary of your passing. It’s hard to believe a year has gone by without you here. And yet, we are comforted that you are in Heaven and we look forward so eagerly to seeing you again!!!
We love you!!!
P.S. A surprising letter arrived for you yesterday. Mom almost didn’t sign for it. I’m so glad she did. You would have been so amused by it!! Once again, your interesting stories are back to entertain us! New York Magazine is doing a story on survivors of school gun violence and they want to include you! They were writing to inquire about your experience of getting shot at Public School 141 in 1950! I texted Nancy to tell her, and can you believe, your brother Bob remembers it like it was yesterday! So they generously recorded Uncle Bob telling us the story!! We are once again reminded of how blessed we are by your life and how thankful we are that God spared your life that day back in 1950!!!! (That bullet lodged closely to your lung throughout the rest of your life, provided such entertainment for us as kids! We loved putting our metal detectors up to your chest and hearing them beep. It was also fun showing our friends that trick!)
Receiving that letter, as we get ready to commemorate your 1-year anniversary of being in Heaven, was such a gift to us!! God has truly blessed us throughout this time of loss!!!!
September 1, 2017
September 1, 2017
I was just talking about him today at dinner with an old friend how he could draw people together and he stood on truth whether you liked it or not. Love you Jack and all the Harrens
September 1, 2017
September 1, 2017
Happy birthday Dad. I miss you and love you. I know you are smiling down on all of us
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
I am eternally grateful for the discipling and counseling I received from Jack Harren. The Christian life is a fight against sin and Jack taught me how to fight better with the only weapon we have - the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, Ephesians 6:17! I wouldn't be the Man I am today without this Man of God. I can't wait to see you in the Father's House!
June 18, 2017
June 18, 2017
Thelma will miss his jokes. We leave these encouraging verses.

Believers that die, 'Hope of Eternity'
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.
15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.
16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.
17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.

Revelation 14:13
Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.”

Revelation 21:4
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
We look forward to an eternity with Him(our Lord Jesus Christ) where there will be no more tears, pain, sickness, or death.

For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Phil 1:21
June 11, 2017
June 11, 2017
Dawn it was a beautiful memorial.. your dad sounded like an amazing man, I only met him a few times. You and your family gave beautiful tributes of him. He is looking down on all of you with a big smile.. may God watch over all of you in this difficult time.
June 8, 2017
June 8, 2017
I remember Mr. Harren when I was a child attending P.B.C.A.  I am thankful I attended school there for approx. 4 yrs and got to know the Family...lovely people.  When I transferred to another school I lost personal contact.  I don't recall "bumping" into them until about 1 year ago I saw Mr. and Mrs. Harren and I was so happy to see them.  My prayers are with you.
June 6, 2017
June 6, 2017
Jack Harren was an amazing man and to know him made you a better person. Jack had a tough exterior but inside was a caring, loving and thoughtful man. He loved his Lord and his family with all of his heart. We will miss our dear friend but are confident that we will see him again in heaven.
Our love and prayers are continually offered for Jack's precious wife Charlene and his family.
Always Friends,
Sherman and Deborah
May 29, 2017
May 29, 2017
So sad, this is not the healing we all prayed so earnestly for. So thankful, that as Christians we know a blessed reunion awaits. May God comfort you.
May 27, 2017
May 27, 2017
I met Jack Harren, Charlene and their precious children when they moved into the house next door to us back in the 70's. I was a young teen, but remember Jack being a lot of fun and such a good friend to my Dad (also Jack). I remember how excited my folks were when he and Charlene surrendered their hearts to The Lord Jesus. They were wonderful and loving neighbors. BUT, the greatest tribute to Jack actually comes from his memorial service today....hearing his wife, children, friends and pastor sharing their tributes and memories of Jack Harren. I wished I had had the privilege of knowing him as an adult. Our family left the service today soooooo blessed to hear of such a surrendered life that so loved all those God put in his path. A man of prayer, who embraced Christ so deeply and followed Him so passionately.  It is evident that every life that was blessed to cross Jack's path is richer for it, our families as well. Looking forward to that grand and glorious reunion day in heaven.
May 27, 2017
May 27, 2017
Charlene and Family, Thank you for your compassion to me. It is an honor and privilege to count you as my friends. Jack was a genuine follower of Christ and a true friend. We spent many hours in private conversation and we always laughed and enjoyed each other's company. He was always encouraging and uplifting in the Lord. He and Charlene touched many lives for the cause of Christ in a real and positive way. I will miss him and his friendship. In Christ, Jack Rose
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
Mr. Harren was an incredible man who always had a way to make you laugh. I'll never tire of listening to the stories of the things he did and survived. He was also a faithful man who left a great legacy. He will be missed.
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
I remember Jack from when I was a little girl at Palm Beach Baptist. He was always so friendly and had such a joyful spirit. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to know him and your family. Prayers and love to your family, Janna Jackson
May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
I'll always remember Jack sharing the gospel to me at his kitchen table some 30 years ago. I'm so thankful for the Harrens. Peace be with you.
May 24, 2017
May 24, 2017
Such an amazing man! He will be greatly missed, but one day, I'll see him again.
May 24, 2017
May 24, 2017
Jack (Hunter) was the dad of my friend and my friend. I was able to spend a lot of time with him while I was growing up and as I look back on his life a word that comes to mind - integrity. All that time together and he was the person he is being remembered to be.
May 24, 2017
May 24, 2017
What a faithful servant of our loving God. A man who always spoke his truth. I feel very blessed and fortunate to have known Mr Harren. See you on the other side my friend.
May 24, 2017
May 24, 2017
It was never an accident that Jack and Charlene moved next door to us in Ft. Lauderdale. I'm sure our God had it planned all along.
Jack did a wonderful thing when he married Charlene, who helped in a very positave way to raise their awesome children. Talking to him early on I ask if he went to church, his reply yes I teach childrens sunday school. I could never figure out when, because he was always home Sunday. After some time our pastor visited him along with another church member. Praise God, the next day Janet and I got the good news, we have a new brother in Christ Jesus, and an answer to our prayers. Watching and keeping track of him over the years has been a real blessing. Not letting his health issues slow him down he pressed on with his ministry of helping people understand the roll of male and female, and Gods love for them. Yes he will be missed by family and friends, but the impact he has made will carry on. Praise God!!    Thank You Jack
May 24, 2017
May 24, 2017
Proverbs 22:1  a good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold."
We met in 1994 and I will always remember Jack as the best teacher for a new believer in Christ, man of a gentle heart, great character and integrity. You will be missed. See you in Heaven. ❤️
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
Truly a blessing in so many lives! I had the privilege of Jack teaching foundations class to me. He was instrumental in my growth with Christ. Just knowing he prayed for me and my family each day was overwhelming.We all know for sure he heard "well done thou good and faithful servant."
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
20 years ago I was assigned to a class for new. Believers, I had my opinions of what a Christian looked like and talked like it was then I met Jack and Charlene.needless to say I was wrong in my mind. Jack was the first person to disciple me He made the word of God real. Then I was asked to pray for him as he was going to have surgery in Texas. From that day on i
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
My Uncle Jack! He was my larger than life hero with incredible experiences and an incredible faith. He taught us to Scuba dive, shoot guns in the everglades, sport fish, and be true to oneself and to God. He took us to Disney on a camping trip, and he showed us amazing card tricks. He was sure to tell us how much he loved and respected his older brother (and my father) and to stick together as family. He married the most lovely lady who changed his life and together raised 4 great kids/people. He defied all odds as he faced heart surgery many times over 40 years. He is without a doubt one of the toughest men I have ever met. I last saw him about 15 months ago when he was age 82, and I thought..I still would not mess with him. He lived his life with courage and faith. Many times growing up, I was asked who I thought was my hero. Without hesitation or second thought, Uncle Jack was mine.
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
I'll always cherish the talks Jack and I would have. Even more than the talks, I'll never forget the times he would see me burdened down with something.....he would put his arm around me and say.."let's pray". He would then pray right there! Immmediately interceding on my behalf. He was one of the most caring, toughest men I knew. He would never give up but you knew he loved you! One day I'll see you again in heaven Brother Jack! Thanks for making an impact on my life!!
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
From Janet Ray
What a special man! we were so blessed when God placed him and his family next door. When he knew the Lord it was full speed ahead to learn from His word and to live it. An example to us in every way. His sweet spirit, smile, and friendship were the best.Truly loved by us.
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
There are certain words that come to mind when I think of Jack . Strong, kindhearted, steadfast, loyal, humble, caring, unwavering in his faith, persistent,  honest, funny,  known by God and  servant ...we are going to miss him! I was hoping for one more hug, tho!!!  14 years were not nearly enough! John and Billie
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
Uncle Jack,

From the days after you got out of the service when we were roommates for a few months (I was 4 and you were 20 something) until your departure on Sunday -- you were always my favorite Uncle. You were an inspiration and example for getting through hard times.

While I only saw you every now and then over the past 64 years – every meeting and interaction is burned into my heart as a positive memory.
I often viewed you as larger than life - even legendary. While I was growing up I only heard the stories of your allegedly wild and youthful days: barracuda attacks, surviving shipwrecks, scuba diving and amazing underwater adventures in the oceans of the world…

But as an adult I only knew you as a man of faith and character who enjoyed life, family and church. Everyone who really knew you - loved you!! You made people feel important, showing your admiration for their good traits, accepting their humanity, you were kind and attentive.

Certainly life threw many challenges at you over the years: heart attacks, bypass surgeries, experimental laser procedures, colitis, double pneumonia, congestive heart failure. You dealt with whatever adversity life presented -- taking them on one at a time and moving on after each one returning to your life's primary focus: cherishing family and worshiping God during the quiet times in between.

We know you are with Him now. He had a place set aside for you years ago. You just had a more things to get done. You can rest now and show that smile beautiful smile forever.

I miss you already!
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
I had the privilege of speaking at a conference with Jack 10 years ago. I love His sense of humor and am blessed to have gotten to know him. His heart for others touched many lives with the love of Christ.
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
One of the finest christian men I have ever met. He touch my life and taught how to be more like Jesus Christ. My time shared with him and his work continues with me. He taught me how to give without expectation, to love fully in the strength of our Savior, to love my neighbor. He was a strong man of God and a fighter. I so much love my God as his gift to Jack in the last pose of him in the hospital, taking a fighters stance. He was a fighter, and my brother in Christ fought the good fight of faith and now it was time that our heavenly Father called him to come home. I am so filled with joy and rejoicing for Jack. I grieve but for a season for his family and his precious bride.  Words fail me but I admired Jack, I loved him as a brother in Christ and I was truly blessed to have share a moment in God's time with him. 1 John 3:2
"Beloved , now we are the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be:but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him;
for we shall see him as he is."
I will see you in but a vapor Jack.....
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
I have a special place in my heart for Jack!! When I first came to know the Lord I was placed in a Sunday school class with him and Charlene. I was just a new believer and I has so many questions. They were kind of like my spiritual parents for a short season. I am very thankful for Jack and the wisdom he shared with me during that time!! He blessed me.
-Stephanie Morton-
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
I met Pastor Jack at Palm Beach Baptist Church in 2009. He was a wonderful and kind man. I felt very comfortable talking with him, he was just so down to earth... A special man of God with a fantastic sense of humor.... God has received such a beautiful angel... He touched so many peoples lives and loved the Lord with all his heart. My prayers go out to him and his family <3 <3
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
I am glad I had the privilege of knowing Jack at church and bible study. What a godly man, may he Rest In Peace with our Heavenly Father.
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
Jack was a dear friend and very precious man with a huge heart. He was in many ways like a dad to me. I enjoyed family meals with you on holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving. As a single woman it meant so much to know I could spend time with you and your family on holidays. Thank you for always including me!
I will miss you, sweet Jack. I will never forget when you came to help me paint my newly purchased condo back in 2001. You were always so willing to lend a helping hand.
Thank you for your kind, gentle, funny, caring ways. Your love for Jesus and your unwavering trust in His goodness inspired me and many others. What a legacy! Thankfully death is not a final goodbye just a so long for now. See you on the other side. XO
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
I am Jack's older brother by five years. My name is Bob. After WWII, our dad returned home from serving in the war and took a job in Washington, D.C., and was gone five days a week. He would only return on weekends. At this time, I was appointed the surrogate, disciplinarian, truant officer, and mentor for my baby brother. He was a real pain in the ass. :) During this period of time, we became very close and at times, very distant. As he became older and I was married, he moved to Florida (I think to get away from me). Fortunately, after some years in Florida, he met Charlene, the love of his life, who literally turned his life around. We again became close with each other. They jointly raised four beautiful children (like my own six) and applied the principle that we all believe, and that is that "The Harren's Stick Together." Jack and I remained so close the last 20 or 30 years and have together watched and enjoyed our children grow. He was my favorite brother, and I will miss him dearly.  My only regret is that I didn't give him the chance to kick the shit out of me....which is what he always wanted to do....I will always love the guy! 

Bob Harren
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
We met this gentle Godly man last November as our families shared a Thanksgiving meal together. It was a honor to meet and get to know him while we talked for several hours. It was clear that God was the center of his life, we will be praying for the family during this difficult time. Love and prayers, David & Virginia Murphy; Dorothy & Sharon Sutera

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September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
I miss you more than ever. Looking forward to being with you again.
Happy Heavenly Birthday with much love!
September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
Jack was a special man of God, miss you. Have a heavenly birthday!
May 22, 2023
May 22, 2023
Hello Harren’s Do you remember your so called pet rooster? Your Dad thought it was time for him-the rooster to go to his reward or not. So he was put down and Mom made a soup out of him. Lots of pouting at the table, which Jack ignored. I thought it tasted pretty good. I was in the minority.
Recent stories

The pregnant lady

May 21, 2022
I had lived in several places since Loxahatchee  I hadn’t seen Jack or Charlene or the kids since we moved to Jacksonville where I was with child. Surprise, surprise!  We made a trip down to West Palm and to the hospital where Jack was recovering from a heart procedure I think. When I walked in the room with my teenager and my swollen belly….all Jack could do was laugh!  Well, I’m sure that humor hastened his recovery. Ha. With all my love. Gloria

School Shooting Story

May 19, 2018

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