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March 19
I met John because I was working with his wife wendy, we both lived in New York City, we became friends. John was an architect and an intellectual, discussions with John was always interesting and educational. We could discuss anything from political matters to motorcycling.
there was the thanksgiving every year at the Crellin residence, always such a diverse group of people, watching our children growing. Then having a beer at the bar he liked to go to, lower east side. Then when my daughter Amelia moved back to New York John and Wendy welcomed Amelia and her husband Antoine into their home. John is was and will always be a good friend

Wendy and John

December 3, 2023
A message from Hilary, Wendy's sister

I want to give a shout out to Wendy who so lovingly cared for and protected John. As soon as covid shut down New York, she immediately, and selflessly got John out of NYC to a safe environment. I know without a doubt, her love and dedication extended John's life and greatly improved his  quality of life.

I love you Wendy, and I'm so glad that are back in the city full time

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