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Share a special moment from John's life.

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Oh, that laugh!

July 13, 2022
I heard that deep chuckle in a dream recently. Warm fuzzies for sure. Love and miss you!!

Santa John

December 24, 2018

It’s Christmas time and, of course, some special memories of our very own Santa come to mind. My brother Tim’s kids, my daughters and, of course, John and my sister Nancy’s girls all have stories about Santa John. That booming “Ho Ho Ho” and genuine love for the part he played resonated not only with the family but with countless kids who visited him every year toshare their Christmas wishes. Heck, the adults would climb on his lap just to share a laugh.

Merry Christmas, “Santa”. We love you!!!

The Eternal Optimist

July 23, 2015

John lived life with a glass half full.  He always seemed to be in a good mood and was quick to laugh or make a joke.  I will miss that about hIm and what I admired about him the most.  He also had a good singing voice! Not sure if people knew that about him.  He would sometimes join me when I was practicing my songs and I was pleasantly surprised by how rich it was :). 

I love you and will miss you John.  Thank you for being like a father at times to me. 

Splish Splash

July 22, 2015

There are many wonderful memories that I have of Dad and they all encompass, water, from backyard pool parties, camping at Berryland, stays in Antioch and Wauconda, Paw Paw Lake visits and our annual trips to Clearwater, Florida. Whether it was taking a quick dip, tossing us into the water, driving us around in the boat or just fishing - he was in his element and you knew it by his hearty laugh and big smile.    Thank you for loving us and as Kathy said "you were the best father".- we got lucky.

Love You always,


Kristy  (Little "JEB") 


My Other Big Brother

July 21, 2015

So many, many stories and memories to treasure. As a kid I was in awe of the larger than life man my beloved sister chose as her life mate, and you went on to become the loving and compassionate friend of my adult life. I truly don't think I would have survived without your (and my sister's) love, understanding and support. My children and I were so lucky to have you in our lives!

I'll never forget your smile, your laugh and those amazing neck rubs!!

Love you!!



July 20, 2015

There are so many stories there isn't enough space to share.  You were a loving, caring man and will be greatly missed! The best Father anyone could hope for and a best friend on many occasions.

Love You!


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