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The Gentle Giant

January 22
Currently I work at Facilities Services, SFSU and met John in 2006.  John Holman was the Logistics Manager for Facilities & Service Enterprises.  John was Mr. Robert Hutson's AVP assistant and coordinated services around campus and with outside public agencies such as SFMTA and City Hall officials.  He ran errands for the shop and communicated often to colleges regarding maintenance services. John would make himself available to Work Control at Facilities and substitute at the desk when needed to answer phones and radio calls.  John was involved with Commencement at Cox Stadium monitoring by radio Lot 20 Elevator capacity to prevent overheating.  We would refer to him as "Mr. Holman" out of respect.  According to Phil Evans, Director of Campus Grounds, in his tribute speech posted on this website, Mr. Holman was the "Quality Control Inspector" on campus - aka Phil's Tormentor.  To me he was the Gentle Giant with a sense of humor.  He often exchanged words with Dori Palmer at Work Control just to get on each other's nerves when passing through. He enjoyed the contentious chatter just to pass time and smiled walking away.  On some weird occasion, John drove by Corporation Yard in his Cadillac and gave me a gigantic bag of broccoli from the Farmer's Market enough for a month's supply.  Wow that was John with such a big heart.  John told me to hang in tough with all of the management changes making work conditions unbearable.  I took his advice and survived 3 AVPs.  I will certainly miss John's Gentle Giant presence and his laughter was genuine. 

My Best Friend

January 15
I met John while working as a work study student in the Facilities Department at SFSU.  I had my own assignments but part of my job was also to assist him in drafting John's email.  We only lived in the same city for a year or so beefore I went off to medical school but John never stopped keeping tabs on me.  It is hard to explain to folks our friendship and connection.  He was my best friend.  I feel like I have known John several lifetimes.  

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