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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, John McGuigan, 49, born on July 22, 1967 and passed away on July 13, 2017. We will remember him forever. A celebration of life for John will be held on August 12th from 10:30-12:30 at Genesis Funeral Home located at 5749 Pembroke Rd Holllywood Florida .  We welcome all friends and family to attend

July 13
July 13
Johnny Rapp I can’t believe it’s been 7 years since you left this earth! So many great memories with you, you will forever be missed buddy! I hope you are laughing in up With Big Daddy up there cause he joined ya last year in November! Love ya buddy rest in peace forever!
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
Another year, can not believe its been six years. The girls miss you so much. I miss exchanging stories and talking with you about our girls. You would be so proud. Keep watching over them please. Keep them safe.
Rest in peace!!!
July 22, 2022
July 22, 2022
Happy Birthday Johnny, Hope you are having an ice cold one today, playing golf and awaiting the Steelers to kick butt this year. The girls are missing you always.
July 13, 2022
July 13, 2022
Can not believe it’s been 5 years ago that we lost you. There are so many people who miss you so much.  Yours girls are growing up to be beautiful women. I am so glad to be part of their lives. I love you and miss you Johnny. 
July 13, 2022
July 13, 2022
5 years, I can't even believe its been that long. Miss sharing stories with you about the girls. Boy do they miss you. They are both doing great, I know you are watching over them. Tonight on this sad day the three of us are gathering to remember you at Primanti Brothers to honor your memory. Keeping watching over our beautiful girls please. Sending love and hugs.
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
Happy Birthday from me and the girls, you are missed
July 13, 2021
July 13, 2021
How can four years have passed? I know you are looking down on us and smiling. We are celebrating you tonight with a family meal, and a toast...I have ice cold buds in frig...
We miss you. Please watch over the girls always and keep them safe.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Love and miss you, I can't even hear your silly laugh any more, or hear you say how much you would love to come see me. Love you so much!! 
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Happy Birthday Johnny. The girls miss you. I miss you. Just doesn't seem fair. Hope today you were doing all your favorite things. You are thought of often and the girls and I always talk about fun memories. And we always will.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
This would have been your 53rd birthday today. So sad you were taken too early. It hurts my heart   I can’t even say anymore it tears my heart apart that I can’t call or talk to you  Until we mee again. Love you man.
July 22, 2019
July 22, 2019
Missing you today and every day. Wish I could just pick up the phone and call you
Happy birthday little brother
Love you
July 22, 2019
July 22, 2019
Happy Birthday Johnny. Hope you are partying on your special day. Today just like everyday you are missed, especially by the girls. Life is not the same, your presence is missed.
July 13, 2019
July 13, 2019
Thinking about you. The girls and I celebrated your life yesterday. They miss you so much. Honestly it's hard to watch them go through this and there is nothing I can do to fix it. We do keep your memory alive, and for me looking at our beautiful girls is a constant reminder of you. You would be proud of them.
You are loved and missed always.
July 22, 2018
July 22, 2018
Happy Birthday Johnny. You were missed today and every day. Hope you are celebrating your special day doing all the things you love.
July 22, 2018
July 22, 2018
Happy birthday Johnny. Miss you way too much. Hope you are celebrating with mom and dad your brothers and sisters in heaven.   Love and miss you
July 14, 2018
July 14, 2018
I still remember in our last few conversations every moment that you will call you wouldn't say Shannon Marie in the sweetest way. you always made a point to give me a hug and tell me that you love me. Anytime you came in to town you always made time to see me. Your smile was so contagious you can always turn a frown upside down right side up. Till this day I love you and I miss you.
July 13, 2018
July 13, 2018
My heart aches as I write this. I miss you so very much. I love you and miss you dearly. Eating at primanti brothers tonight in your honor going to baseball game and going to wear my pirates shirt even though I’ll be in Indy. Love you my dear brother
July 13, 2018
July 13, 2018
Johnny, A whole year has passed, its very hard to believe. You would be so proud of the girls, they stand strong, but its so apparent how much they miss you, and so do I. I miss our talks about the girls and there achievements, or what frustrates us about them. No one in this world understands the love I have for them except you, because we shared that. It kept us bonded even when we wanted to rip each others hair out. I hope and pray that you are kicking back in heaven and enjoying all the things you love best, Football season is approaching Go Steelers. I will uphold my promises to take care of the girls and love them for both of us. Rest in Peace Johnny.
September 9, 2017
September 9, 2017
Johnny you were such a good guy and gone too soon.
You willed be missed and a little light died when you did.
You had an amazing smile that would light up the room.
Your daughters I'm sure are missing you dearly because you were a wonderful father.
May God bless you and keep you in his loving arms.
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
I miss hearing your phone calls. I miss saying hello to you. It was maybe a few times a month that I heard from you. And you would always call me by Shannon Marie. I preferred to be called shannon Marie and you are the only one who address Me that way. I'm so glad I got to see you a few months ago. You always have the biggest smile on your face. I'm going to miss hearing you say"hi baby girl how are you?" I love you and I will miss you always.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
John, I hate having to say goodbye. This seems so unfair. I just got to talk to you again. I thank God and mama for reconnecting us. You was 4 years older than me. We had such a blast as kids. I remember grandma (your mom) yelling at us because I always wanted you to play that one rap song and boy did she hate it!!! She even came in the room and threatened to break the album. Then we would go upstairs and visit with that older black woman, I can't think of her name, or we would go walk and no get some 5 or 10 cent candy at the corner store. As we grew older we didn't hang together that much. But I also remember the days y5 come to the house when we lived in Coral Springs and did North Lauderdale. We had a ball John. We would laugh and laugh. I am sure going to miss you. I love you so much. I don't know why, but when we talked this last time I was shocked that you remembered my son's names and that I had grandkids. You helped me a lot John with all your kind words you said. I hated that you was in so much pain. But your spirit was very high. You was still joking and still had your sense of humor which wasn't surprising. God needed you home, and now you are with your mom and dad. I can't come down to Florida, but I and always going to talk to you in my prayers and daily life. I could go on and on talking about you. Happy Birthday John. I love you very much and will miss you dearly.
July 22, 2017
July 22, 2017
Johnny, I'll never forget you. Our family, our girls,our life. You gave me gifts of two daughters that I will love and cherish and take care of forever. I will always look into their eyes and remember you. May you rest in peace Johnny, You will be missed.
July 22, 2017
July 22, 2017
only minutes before your 50th is over.  lets celebrate !! I love you will miss you more than you can  ever imagine
July 22, 2017
July 22, 2017
Words can't express how my family and i are feeling right now johnny. you've been a major part of our lives for almost 30yrs. thank you for never judging me for always over looking my faults.i love you like a brother. no one can ever begin to replace you. We will forever miss you brother. I will forever miss you.. with a heavy heart i will see you again , love your best friend.. chuck
July 22, 2017
July 22, 2017
John, When you first came into our lives you were so tiny and we loved you from the day we seen that beautiful little smile. That smile continued with you and our family for the best 49 years of the life you spent with us. You were and always will be a very special brother to me. I will miss your laughter, smiles and you telling me, "I love you sis". You will be forever in my heart. Happy Birthday, John. I love you
July 22, 2017
July 22, 2017
Johnny you'll forever be missed. Ever since I was a child you always lit the room up with your presence. You and your children will always be in our prayers. R.I.P J-Rap.
July 22, 2017
July 22, 2017
Johnny Rap, you were a force in my younger life, i will never forget your smile, your laughter or that raspy voice of yours! I cant believe your gone. May you rest in peace and watch over us all, till we meet again. Forever your friend, Noelle
July 22, 2017
July 22, 2017
I will miss you so much. Today would have been your 50th birthday. I still can't believe you are gone! I will miss you texting and calling me during the Steelers, penguins and pens games.

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July 13
July 13
Johnny Rapp I can’t believe it’s been 7 years since you left this earth! So many great memories with you, you will forever be missed buddy! I hope you are laughing in up With Big Daddy up there cause he joined ya last year in November! Love ya buddy rest in peace forever!
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
Another year, can not believe its been six years. The girls miss you so much. I miss exchanging stories and talking with you about our girls. You would be so proud. Keep watching over them please. Keep them safe.
Rest in peace!!!
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