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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one...
We will remember him forever.
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July 12
July 12
July12, 2024.... Another year has passed... today is your birthday and so I am wishing you a blessed one celebrated with all the saints and our Lord... I have wondered if you have seen others whom you loved and were a part of your life here ... You have been gone now 23 years (2001)... As now Marc (2021) and Joshua (2023) have left us and of course there are all the loved ones that have gone before you... including our dear little grandson John Albert. I do hope you have met all of them... and how I wish we could learn about All.  I love you and I will keep your candle burning... You will light up my world... Always ... Your other half... has chatted once again.... XXX
October 24, 2023
October 24, 2023
My dearest John... Oct 24, 2023..... It was 22 years today that you left me and the kids... and all the family...We have missed you in so many different ways and I have always felt that you have not been far away... I believe you have visited me a lot and even nudge me many times... to remember you... and so now I feel I have answered big time... but I still want to hear from you... I am frustrated tonight because I have spent hours looking for a key.. which I finally found...Thanks to our Lord for coming to my aid... and He may have even sent St. Anthony to also help ... now I can relax... God bless you John and as always ... I will say bye for now with all my love and prayers for you.... God bless you always in heaven. Pray for all of us too... Love you... Your other Half... 
October 24, 2023
October 24, 2023
Today I think about the fun times we had discovering VoIP and playing games like duke Nukem. You gave me a passion that became my career!

"Babes, bullets, bombs. Damn – I love this job!"
October 24, 2022
October 24, 2022
Dearest John... Today is 21 years since I was with you in those final hours we had together... I remember them well and forever they remain in my heart...
I love you with and everlasting love... Regina
December 22, 2020
December 22, 2020
Merry Christmas John in Heaven as you celebrate with our Saviour , the Trinity and our Blessed Mother and all the Saints... I wonder what goes on in Heaven to celebrate the day the Lord came as a Baby to save His people. I miss you as much today as the day you left... but I feel your spirit with me everyday in so many way... and I know you are helping me and praying for me to do whatever I need to do... God bless and I love you always.
October 25, 2019
October 25, 2019
John my dear, today is 18 years since you left me and all those whom you loved and who loved you. Looking back it seems like only yesterday and hard to believe this much time has already passed. I wish you could tell us what it is like from where you are now. I am picturing you with all your family and friends and perhaps seeing this earth from 'the big picture'... I wonder. 
I pray you are with our Lord and resting in His awesome peace where there is no more labor, no more worries, no more illness and pain and no more dislikes... ...and where only Love is surrounding you. These things and more Jesus has promised us and He also said he would have a room for us... He said... "My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?" … John 14:2                 I wonder if he will allow us to share a room???? Well, I was just wondering... God bless you John and my love always and I miss you so much... And when you see Jay, give him a hug for Maureen..  There are so many others I would like to list whom you may be with, but now the list has grown so long, but you know who they all are... If you see them, give all of them our love and we remember you all in our prayers... Until next time my darling ... Rest peacefully in our Lord's love and pray for all of us and especially for all your children. 
July 12, 2019
July 12, 2019
John Darling... today is your 94th birthday... Imagine that !!! …
I never dreamed that I would live to see you reaching this age, however, I am not far behind you with a birthday also coming up in a month and a half from the time I write this message... I love you and miss you every day... and every day there seems to be reminders of you placed before me. It can be something you had done, had bought, had touched, or even may have spoken and numerous other ways too. I wish these moments could be relived ... but only in Heaven can we again be together and perhaps touch one another tenderly. ... Meantime I send you all my love and prayers and pray that you are living to the fullest now with our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and our Blessed Mother Virgin Mary ... all the Saints and Angels... and with all the Loved Ones in your life who have also gone to their eternal rest and are now with you. Love you John... Pray for me and your children and all your loved ones who remember and love you. Till next time my Love....
October 13, 2018
October 13, 2018
Hi, Dad, How have you been?We had a bad storm today. My home wasn't damaged, so that's good. I hope you are happy, and getting along with , Floyd. I think of you both all the time. Please get together with ,Floyd and Pray for ,Marc. he is quite sick, and very discouraged.If I were there ,I, would help him and Michelle , who as you probably know broke her leg in three places. I love you. wish you and ,Floyd were still here love you. Mamie.
May 29, 2018
May 29, 2018
Hi Dad, It has been a long time since we talked. My family is growing . and well. We certainly need your prayers. I have been missing you ,and Floyd a lot lately. I see my life going by, and ,I, just don't know what to do with myself any more. The Grandkids have there own agenda, and It doesn't include me.I keep thinking that perhaps ,I, will meet someone,however it hasn't happened yet..Keep us in your prayers say ,Hi, to Foyd for me .I love ,Dad...Mamie
July 12, 2017
July 12, 2017
Grampy Mike, you were inspirational to me an left a mark on me forever. I miss you dearly.
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016
John You are on my mind daily and in my heart always. Miss you so much but I know you are not far away from me and helping me to get through each day. You are in my prayers always... I love you. God Bless You and Rest In Peace,my Dear.
July 14, 2016
July 14, 2016
Happy Birthday Uncle John. Holy crap, 91st. It would be so nice to have you and my dad together again so we could just sit and enjoy. yes, you and all in our family who passed are all missed dearly. you were so loved. Carl
July 13, 2016
July 13, 2016
..John another birthday arrived and now this day has been completed and already 'a new day and a new year' has begun for me and I still miss you. May God bless you and I love you always and forever.
July 12, 2016
July 12, 2016
Happy Birthday dad,I miss you so much and wish I could give you a big Birthday hug. I pray for you often that you are in a happy place.I love you dad
April 23, 2016
April 23, 2016
Tomorrow will bring about another year since you have left us and I can never forget you. You are in my thoughts and prayers each day. God bless and RIP John and pray for us and I love you.
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Hi Dad, love ya every ones doing fine as you know keep up the watch from the big eye in the sky
October 25, 2015
October 25, 2015
John...I did not forget you... I thought of you and posted a memory notation on Facebook to share you with my friends...We, who know you, have missed you so much ... Know that I love you dearly...and I pray that you are at peace... Pray for me and for our children and grandchildren to all future generations.... and for all our dear extended family and our friends.. God bless you my dear. Love you,,, Regina
October 25, 2015
October 25, 2015
Hi Dad I ve thought of you often. I cant believe that it has benn so long that you have been gone. Say hi to ,Floyd and keep us in your you ,Mamie
July 13, 2015
July 13, 2015
Happy Birthday Dad, I love and Miss you,I can't believe how time has flown.I hope you are keeping all of your family in prayer to be with Jesus one day
July 13, 2015
July 13, 2015
Hey Dad , I hope your having a wonderful birthday. I remembered you at mass today. I love and miss you. I spent the day with , Sam today, and family. It was so hot here today. rest of the family stayed home.Anyway I hope you keep us in your prayers, .Hug and kisses. Love you ,Dad.Say hi to Flloyd ,and the rest of the family Mamie
July 12, 2015
July 12, 2015
John, I, also, want to leave a flower today for your here it is with all my are always in my memories.. Regina
July 12, 2015
July 12, 2015
John, I, also, want to leave a flower today for your here it is with all my are always in my memories.. Regina
July 12, 2015
July 12, 2015
Good morning John...Today is your 90th Birthday...I find this so hard to believe as I remember you so well especially at the age of 24...and we were falling in love... Where did all the years go? And already you have been gone nearly 15 years....which seems almost like yesterday to me...But for is probably still I think you are in a TIMELESS life that every moment is within the eternal day...where there is no darkness only you are with the Light of the world our God.. I don't know how else to say it. I am still in love with you and pray for you and I believe that you are praying for me and all our kids as well. I know we all need prayer in our troubled times here on earth... God bless you and peace to you for all eternity... I love you....Regina
April 25, 2015
April 25, 2015
John dear, Here it is the day after our 65th Anniversary ... and I missed you so much... and I Love you dearly . I have an idea that life is very good where you must be filled with everlasting joy. One day we will enjoy these things once again together..are you looking forward to that???? Until our next visit... Much love and God bless and RIP

October 24, 2014
October 24, 2014
Good Morning John, I want you to know I am thinking of you this morning and miss you as much as will be forever missed in my time capsule here... John itt is 13 years today that you left to go home to our Father...I hope you are rejoicing with all the Angels, the Saints and Our Blessed Mother... I know you cannot express to us here ... what is going on there; however, I know you are praying for me and your children... Don't ever give up on us as we all are very much in need of prayers....Even since you have left us there seems to be so much going on in the world and it is making life more worrisome for us all with each passing day....Pray for our safe journey as we travel through each day and pray that we may always remain faithful to our Lord and the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.. Praise be the Name of Jesus forever. I love you always! 

PS. John, after I had written this to you, Tino stopped in as he was on his way to North Carolina to see his sons...We took a picture of us... not so good... but is what it is... Life goes on and time has a way of leaving a mark or taking a toll.. I feel blessed to be in as good health as I am in these senior years...
July 14, 2014
July 14, 2014
hi dad, just saw mom she looks good . she is still driving the van haha i knew that would piss you off:). we all miss your humor and guidance but you left us strong enough to care for ourselves which makes you a success. anyways i wish you a happy birthday and love you keep an eye out for me :)
July 14, 2014
July 14, 2014
Hi Dad,I, I hope everything is much better for you and , I think of you often. Happy be;ated Birthday. Thankyou for helping ,Mike. He mentined that he saw you and others when he got burned. I love you Dad , you are sorely missed, . Keep us in your prayers, I know you and Floyd are better friends now. Please remember to pray for gr grnd kids
July 12, 2014
July 12, 2014
John, I am almost losing track of which birthday, but a good thing they are keeping me updated here... I just know they all have come and gone too soon...and too fast... but I think where you are it may only seemed like yesterday or possibly even a moment ago... 'cause from what I have read about eternity, time is not measured as we know it here on earth...we wait for the evenings, and then we look forward to the light of the new morning to come. however, where you are there is never any darkness, it is always light...cause the Jesus who is the LIGHT is forever with you; and it is said there is no darkness... I wonder if it takes a while to adjust to all that... Just wondering....  All I know from here, I have missed you every day.. Every day there is something that passes before me to remind me of you and of us...and sometimes it extends to all who those who have passed our way during our lifetime here together...
.Finally we have had a super summer with our weather... I have been in Vermont for nearly a month now and I cannot complain once about the weather... I went to the area around Lake Champlain.... I could tell the difference in the air, it was so wonderful... 
John, Mike has been in the hospital with terrible burns this month and we are hoping now he is getting healed to come home soon, but I think he will need to be most careful for a long time... He needs your prayers; and so do all the other kids..Please remember them all.and if you can help to guide and direct them in whatever they might need your help with, then maybe they would appreciate I feel you have been behind guiding me in much that I do...
You were always good at making decisions...right or wrong, you never backed away from making a decision and that is not always easy... as there is always that chance of it being a wrong one...but somehow you seemed to be gifted to make the best decision for whatever the circumstances were that challenged you.
Until next time when I chat with you...I love and miss you so very much and especially to have you to visit with as I travel to see everyone... but I know too, that you will always be close to me as you will forever remain in my heart.. May the Light of JESUS shine forever upon you. I love you now and always,  Regina
April 24, 2014
April 24, 2014
Hi Dad ,I have missed you, I hope that you and Floyd are getting along better. It has been so hard for me I finally had to hand everything over to God. I couldnt cry anymore.We need your prayers. I have something going wrong with my heart.,and D avid is sick. , pray for him as well. I love you Dad. . Hugs and kisses ...mamie
April 24, 2014
April 24, 2014
Miss your wisdom, honor, and humor. My childhood would have been less had you not be in my life. Love you gramps, rest easy.
April 24, 2014
April 24, 2014
Well dad I was a special child in many ways I was born on yours and the Queens anniversary. My birthdays tomorrow turning 55 wow im on my way to 60 that in its self scares me . But you always taught me that life is not how long you life is its how you live that's more important .. You went through so much pain here on earth Im sure you are in a wonderful place now...miss you and your wisdom you were almost as smart as the queen love you grace y
April 23, 2014
April 23, 2014
John, tomorrow the 24th we would have celebrated another Anniversary... You will be in my thoughts and prayers...and I want you to know I am still in love with you... I put a video of you and me dancing... It was a picture of you taken in 1979, and the one of me was taken 30 years later while on a Mediterranean Cruise in 2008...they went well together... I hope you enjoy it... and I wish you could have been on the trip with me.....and if anyone wants to check out our dancing video, It can be found on the Menu under the Gallery option...
John, this past Sunday was Easter, I wanted to tell you that Michelle and Larry came to visit me and they were here to attend one of our Easter Masses and they were very impressed to be at one that had 3500 people present..I could tell you a lot about how beautiful this was...and I am happy they were able to experience it... Mitchell and Nancy were there too.....and after Mass we all went to Mitchell's home for a lovely Easter Dinner.... One of my best Easter Sundays and will always remember it... I wish you could have been there with us...I know you would have been so happy and enjoying it... Continue to pray for all of us...I love you always and miss you very much...And pray for me, our family and all those whom you have known and loved.
October 25, 2013
October 25, 2013
Uncle John,
There are two pictures hanging in my office. They are of the two hero's in my life. Two men I have had the most respect for ever. You and my dad. I think of you all the time. Trust, words here will never replace the memories I have of you both. I miss you both so much. Carl
October 24, 2013
October 24, 2013
My dearest John, It is now 12 years as of today that you left us all, and hardly a day goes by that you are not on someone's mind and needless to say, you will always be in our heart. God had a plan from the beginning for you to be in our lives and we in yours. It could be no other way, especially if we seek to do God's will. I do pray that we had tried to live HIS Will the best we could.
July 13, 2013
July 13, 2013
Dad,I miss and think of you often.I have so much I would like to share with you.I hope you can read my mind and praying for all of us to come into the loving arms of our savior. I love you always....Michelle
July 9, 2013
July 9, 2013
hi, Dad, I want to wish you a very happy birthday ..
I hope that you are happy, and basking in Gods grace. Thing are about the same for me. David is sick and in the hospital, and needs prayers.Maybe you Floyd, and our families can pray for him.I love you dad, and miss you.......Maureen
July 8, 2013
July 8, 2013
Happy Birthday John... I wonder in Heaven if birthdays get remembered and celebrated......if so, then you should have a real party and lots of blessings...
I learned recently that I was older than I had thought and seeing your birthday has confirmed to me that I had been wrong...I just want to say again, I love you and miss you, that will never change...XXX
June 30, 2013
June 30, 2013
hi dad, I think of you often and miss you. .there is so much that has gone on. you were my hero, friend ,and strength. happy belated birthday and fathers day. I went to see with mom and thought that the flowers were very pretty. continue to peay for me and my family. and all of our needs .are you and Floyd getting along now ?imiss him so much. play nice together,ok.i love you dad. mamie
June 19, 2013
June 19, 2013
Hi John....I am in Vermont over Father's Day of this year 2013 and I have visited your grave twice...I put a pretty bouquet of flowers in your flower pot, made up of 2 large white Peonies, 2 large pink peonies with several smaller blossoms...then there were 2 other deep pink small blossoms that looked like a 3 leaf clover and then there were some yellow flowers.. Enjoy them... Love Ya!
June 16, 2013
June 16, 2013
Dad today is your fathers day, and im sure your fine and doing pretty good up in heaven,But wanted to ask you have you and Jesus, had any talks yet on how you were able to raise so many kids.Now adays its hard to raise one child. He mighta thought of using your thoughts on doing it right. Cause God knows many familys have all gone to the crapper with one child. Happy Fathers Day Dad
June 16, 2013
June 16, 2013
Happy Fathers Day Dad, m sure by now God has asked you how did you raise so many kids. And have them turn out good, when so many familys can't raise one with out getting divorce. Since your not a role model the world is gone to the crapper. Tell God the things he needs, maybe it's not to late to help the family's who need help.

love you Dad
June 16, 2013
June 16, 2013
Happy Fathers Day Dad, im sure by now God has asked you how did you raise so many kids. And have them turn out good, when so many familys can't raise one with out getting divorce. Since your not a role model the world is gone to the crapper. Tell God the things he needs, maybe it's not to late to help the family's who need help.
February 24, 2013
February 24, 2013
It is the Lenten season now 2013 and Easter will be March 31st... If you were here, you could go with me to Mass that will be held at the Expo Center... A very large hall and we have thousands who will attend at each of the 3 Masses held that Sunday... I just thought you would like to know that. Miss you...
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
To my oldest brother who was supposed to be the "Oldest and Boldest and the first and the worst!" That really wasn't true but sounded "funny" . Wish you could tell us what it's like "up there". Enjoy the " peace" and all the beautiful colors and our LORD!
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Thinking of you again, time does not take that away. You are in my prayers.......and with love.........
August 9, 2012
August 9, 2012
I think about you every day. You were the one I came to for advice and encouragement and you believed in me when i wanted to do anything.  You were there when I was sick,and I learned so much from you. I miss you very much dad and love...Mamie
July 13, 2012
July 13, 2012
dad, i miss you every would absolutely love your great grandchildren
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Recent Tributes
July 12
July 12
July12, 2024.... Another year has passed... today is your birthday and so I am wishing you a blessed one celebrated with all the saints and our Lord... I have wondered if you have seen others whom you loved and were a part of your life here ... You have been gone now 23 years (2001)... As now Marc (2021) and Joshua (2023) have left us and of course there are all the loved ones that have gone before you... including our dear little grandson John Albert. I do hope you have met all of them... and how I wish we could learn about All.  I love you and I will keep your candle burning... You will light up my world... Always ... Your other half... has chatted once again.... XXX
October 24, 2023
October 24, 2023
My dearest John... Oct 24, 2023..... It was 22 years today that you left me and the kids... and all the family...We have missed you in so many different ways and I have always felt that you have not been far away... I believe you have visited me a lot and even nudge me many times... to remember you... and so now I feel I have answered big time... but I still want to hear from you... I am frustrated tonight because I have spent hours looking for a key.. which I finally found...Thanks to our Lord for coming to my aid... and He may have even sent St. Anthony to also help ... now I can relax... God bless you John and as always ... I will say bye for now with all my love and prayers for you.... God bless you always in heaven. Pray for all of us too... Love you... Your other Half... 
October 24, 2023
October 24, 2023
Today I think about the fun times we had discovering VoIP and playing games like duke Nukem. You gave me a passion that became my career!

"Babes, bullets, bombs. Damn – I love this job!"
His Life
October 28, 2020
October 28, 2020                                                                                                                         John... Your birthday and your date when you left us have come and gone again for another year which is now 19 years since we last heard your voice and saw your smile...  Love you and Miss you every day and you are in my prayers every day of my life... I hope you are praying for the kids and me too...  RIP with our dear Jesus, Our Mother Mary, St Joseph and all the other Saints and Angels until we all meet again to enjoy their company with you.  In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit... Amen! 
Recent stories

Yes, gone too soon...

October 25, 2013

This is the day after the anniversary and thinking of you... Love you always!


October 24, 2013

I found this interesting message in my email today on the anniversary day that you left...12 years is Oct.24, 2013.... I just thought this message rather amusing...and for those who should read it...

When God Rewards You with Babies – A Quiver Full    By Dr. Taylor Marshall

How do you know when God rewards you? You might be surprised. It often has to do with…babies!

When God Rewards You

We have a promise directly from the Holy Spirit in the pages of Sacred Scripture:

“Lo, sons are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.” (Psalm 126[127]:3–5)

My blessed vista at supper every night: “May your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.” (Ps 127[128]:3)

Two quick questions for you and for everyone you know:

1. Do you believe that babies are a “reward”?

2. Do you want a quiver full of them?

The Cocktail Party Conversation

If you were at a cocktail party and someone asked, “What do you do for a living?” and you responded, “I built my own business.”

Reply: “That’s great. How many employees do you have?”

If you answer, “Two employees,” the response would be “Oh, that’s nice.”

If you answered, “Two thousand,” the response would be, “Oh wow. That’s amazing. You must be an amazing entrepreneur. Tell me more.”

Now transform that conversation to one about family.

“How many children do you have?”

If you answer, “Two children, a boy and a girl,” the answer will be, “Way to go! You have two and you’re through. Good thing you lucked out and had one of each right away, right!”

But if you answer, “Eleven children, seven girls and four boys,” the room will get quiet and the crickets will start chirping.

If you have lots of employees, that’s a good thing. If you there are more people in the football stadium, that’s a good thing. If the seats are full for the concert, that’s a good thing. If lots of people are present for your birthday, that’s a good thing.

But if you’re dinner table or mini-van is full…that’s a bad thing…What?!

A Satanic Conspiracy?

There is a Satanic conspiracy about having children. We have seven beautiful children and we are “pitied” by people all the time. We were out to dinner last week and an older later came over and told my wife Joy (surrounded by seven children) and told her how bad she felt for her. What? It’s a good thing my wife’s a saint and didn’t clobber the lady.

Let’s get back to the Bible. ““Lo, sons are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.

Here’s another one:

Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.” (Psalm 127[128]:3–4)

How to Be Blessed!

The relationship between being a blessed married couple and wanting a “quiver full” and “shoots around your table” is in the Holy Bible. It’s part of God’s revealed truth. You can’t be a Christian and pretend it’s not true or doesn’t apply.

Too often we speak of happiness, but not enough about being blessed. Being blessed means that God’s favor is upon you and you have deep joy. Happiness depends on what happens. They have the same linguistic root. But joy is placed in our hearts by God. Nobody, not even the devil or your boss, can take that away from you. You alone can relinquish you joy.

Strive to be blessed and have that joy and peace that only Jesus Christ can give you. Be blessed every day. If you’re in Christ Jesus, you are blessed. Now go out there and be the salt of the earth. Be salty.

Be Not Afraid!

Don’t be afraid to have a large family for Jesus. It’s the most rewarding thing that you can do.

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