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September 21, 2019
Your daddy played this song for me not long before we found we were pregnant again, before we knew I was carrying you inside me. The night that he put his Gordon Lightfoot CD into his stereo and went to this track, we had gone out to dinner, and we had a lovely evening. I was still coming out of the darkness from the loss of our first child, your sister Natasha. Your daddy, though he could be callous at times, ALWAYS meant well, and he loved us ALL OF US with every fiber of his being. He taught your mother how to appreciate herself even in the times when I hated and loathed myself and just wanted to throw in the towel and just give up. He whispered to me one night after a very beautiful and sweet love making session; "Honey, you know why I picked you?"
"No", I said looking into his lovely eyes of blue, "It's because you have the heart of a WARRIOR, and you ARE the WIFE of a MARINE, and Marines don't just love any body. You are a GIFT. You are my gift and will be the gift to our children."
Then he played this song for me.

You truly are my ANGEL now,

August 29, 2019
This song was the song I made your special. And yes every moment shared with was a moment in Heaven, even when faced with the Hell Fires, you always made it better in your own unique way. To be here without now my Angel seems like the fires of HELL are threatening to consume me completely. You got me to sing this Karioke in that Irish pub in Liberty. I was scared and nervous, but you were there cheering me on, and I sang it to you, FOR you, and that night you made the sweetest love to me. God how I loved you, how I love you still. 

Your Wife,
Tonya L. Gorbich <3

dear daddy

April 25, 2019

dear daddy,

i will always miss you and i know you are still here in our hearts. But i cant get over the fact that you are gone. when you taught me how to dance and how to protect my brothers. we will miss you i only known you for a short time, but in that time i known everything about you. I will remember the good times and the bad how you where always there to help and love us. Daddy i want you to know i will never forget you or mommy. love and this not a goodbye this a see you later. love, nicole lynn gorbich.

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