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His Life

The daredevil

November 5, 2015

Johnny must have been about 5 or 6 and I had bought him a bike, of course it had training wheels, well he didn't want any part of those training wheels. So one day he was out in the garage with his uncle Johnny, who was fixing something, and Johnny got his uncles tools and took the training wheels off his bike all by himself. He then jumped on that little bike and took He was fearless. He always loved going to his aunt Lisa's house to go swimming, of course he never wanted to wear his floaties, so you had to watch him like a hawk. He would just run off the deck and jump right into the pool. He wasn't afraid of anything, even though he kept giving his Mamma heart He was always so full of life and adventure. I miss him

My handful

November 5, 2015

Johnny was such a clever child. He was in a big boy bed and out of his crib just after turning 1yr old because he just kept climbing out of his crib. I was so afraid that he was going to hurt himself that I had to put him in a bed. I used to call him houdini because he could get into anything. I used to say if you ever wanted to keep anything safe, you needed to tape it to the ceiling, that was about the only way he couldn't get I'll never forget the time that he was about a year and a half old and it was the first day of kindergarten for my oldest daughter and I was awakened to the sound of the TV in my bedroom hitting the floor. Johnny had woken up early and had completely ransacked the house before knocking the TV over. He had somehow climbed up the side of the dresser to get to the TV, thank God he was alright, but after seeing that and the rest of my house, I knew I was going to have my hands full with this little fella. He always kept me on my toes. One time when he was about 2 or 3, he wanted to go outside and I told him he needed to wait for mommy to finish cleaning. Well he got so mad that he punched the outside door, which was made of individual small panes of glass, breaking one with his little hand. Luckily he was fine, didn't even get a scratch, but when mommy tried to clean it up, she ended up with 6 stitches in her He kept me very busy needless to say. God I miss him


November 5, 2015

On March 27, 1990 I met the love of my life at 6:11am. It was a Tuesday morning, when the most beautiful red haired little boy entered my life. He captured my heart the minute I saw him and my life was forever changed. I already had two of the sweetest little girls at home and he completed our little family. This chapter is called Nonny because my youngest daughter, who was 18mo at the time, couldn't say Johnny and it came out as Nonny. There is something so special and magical about a love between a mother and her son. I love that sweet boy with all of my heart and losing him has shattered my heart into a million pieces. It will only be repaired once we meet again in heaven. I love you my sweet angel