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August 3, 2021
John was always the guy to jump in and help. From being in charge of watering his in-laws lawn when he visited them in Wisconsin, to helping his niece move from Florida to South Carolina or helping my husband and I move from Wisconsin to Georgia he was always the first to volunteer. We lost a good guy

Godfather of Arvada Hockey

August 3, 2021
I came to first meet John at my boys first year of hockey literally on the ice. I was a new team manager and it was our first team pix and we were trying to rally the little guys and get them all in Jerseys for pix.  We were sharing jerseys at the time so you can imagine the scene with these little guys.  John was having a ball helping all the mites while I was thinking what have I gotten myself into.    I learned later he was the president of Arvada Hockey.   He and Janet inspired me to keep giving back to this sport and our hockey community.   I learned so much from them both in my 13 years of volunteer work with Arvada Hockey.   In our final year of hockey, my youngest EB's last year, we had the privilege to have John help coach our Major AA team.   This was a great final season  for this group of boys finally winning a Silversticks regional after playing in it for so many years.   I'm so thankful we got to have John coach that year.   He will forever be missed.   Much love and prayers to his beautiful family.
The Bourgeois`

Great man!

August 2, 2021
When i started coaching hockey in Arvada, I co coached with John. Our son's Lloyd, and Garrett played on the same. I thought to myself, i was lucky to have this man to help guide me with my coaching career. He was the kindest man i have met. He showed me how to keep every kid on the team involved, no matter the skill level! I always loved running into him at the rink or elsewhere. His smile and welcoming conversations always made me feel good, just to have known him. You will be deeply missed John. Rest in peace friend!!

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