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 John and Shirley Lewis



John: April 9, 1931 - November 23, 2003

Shirley: August 4, 1935 - July 17, 2002

Together again!  "Forever and Ever, Amen"

Your loving children: Roxanne, Sandy, Carlene, Vicky, Debbie, David & Lori

And we will never forget our "Johnny"

May 13
Happy Mothers day momma, you are so missed and loved by all of us kids You were a wonderful momma. You were put on this earth to make babies and you made such beautiful babies. Love you mom so very much.
April 9
Today you turn a handsome 93-So much has changed, so much has happened. God only knows what it would mean if I could hold your hand, if I could look into your beautiful striking blue eyes, hear another one of your jokes, to hear your voice, to see your smile, to feel your arms around me, JUST ONE MORE TIME.
Today always meant so much to me
Now it only brings me tears
I wish that God could have spared you For just a few more years
I'm thinking of you today Dad I know that's nothing new
You were my thoughts of yesterday
And you'll be in tomorrows, too
The memories i'll cherish forever
They always make me smile
I just wish I could hold you close again If only for a while
But until the day that we unite We'll no longer be apart
But until that day remember Dad You're always in my heart
Happy Birthday Daddy
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Another Christmas without you! Dad-you instilled in each one of us what Christmas is all about (thank you) we continue to install in our kids and pass it along, Mom-oh mom what can I say I miss you so deeply, I miss everything about you. I miss your courage, your warmth, your smile, your love. (thank you) Johnny- the first to leave this earth, we all suffered greatly over loosing you at such a young age. You ability to make anyone laugh, your precise was felt where ever you were, I miss living with you, I miss your big ear hugs. I miss YOU! (thank you)
Sandy-my beautiful barbie, so beautiful and loving, your warmth and deep love for everyone you knew has made me a better person. I have some beautiful memories that no one can ever take away from me. (thank you). Lori- You changed my heart from the moment you were born, I felt it was my responsibility to take care of you and protect you. I have so many fond memories of us growing up. You were my maid of honor, you opened your heart and allowed me to be such a huge part of your girls lives. I( they were our girls) wish I could have done more for you. Your life was hard toward the end and I tried so hard, but I lost! We all lost when we lost each one of you. The pain is deep its real and its here to stay, Somedays its hard to breathe, somedays its hard to put one foot in front of the other, But we do because thats what life is all about, I know one day we will all be together, SO until that day, please watch over your kids, Please heal Roxanne please help Carlene, please heal Vicky and allow her to be really truly happy, please please please watch over David, for you see no matter how old we all get we will always need you. Merry Christmas in heaven- enormous love to you all.
November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023
Daddy, today is 20 years since you went to join Momma and Johnny in your final resting place. We are struggle everyday with the loss of our family. Since then Sandy and Lori have joined you. One by one we will all be together FOREVER! The love you installed in all of us continues. We are there for each other and love each other. I miss you so much dad, so much has happened in the last 20 years. May you all celebrate Thanksgiving the Lewis way. Until we meet- eternal love to you all.
April 9, 2023
April 9, 2023
Today you turn a handsome 92. I imagine you got your snowball cake and are enjoying Mom, Johnny, Sandy and Lori. To say I miss you doesn't come close to just how deeply I miss you. I close my eyes alot these days and a tear always seem to roll down my face, however a smile tends to end up on my face as well. So many beautiful memories of you and our lives together. One by one we are joining as 1. Life has been a struggle, so many tears and heartache. I try to hold on the good times. Please continue to watch over us kids. We all love and miss you
November 23, 2022
November 23, 2022
Daddy, 19 years ago today you went to heaven to be with momma. We celebrated your life and knew you were finally at peace as you were with your soul mate. Not a day goes by dad that I don't miss you. So much has happened, Sandy, Lori, (this has devastated us kids) This world is such a scary place to live in these days. Please continue to watch over us kids. Roxanne, Carlene and Vicky need you more than ever. I love you so much. I close my eyes and I hear your voice, I close my eyes and I see your beautiful blue eyes. I close my eyes and ket the tears fall. I hold on to the hope that one day we will all be together. Eternal love
August 4, 2022
August 4, 2022
Happy Birthday Momma, where has the time gone? My birthday is not the same nor will it ever be. My birthday was always "ours" I miss you so terribly. We have lost over and over. Sandy then Lori all in a years time. I know they are with you and dad, Johnny and grandma & grandpa. One by one you will have all of your children with you. Life is painful. You raised us to be "good" I hope we are making you proud. I was honored to call you my mom. I miss everything about you and I mean EVERYTHING. Would be so comforting if you could show us that you are all together and happy. Happy Birthday mom you have my deepest love and respect. Please give everyone a hug and kiss from us kids.
April 9, 2022
April 9, 2022
Another year, so much has happened. you are terribly missed. More family has joined you and momma now. Can't wrap my head around it. Us surviving children are left with the deepest pain and sorrow. I can only pray you are all together and that one day we will all be together. Wishing you a happy birthday daddy,I know my siblings will celebrate you. God this is so hard, you were supposed to live to 100. REMEMBER? I know you needed to be with mom and that was the only comfort that we had. Please wrap your arms around Sandy and Lori and tell them we love and miss them more than anything in the world. I love you so much and miss you all terribly. I know you her my cries and that you feel my broken heart. I try dad I really do, its just too overwhelming.
April 16, 2021
April 16, 2021
Although I miss you all everyday, today hit me out of nowhere especially hard. I know you are all together catching up with our Sandy. Mom making Johnny's slowball cake, the memories live on forever, so many beautiful memories. Happy Birthday Johnny- you are all loved and missed so much
November 23, 2020
November 23, 2020
Today has been pretty hard and emotional. Dad we need you so badly. Things are so crazy right now. I always turned to you for all my questions and you always knew the answers. My heart aches to see you, hear your voice and see your beautiful blue eyes. Dad I need you and I need you so badly. I miss you terribly snd I love you so much. You will never be forgotten dad. NEVER
November 23, 2020
November 23, 2020
Today marks 17 years, I can't wrap my head around 17 years without seeing your beautiful piercing blue eyes. I miss you so much, so much going on with our family, as you know. This is a very sad world we live in. I miss our daily talks, I miss everything about you. I'm sure you know and are watching over us all, but dad, I got be to be a "real" mom to Amelia. I love her with all my heart. Please continue to watch over all of us kids, some more than others. Eternal love daddy until we meet again in that big beautiful world you now call home.
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
Dad, I remember asking mom does the pain ever get easier for you from loosing a loved one., She said "some say it does, but in my case it doesn't" I am just like my mamma, the pain doesn't get better, I can not believe its been 17 years. I miss everything about YOU. I miss our talks, your wisdom, your warmth, your kind heartfelt words, your strength, your courage, your BLUE eyes, your heart, your LOVE. I miss YOU daddy. Please continue to watch over your children as we all need you more than ever. You have my eternal love daddy, i do believe we will all be together one day, until then~~~~~
Daddy's girl
December 21, 2018
December 21, 2018
As the holidays approach us once again, i find myself emerged in so many memories, Thank you for making Christmas such a magical time for us. At 56 I find myself so unbelievably happy from the inside of my soul to the tip of my nose. I m passing that magic onto Amelia. I pray that I be allowed to continue to raise her. I know for the first time how it feels to be a mommy and the unconditional love that goes along with it. Its such an amazing feeling. I love and miss you both and wish you were here . Merry Christmas Dad and Mom & Johnny. I love you all so much.
April 9, 2018
April 9, 2018
Happy Birthday Dad, I would give anything to see your beautiful blue eyes, feel your arms around me, sit and talk like ole times. Today IO place my hand over my heart and I THANK YOU!!! thank you for being by my side and in my heart for all of my days and nights. I pray overnight as you know. I love and miss you terribly. Please give Mom and Johnny and my grandparents a huge kiss from me. Eternal LOVE
April 9, 2017
April 9, 2017
Happy Birthday DADDY, it never gets easier. You are so missed. I miss everything about you. I still pick up the phone to call you to share my day with you. So much has happened-your big strong arms are missed, your knowledge, I can go on and on forever about what I miss about you. Please come visit me in my dreams. Continue to look after your children some more than others in this hard world we live in.
Eternal love, Daddy's Girl.
April 9, 2017
April 9, 2017
I know each of us have our own special bond and memories of you Dad.

I want to say to you Dad! Dad I love you so very much more than I ever. I want you to know it has been truly my honor, my privilege and a joy to have been your daughter. I know we all have our own Cross to carry and you had yours. There is no blame, no regrets there will be sadness for a long time. I thank God for the Blessing of you in my life. I am proud to be your daughter. I will not say goodbye I know I will see you soon. I know my heart will ache but I will not be sad to long, I will not be lost in my sadness because I know you would not want me to. I will hang tightly to all our wonderful memories that bring a smile to my face and touches my heart. I hold my hands over my heart, close my eyes and smile and thank God for you.

Happy Birthday to you Dad...until we meet. I love you and miss you deeply. Your Carlene
November 23, 2016
November 23, 2016
Dad, even a fleeting memory of your loving smile is enough to light up my darkest days. I love you. My days are lonely just knowing I cannot pick up the phone and hear your voice or show up at your doorstep to surprise you. But to my comfort I know you are right by my side at all times. I miss you so much Dad. I love you dearly.
November 23, 2016
November 23, 2016
Another year come and gone, not a day that goes by that you are not missed. I miss everything about you! Mostly I miss our daily talks, your piercing blue eyes, your huge heart, your strong arms, your gentle touch. So much has happened since heaven took you from me. I still listen to your voice message and cry every time. I'm so afraid that I will not remember your voice, but that's not the case you are embedded in my heart for eternity.
Some have gone backwards, some have gone forward- please continue to watch over our family. I love you so deeply. Thank you both for giving me 5 beautiful sisters and 2 brothers. Wrap your arms around our momma and Johnny for me please and hug them for me. Tell them they are loved and missed by everyone . until~~~~~~~~~~~~~
August 7, 2016
August 7, 2016
Happy Birthday to you Mama. I love you deeply and miss you very much. Hug Daddy for me Mom.
April 9, 2016
April 9, 2016

Today is your 85th birthday. Wow I close my eyes and I am visiting you and you are smiling with me. I love your blue eyes. Oh I have missed you and your emails, phone calls and jokes. You have no real clue how many people’s lives you have touched. Some you have touched and you don’t even know it. 

Every time I came to visit you and went with you to your shop I would watch you. You were always thinking and always trying so hard to make someone smile. Well dad you always made me smile. Well not when you yelled at me but looking back on your advice you were always so right. If I ever had a question about anything you were always there with the answers. You are the smartest man I had the pleasure of having for my father.

I think back when we lived on Kercher Street. You had your hands full. Providing for a family of 10. I don’t know how you did it. We were all very well behaved and polite and respectful. We didn’t go without. We had a home, clothes, shoes on our feet, food and every holiday you were always right there for each and every one of us. 

The day I lost you my heart hurt so badly I just knew my life as I knew it was gone. I have held onto to all your and my memories that we made every time I came out there, our phone calls and emails and that helps me through some bad times. I know now how my children will be when my time comes to meet up with you, Mom and Johnny. 

To have to accept reality that you are truly gone is just so hard for me. Thank you for my memories; somehow you knew these would help me. Happy Birthday to you Dad I love you dearly. I wish I could reach out and hold you, hug you, hear your voice, tell you how much I love you, look into your beautiful blue eyes and ask you the questions I need answers too. 

P.S. Dad please give Mom & Johnny a hug & kiss for me.
April 9, 2016
April 9, 2016
Another year has left us, today you are 85! WOW. I miss you so much dad, I wish~~~~~~ but since it is impossible I hold you in my heart. God I miss EVERYTHING about you. You were my entire heart and now my heart is just broken. I know you are at peace with your kids, We ALL love you and miss you all so deeply. Happy Birthday dad! Can you please tell Mom that Amanda is OK, I never gave up on her. Eternal love
November 23, 2015
November 23, 2015
What do I even say? 12 years daddy? where has the time gone? My heart will always ache for you! I miss you so much, some days its unbearable. I still take my shower's and allow the tears flow. (this is my time to let it all out) I love you daddy, my one and only HERO! The Holidays are particularly the hardest- but we go on dad (just like you wanted) please come to me in my dreams. help me dad, please guide me. I am a bit overwhelmed with it all.
you have my heart
Daddy's girl
June 20, 2015
June 20, 2015
Death Changes Everything , Time changes nothing..I still miss the sound of your voice, the wisdom in your advice, the stories of your life and just being in your presence. I still miss you today as much as I did when you joined our Mama. It was you who taught me to value myself , to be confident ,who supported me.
Wherever I go, Whatever I do I'll always know that you believed in me, And that's what makes all the difference.
I love you dad!
Happy Fathers Day :')
June 14, 2015
June 14, 2015
Missing my Dad..Mom and Brother!
Until we are together again...I LOVE YOU ALL!
April 16, 2015
April 16, 2015
Happy Birthday Johnny,
I often wonder what and how our lives would have been affected if you were still with us, You were this families laughter, you were loved by so many! You are so missed Johnny, thank you for so many wonderful beautiful memories. You hold such a special place in my heart that is all yours.
Happy Birthday dear John, eternal love. Please give mom and dad a hug and kiss from me. Please continue to watch over us all. .
April 15, 2015
April 15, 2015
This is for our Johnny...
Missing You
There is so much I wish to say
I think about you every day
I miss your laugh
I miss your smile
Neither lost nor forgotten...
I imagine them often
It just doesn't seem real that you're not around
I still look for you when I'm in town...
I'll never forget when I walked in the door...
You were the first to jump up to hug me....
I found myself looking for you...
Hugging you...
I will never again see your wave or your smile...
We won't stand on the street and visit for a while...
No "how you doing Sis" with a big hug to follow....
No "How do I make Mom’s stew"... or “I love the Calendar Car”
The sleep over & popcorn fight you had with your nephews
For these are my memories just to list a few
All of these things, I cherish so dearly...
In my heart, I remember so clearly...
I still talk to you...
I know you can hear me...
Today I spoke of you and before I finished my sentence....
I could feel your presence...
Then... a coincidence, or was it a sign?
The song that reminds me of you began to play...
As If you knew I was thinking of you this day...
I smiled…feeling you were there with me...
Again... I sat remembering...
Tears filled my eyes as I listened to the song.
But this time I accepted that you are gone.
19 years later…
Seems like forever....
I've asked myself and I've talked to God...
How could he take you away for so long?
The only answer that makes any sense is....
You're in God's hands now...
As he planned
Watching us from above...
An Angel in heaven who will always be loved.
Happy 59th birthday Johnny. I love you with all my heart!!
April 13, 2015
April 13, 2015
Another year has come and gone, Not a day that goes by that your children don't think of you and miss you. We all shed tears, some happy most sadness of you not being here with us. I know you are with us! Please continue to watch over Roxanne, Sandy, Carlene, Vicky, David and Lori. Some need you more than others. Mom ,not quite sure what your message was to be, but please help me help Lori. PLEASE!!!! Dad you got what you always wanted! your kids are a family and real true, honest, loving family. My heart is overfilled with emotions as I sit here and think of how happy you are looking down on us.
Eternal love Dad, Mom and Johnny
April 12, 2015
April 12, 2015
Dad I miss you so much I cry for you and I want to be with you. I can try and be strong like Roxanne was, what a beautiful tribute she left on your 84th Birthday, but I am weak..There is so much I want to say but my tears are in the way..I will just say HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SO MUCH !!! Your Daughter, Sandy Nicholson
April 9, 2015
April 9, 2015
As I was thinking about writing a tribute to my Dad I thought... How can I say a few words that do justice to all the years of LOVE, STRENGTH, and DEDICATION Dad gave to us? His memory is as much alive in me as it was then and I MISS HIM DEARLY.
  I will do my best to NOT cry. In my life I have seen and dealt with many tragic things, yet letting go of Dad is the hardest thing I have ever dealt with.
  When Dad told us he wanted to go-- my reaction was NO, with that I realized how selfish my desire to keep him was and letting go in affect was honoring his life, but my part to keep was Memories. 
  Dad as I sat and watched you, I went back in time to better days when you were able to work, play, and enjoy life's pleasures. I dreaded yourv time of passing as I knew it was near and I knew you held on to hope not only for yourself but for your family as well; for You were our ROCK!
  Dad, if only you knew how many life's you touched. You touched so many Dad. If LOVE alone could of saved you;; You would have never died for we loved you dearly!
  To many you were more han a friend, YOU were a man of strong principles and you gave advice freely wheather we wanted it or not. Many admired you for your hard work and dedication, you were a man of your word, your handshakes were binding, you were a perfectionist in many ways (cinnamon rolls) You were funny generous honest caring and loving. But of all things you were to me you were my everything, the greatest Dad ..God could give us.
  Dad you taught me many things throughtout my life but one thing you could not teach me was how to let go.Watching you take your last breath surrounded by family you made sure we knew we were all LOVED before you joined our Momma and Johnny.
  You may have had silver in your hair Daddy but you had gold in your Heart. I know you are in a better more struggling. .no more suffering.
  God has you in his arms now and we have you in our Hearts forever.
             I LOVE YOU DADDY~~~
             HAPPY BIRTHDAY #84
February 5, 2015
February 5, 2015
It is still so hard for me to listen to ELVIS, it is still so hard for me to look at your photo, it is still so hard for me to visit your gravesite. It will ALWAYS be so hard for me. I love and miss you so much. Please continue to look over all of us.
April 10, 2014
April 10, 2014
As I opened my eyes yesterday morning
I looked up to heaven above
And whispered "Happy Birthday Daddy"
and sent you all my Love.
April 9, 2014
April 9, 2014
Happy Birthday Daddy,
Another year yet again, when will it ever ease our hearts? NEVER, mom was right, she told me it Never gets any easier Debbie. Please know how much ALL of your children love and miss you.
Happy 83rd young Birthday Daddy
Daddy's girl
April 9, 2013
April 9, 2013
Happy Birthday daddy! 82! I picture how handsome you would be, I miss you so terribly. Sure could have used your strength so many times dad, I'll never give up! Your kids forgave one another and are helping one another, I am going to marry David this year (I know you will be there) Sandy needs your strong arms as does Lori and Vicky, Please help them with all their pain. Eternal Love dad
April 9, 2013
April 9, 2013
Happy Birthday dad. You already know how much we all love you & miss you. We will be together one day. Oh what I would give to hold you, hug you, kiss you, hear your voice. Just one more time Dad. In many ways I dont want this to be my reality. I love you more than I can ever express. You did good dad. You really did. I love you!!!!
February 1, 2013
February 1, 2013
Where do I even begin! SO much going on with your kids. Please wrap your arms around our Sandy and your baby Lori! They so need your strength & guidance, but most of all your love. I kow you are happy for the rest of us, and David met his lady love who will become a Lewis. I know how proud and happy you are. I miss you so much
August 4, 2012
August 4, 2012
Happy Birthday Mommy, 10 long years, I ache for you. My birthday will never be the same without you!! I hope you are healthy and happy momma. You are missed every second of everyday. I love you so much Happy Happy Birthday mommy!.
I'm sorry I failed you with our family~~~ I tried. I really tried!!!
August 4, 2012
August 4, 2012
Today is your day Mom. You made a huge impact on all your children's lifes. There isnt a day that goes by that one of your 8 children think of you. Life is hard and you were taken way too soon. If I hurt you over the years I beg for your forgiveness. I know we will see each other one day. Happy birthday mom I love you. Debbie has does great with the circumstances. I know u r proud of her!
April 10, 2012
April 10, 2012
Each year we come to this day with emotions hard to explain but knowing that you understand the words that come so hard to speak. You live always in our hearts and our love for you never fades.
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Happy Birthday Dad. I feel pretty selfish for I really want "our" yesterdays back. People say you are in a better place, so why am I so sad. You would be 81 today. Gone but never forgotten. Oh dad we miss you badly. I love you and I know one day we will all be together. Happy Birthday dad!
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
A Very Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!! You sure are looking so handsome at a ripe young age of 81. I will always remember you telling us kids you were goiing to live to be 100. You didnt want to leave us but Mom missed you so much. We are at peace knowing you two are together!!!!Happy Birthday to the most handsome loving gentle man I will ever know.
March 19, 2012
March 19, 2012
You are Missed beyond words. Please watch over our Sandy. All My Love #1
January 22, 2012
January 22, 2012
Hi Mom & Dad, There isnt a day that goes by that you are not in my heart and thoughts and prayers, So much has happened since you both left us, I reach for the phone often to update you! I quielty talk to you and tell you all. I know you watch over all of your kids, You are so missed adn loved by us all. We didnt fall apart Dad, You worried about this. Sandy will come around one day!. Hugs
January 22, 2012
January 22, 2012
I know Dad you worried so much that we would fall apart as a family after you & mom left this world. Please know we are all family no matter what. Some closer than others. No matter what we all will always miss having you with us. Some more than others. I love you and miss you both terribly! I love you!
December 25, 2011
December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas Mom & Dad. I know you are with each one of us kids. Oh how I miss you both so badly. Dad you made Christmas so spectacular for us kids. I celebrate with both of you in my heart and in my home. I love you both very much. Always, Your daughter Carlene
December 25, 2011
December 25, 2011
A very Merry Christmas to my family in Heaven, I try so hard to carry on your legacy, It will NEVER be the same without you, those big beautiful blue eyes, the expression on your faces, the laughter, the love, Oh the love we all have for you!!!! I love you so much and will forever miss you
Daddys girl (Amen)!
November 23, 2011
November 23, 2011
I cried when you passed away. I still cry today. Although I loved you dearly, I couldn't make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest. God broke my heart to prove to me he only takes the best.

Keep this rose going for anyone in heaven that you've loved and lost - but never forgot
November 23, 2011
November 23, 2011
8 YEARS!!!!!!! NO, daddy where has the time gone? I miss everything about you, I will cry for you everyday, I will smile when I think of you, your bright smile, your deep blue eyes, your jokes! This world is in so much chaos since it lost you. I love you so much
Daddys Girl #6
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May 13
Happy Mothers day momma, you are so missed and loved by all of us kids You were a wonderful momma. You were put on this earth to make babies and you made such beautiful babies. Love you mom so very much.
April 9
Today you turn a handsome 93-So much has changed, so much has happened. God only knows what it would mean if I could hold your hand, if I could look into your beautiful striking blue eyes, hear another one of your jokes, to hear your voice, to see your smile, to feel your arms around me, JUST ONE MORE TIME.
Today always meant so much to me
Now it only brings me tears
I wish that God could have spared you For just a few more years
I'm thinking of you today Dad I know that's nothing new
You were my thoughts of yesterday
And you'll be in tomorrows, too
The memories i'll cherish forever
They always make me smile
I just wish I could hold you close again If only for a while
But until the day that we unite We'll no longer be apart
But until that day remember Dad You're always in my heart
Happy Birthday Daddy
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Another Christmas without you! Dad-you instilled in each one of us what Christmas is all about (thank you) we continue to install in our kids and pass it along, Mom-oh mom what can I say I miss you so deeply, I miss everything about you. I miss your courage, your warmth, your smile, your love. (thank you) Johnny- the first to leave this earth, we all suffered greatly over loosing you at such a young age. You ability to make anyone laugh, your precise was felt where ever you were, I miss living with you, I miss your big ear hugs. I miss YOU! (thank you)
Sandy-my beautiful barbie, so beautiful and loving, your warmth and deep love for everyone you knew has made me a better person. I have some beautiful memories that no one can ever take away from me. (thank you). Lori- You changed my heart from the moment you were born, I felt it was my responsibility to take care of you and protect you. I have so many fond memories of us growing up. You were my maid of honor, you opened your heart and allowed me to be such a huge part of your girls lives. I( they were our girls) wish I could have done more for you. Your life was hard toward the end and I tried so hard, but I lost! We all lost when we lost each one of you. The pain is deep its real and its here to stay, Somedays its hard to breathe, somedays its hard to put one foot in front of the other, But we do because thats what life is all about, I know one day we will all be together, SO until that day, please watch over your kids, Please heal Roxanne please help Carlene, please heal Vicky and allow her to be really truly happy, please please please watch over David, for you see no matter how old we all get we will always need you. Merry Christmas in heaven- enormous love to you all.
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March 22, 2011





February 3, 2011





Email sent October 11, 2001

January 26, 2011


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