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Jon Addams, 35, passed away on Friday, April 7, 2017, in Toms River, New Jersey. He was surrounded by family and loved ones at the time of passing.  

Born September 22, 1981, in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Jon grew up in Ft. Pierce, FL. For the past five years, he has lived in Toms River, NJ, as active member of the local poetry and music scene. Jon was a talented artist and writer, and participated in several Open Mic events, sharing his poetry and showcasing his art work for the community. 

He is survived by his mother and stepfather, JoAnn and Tom Lewis; his father, Jon Addams, Sr.; Kelly, his sister; Bobby and Thomas, his brothers; Rachel, his fiance; and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. He is preceded in death by grandparents Martin and Mary Case and Agueda Castillo, uncles Jimmy Case and Fred Case, and brother Chris Lewis. 

Friends and family gathered on May 4 to celebrate Jon's life and legacy. He is interred at White City Cemetery in Ft. Pierce, FL.

This page is a memorial of the life of Jon Addams, gone but never forgotten. 

Jon was one of the most genuine souls to walk the planet, whose absence will be felt every day by those who loved him. The time that he spent here will always be cherished, and though he will be greatly missed, we were fortunate to know him, to laugh with him, to love him. 

Please share your memories, thoughts, pictures, and stories of Jon here. In our hearts, he will live on! 

September 22, 2022
September 22, 2022
Happy Birthday my dear friend. I miss you so much. This world seems empty without your presence. I think of you often and fondly. Rest easy Jon. Till we meet again.
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Jon I can't believe your gone I remember being a little kid at mike moffits parties and you sneaking me beer working with you at conchy joee hanging out at my house miss you brother
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Jon graced this world with a rare and pure kindness. You might say his soul was too good for the existence we all know. The years I was blessed to spend with him defined me. He taught me the meaning of selflessness, giving, and love. He taught me how to cherish humanity through his warmth, humor, and brilliance. He will live on through the gifts he gave us all. He truly was a beautiful man.
   We used to joke about how neither of us had ever known someone we didn't get sick of, at least after a while, and that was how we knew we would spend the rest of our lives together. In a way, that was true. We were so deeply connected that we were "extensions of eachother"(his words). We didn't need time alone and as artists, this is extremely rare. Alone time was being in the same room, Jon reading his second novel of the week and me scribbling some lyrics or painting my toe nails. When he asked me to be his wife, I thought for a moment about how I couldn't really imagine him not being there, reading on the bed, painting on the floor, playing his guitar, lurking in the kitchen to surprise me with a kiss while I was cooking, rationalizing my silly fears, reading his poetry to me while we drank brandy on the porch on cold winter nights, singing improvised love songs when he sensed my anxiety, holding me for an extra minute before getting out of bed for work in the morning. He was already a part of my future, a part of who I am. We were bound to eachother by something that cannot be explained in words. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together. We had both found our "other".
   Luck doesn't do this experience justice. Honor seems more appropriate but, still doesn't cut it. Jon was, and forever will be, one of the most beautiful human beings to have ever walked this confusing earth. He loved with his whole being, he carried the suffering of humanity on his shoulders, he felt with every nerve, he gave all of himself to whoever he thought could use a piece. He was gentle despite being brutalized by society and he bore the struggles of man with the grace of the sea and the fire of the sun. The only thing he truly feared was being forgotten and he can rest peacefully knowing that he left such an enormous hole in the lives of so many when he left us that that would simply be impossible. He will never be fogotten. He will never stop being loved. He's THE Jon Addams. Forever.

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September 22, 2022
September 22, 2022
Happy Birthday my dear friend. I miss you so much. This world seems empty without your presence. I think of you often and fondly. Rest easy Jon. Till we meet again.
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Jon I can't believe your gone I remember being a little kid at mike moffits parties and you sneaking me beer working with you at conchy joee hanging out at my house miss you brother
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Jon graced this world with a rare and pure kindness. You might say his soul was too good for the existence we all know. The years I was blessed to spend with him defined me. He taught me the meaning of selflessness, giving, and love. He taught me how to cherish humanity through his warmth, humor, and brilliance. He will live on through the gifts he gave us all. He truly was a beautiful man.
   We used to joke about how neither of us had ever known someone we didn't get sick of, at least after a while, and that was how we knew we would spend the rest of our lives together. In a way, that was true. We were so deeply connected that we were "extensions of eachother"(his words). We didn't need time alone and as artists, this is extremely rare. Alone time was being in the same room, Jon reading his second novel of the week and me scribbling some lyrics or painting my toe nails. When he asked me to be his wife, I thought for a moment about how I couldn't really imagine him not being there, reading on the bed, painting on the floor, playing his guitar, lurking in the kitchen to surprise me with a kiss while I was cooking, rationalizing my silly fears, reading his poetry to me while we drank brandy on the porch on cold winter nights, singing improvised love songs when he sensed my anxiety, holding me for an extra minute before getting out of bed for work in the morning. He was already a part of my future, a part of who I am. We were bound to eachother by something that cannot be explained in words. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together. We had both found our "other".
   Luck doesn't do this experience justice. Honor seems more appropriate but, still doesn't cut it. Jon was, and forever will be, one of the most beautiful human beings to have ever walked this confusing earth. He loved with his whole being, he carried the suffering of humanity on his shoulders, he felt with every nerve, he gave all of himself to whoever he thought could use a piece. He was gentle despite being brutalized by society and he bore the struggles of man with the grace of the sea and the fire of the sun. The only thing he truly feared was being forgotten and he can rest peacefully knowing that he left such an enormous hole in the lives of so many when he left us that that would simply be impossible. He will never be fogotten. He will never stop being loved. He's THE Jon Addams. Forever.
Recent stories

It's Been 7 Years!

April 7
It's been seven years, but I still feel like you are near! Just gone away for a little while...

In honor of your talent (once again), here is the last poem you wrote when you took the 30 in 30 challenge! Love you forever! Mom

April 30, 2015

Day 30 the last day of national poetry month. Thanks for your pieces and support of mine. Closing simple. This one is called, SMILE


It never fades or goes away
I saw it once
In full regalia
But it often hides behind sad eyes
Full of grey skies
And tear drops demise
The catalyst to the lies
We can comprise
To keep the True Love
Muffled in between the cries
But know that I see your smile
And my favorite thing about it
Is that it is yours.
Keep the sun shining
The grass growing
The beaches covered in precious jewels
A reflection merely of the beauty
I see everyday
Within you.

Thanks for reading. Until next year, keep writing!

Happy Birthday, Jon!

September 22, 2023
Happy Birthday, Jon! You would have been 42 today! We miss you so much! The world misses your goodness! God looks on the heart, so we know you are with him! Once again, in honor of your talent and your words, we present another of your writings! With love, forever, Mom

Revolutionary Lounge
May 20, 2015, Toms River, NJ

Poetry to me

What is the meaning of life?
A heavy question
One suitable for poetry?
I'm not sure.
What I am sure of is that a poem
Is just a musing
A way to express meaning
In a moment

I have been privy
To some amazing expression
From those around me
I would like to call them talented
And many are
But the reality is that it is only talent
That gives ease to the expression
Of the word

Some of the best poets
Are not "talented"
At least not in the art of writing
But they have something to say
And they say it

That to me is poetry
You’ve got something to say
And you say it
You write
You get on a mic
You bear your soul
And at the moment you finish
When they clap
Or snap
You realize the poem was not for them
It was for you

They are the innocent bystanders
Of a soul’s eruption
In a positive verbal
Rather than negative physical way

So, what is the meaning of it?
The meaning is to live
And chronicle your experiences
You never know who will find kinship
Within your words

What is the meaning of life?

It's been 6 Years...

April 7, 2023
It's been 6 years that the world has missed your smile, your kind words, your art, and YOU!
In honor of your writing talent, I offer another of your writings...

The Grass Reminds Me

The grass was crunching under my feet
As I walked through the park
The sun of late afternoon
Beauty without sadness
Is there such a thing?
We were kids still
But barely
We would meet up
Times were simple
No phones to check in
Just faith that all would show at the appointed time
Port Saint Lucie
Beavis and Butthead on TV
Grunge beating out the heartache over that girl we were too scared to talk to
At least about my feelings for her
Even though she hung out with us everyday
Mingled afternoon scents
Of pine needles and some kids having baseball practice
Hearing the crack of the bat
Seconds after seeing it
That's how we knew we were far enough away
Then darkness came
Walking down the street
Laughing and thinking it would always be a version of this
Good times
And the memories still bring a smile
Sometimes I see the kids now
And wonder
What special worlds of their own they're weaving
And if it feels like ours did
I hope so
Even more I hope that we and they always carry it with us
It'll keep us young
As the world whirls around the sun
One more time

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