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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Jordan Munro, 19 years old, born on April 22, 1992, and passed away on December 25, 2011. We will remember him forever.
April 23
April 23
Happy birthday Jordan always remembered everyday hope you will be having a ball up there with ur aunty jan and ur great gran xxx
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
Happy birthday Jordan u were one in a million hope ur having a ball up there with aunty jan and Nora and ur great gran gone but never ever forgotten until we meet again xxx
April 22, 2018
April 22, 2018
Happy 26 th birthday Jordan hope ur having a ball gone but never forgotten xxx
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
Happy birthday in heaven Jordan, shine bright pal, big hugs xx
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Gone but never forgotten he was a great boy and now he's with his great aunty and great gran rip Jordan xx
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
You may have gained your Angel wings but you will be in my thoughts always r.I.p Jordan xx
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Miss your lovely smile Jordan, fly high angel xxx

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April 23
April 23
Happy birthday Jordan always remembered everyday hope you will be having a ball up there with ur aunty jan and ur great gran xxx
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
Happy birthday Jordan u were one in a million hope ur having a ball up there with aunty jan and Nora and ur great gran gone but never ever forgotten until we meet again xxx
Recent stories

Jordan's birthday(25th)

April 24, 2017

It would have been Jordan's 25th birthday on the 22nd April and am just wondering what he would have wanted maybe he would want a car

March 9, 2017

this story is quite funny Jordan was about 2yrs old and would sleep walk ocasinally  on this occcasion i had put him to his bed. A couple of hours went by and my dog laddie was going mental trying to get out the living room door to get to jordans room so i went to jordans room to check on him but he was no where to be seen and his window was open and again laddie was going mental trying to get  out the front door. So i put laddies lead on on took him outside and he started halling me down the street. There half way down Den Walk was Jordan just walking down the street sleeping. So i turned him round still sleeping and took him home back to his cosy bed but the next day he didn't even know he had done it.

When he was alot older and we had moved to Sandwell Street one time he started sleep walking again so the door was locked and the key taken out the door thinking he couldn't get out but was i wrong.jordan had managed to unlock his window and he jamp out the window and landed in the grass but remember we are up the stairs at sandwell street so he jamp out the window and landed on the grass without even breaking any bone in his body. i didn't know anything about it until he knocked on the front door to get in but he was still sleeping and i wondered how he got there with the door been locked and he had no idea how he got there when he woke up the next day. After that we turned the lock on his window the other way so he could not get out the window again. After that happened his sleep walking just stopped. 

Another story is how jordan got that scar on his cheek well he was about 3yrs and decided to climb inside the laundry basket and it fell over with Jordan inside it and it fell onto the dogs bone and cut his cheek. it was quite deep and wouldn't stop bleeding so took him to the doctors  and they had to put dumbell stiches in his check. so that is what caused that scar on his cheek. 

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