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March 19, 2022
Jordan and I were never super close but I did have mindfulness with him when I was a junior and he was a sophomore at Wilson High School. We sat next to each other for the whole semester and I got to know him as a really sweet and funny kid, he never failed to make me laugh from one of his jokes. I had the class first period and I was always super tired but I looked forward to talk to Jordan to pass the time. We would always talk about how well the Blazers were going to do in the playoffs (I believe they were the 3rd seed in the west that year) him and I were big Blazer fans so it was really fun talking to him about them. I was on the tennis team and he was on the baseball team and spring sports were right around the corner at the time, we would always talk about how both of our teams were going to dominate the PIL and win all of our games. Even though Jordan and I were never close friends it hurts me that the person he was is no longer with us. Jordan was a great kid and everyone I talked to all spoke highly of him. I will always remember Jordan as someone in my life that was a total representation of positivity and happiness, Rest In Peace Jordan Taff.
October 14, 2021
Our family is devistated and saddened beyond what words can describe. Our thoughts and prayers are with you for peace and comfort during this difficult time.

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