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Remembering today . . .

February 20, 2018

Dear Brian & Wanda, Brent, Chelsea, Ryan, Brynn -
Just thinking of you all today as we remember Jordan's passing.  There will be a raft of emotions associated with today, but let them come and wash over you, and in so doing I pray that you may be left with lovely thoughts of Jordan and the fun times you had together and a peace and resignation in your hearts.  Let the tears flow if they want to come because after the storm comes the calm and that will give you strength and courage to continue on  in your lives.  We never forget, even though the sharp pain lessens with the passage of time.  Take care. 
Love to Your Family, Corene

February 20, 2018

Let's just say  there's a " HOT"  Story behind this picture .

February 20, 2018

Geneva, Switzerland looking out the window of my sisters apartment . 

February 20, 2018

Today's the anniversary of the day we lost you , An for a time it felt as though our life had ended too. But loss has taught us many things, And now we face each day, with hope and Happy memories to help us on our way. Though we're full of sadness, that Your no longer here, your influence still guides us , As we still feel you near. What we shared will never die, It lives within our hearts, Bringing strength An comfort , while we are apart  

             LOVE , Your Family.  XOXOXO                                                                                                                                                                                                            

March 1, 2017

While Jordan was dating his high school sweetheart, my sister Jody, he was close with my family and I. I have nothing but good memories of him. He was such a sweet kid who grew into a funny, likeable adult. I honestly doubt he had any enemies. He had a huge smile that could light up any room. Although I haven’t seen Jordan in a couple of years, I do have very fond memories of him, including hanging out with him at my parents’ house, getting pizza subs together on our break at ACL when I briefly worked there, playing board games with him and Jody while they deep-fried us some food using their new deep fryer, and playing cards with him in his apartment on top of the Howland Hotel while we waited for Jody to finish her shift at the library. I always did, and always will, have a special place in my heart for Jordan, as I’m sure most people will, just because of what a nice person he was. Jordan will be missed by everyone that knew him. Condolences to the Barkman family for their tragic loss.

February 28, 2017

Although we haven't Seen each other since who knows when I have some stories of of Jordy ( as I called him back then )and they all still put a smile on my face first one is when we went on the house boat in kenora and he would not for any reason ( we tried convincing him ) take his life jacket off I think he finally did at bed time and all the nasty crayfish we caught that trip , the Nintendo games played ( the shooting ducks was our favourite ) and jumping on the trampoline at the farm and just yesterday my brother Tim remembered when Jordy thought it was a good idea to see how much zap the cattle prod had and tested it on himself lol let's say that didn't end well one thing can be said tho is when Jordy was involved it was always fun ❤ rip you will be missed dearly 

February 28, 2017

You will be forever in my heart. I treasure the memories of Jordan staying at our house for a few weeks.we spent an afternoon at Tinkertown riding the go/carts and other fun attractions. Jordan had gotten a new hat from his parents and never came off his head until he put his helmet on for riding. After getting home he was dismayed he couldn't find it anywhere, went back to Tinkertown couldn't find it anywhere. After giving up we told we would buy him a new one but he said its ok Aunt Donna I'll be ok 

He spent endless hours helping take care of our new puppy we had, always there ready to help out when he left we missed him dearly.                                                     May you as a family find strength at this difficult time, I know he's at a better place now and we meet him someday.

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