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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Jose Antoniio Velez, 74 years old, born on June 14, 1924, and passed away on June 16, 1998. We will remember him forever.
June 16
June 16
I really wish you were here much longer then what you were able to be because I know my life would of been more happier with you by my side.You were who I looked up to and admire more then anybody.I always feel you around and talk to you even though you don't technically don't respond back and I miss our conversations.I love and miss u abuelo
June 14, 2023
June 14, 2023
I really wish you were alive today to see how much Ive grown and be able to meet your great grandson who reminds me of you with his kind selfless heart.He does take after you even tho God took u away before he was born.Happy Birthday abuelo te amo te extrañó...
June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019
Today marks 21 years that you were blessed with wings and became an Angel in heaven above.You were and always will be my 1st tru love because you taught me what a real man is a d how he is suppose to take care of his woman.You were the kindest,smartest,funniest,hard working most humble soul I've known.Yes now I have a few male figures who resemble you but will never replace the love I felt towards you.I miss you alot but I know your around because I still feel your presence and you do things to show me that Lol.Love you abuelo....Te amo
June 16, 2016
June 16, 2016
Papi, aunque te me fuistes 19 años atras todavia no e podido superar tu partida. Extrano esos gratos momentos que junto compartiamos, nuestras travesuras, nuestras loqueras pero mas el Amor, comprencion, dedication, tus abrazos y todas estas enseñanzas que me inculcates. Esos Dias que corriamos y jugabamos como niños al mango Escondido, cuando Me inculcabas que no habia nada mas grande que la FE en Dios, cuando nos escapabamos a desayunar fuera y luego mami nos esperaba con el desayuno listo y nos teniamos que volver a desayunar y tu te comias tu plato y el mio para que no se molestara. Cuando tuvistes que quedar en Venezuela y nosotros regresar a PR y te hacia llamadas con cargos  solo porque queria escuchar tu voz o decirte ven a verme y tu sin pensarlo aparacias para sorprenderme. Son tanto hermosos recuerdos que nunca dejare que se borren de mi mente. Te amo y espero volver a compartir contigo TODOS y muchos mas Bellos momentos junto a ti. Te amare siempre.
June 14, 2016
June 14, 2016
Hi abuelo.Feliz cumpleaños viejito.I miss you always and wish you were here to meet Marquise he would of loved you.I love u and miss you always.
June 14, 2016
June 14, 2016
Happy birthday, papi. El tiempo habra podido pasar desde tu partida pero nuestras bellas memorias el tiempo nunca a podido borrarlas ya que el tiempo que compartimos juntos fue un amor sincero, hermoso con recuerdas que duraran hata el dia que vuelva a reunirme contigo papi. Te amo mucho y te extrano mas.
June 17, 2015
June 17, 2015
Grandpa I know it's been awhile since you've been gone but I still feel your around!!Always missing u.
June 16, 2015
June 16, 2015
Dad, you left us 18 years ago and felt like yesterday. We miss you still. Keep watching us from heaven.

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June 16
June 16
I really wish you were here much longer then what you were able to be because I know my life would of been more happier with you by my side.You were who I looked up to and admire more then anybody.I always feel you around and talk to you even though you don't technically don't respond back and I miss our conversations.I love and miss u abuelo
June 14, 2023
June 14, 2023
I really wish you were alive today to see how much Ive grown and be able to meet your great grandson who reminds me of you with his kind selfless heart.He does take after you even tho God took u away before he was born.Happy Birthday abuelo te amo te extrañó...
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Happy Birthday, Daddy, Grandpa

June 14, 2021
Can the years pass but not having you physically it’s hard but we know you are with us spiritually. We love you very much

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