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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Jose Sanchez, 47 years old, born on October 19, 1968, and passed away on April 22, 2016. We will remember him forever.
October 19, 2017
October 19, 2017
You were a True Blessing to All of those around You. Hope you're having a Wonderful Day while Dancing in Heavens Glory. Happy Birthday Jose. Never got to meet you. We're Blessed to be a part of your wife's family.
June 19, 2017
June 19, 2017
Jose, Mi Vida, Mi amigo Y me Esposo para Siempre. Hora haci 29 anos que te conosi y como quiesira estar con tigo otros 29 anos. Te Extranyo.
June 19, 2017
June 19, 2017
May Justice be Served in Your Honor. May Your Family Always Feel the Love of JESUS Our LORD & Savior Forevermore. May GODS Perfect Peace Surround All of the Family Now & Always, Amen

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October 19, 2017
October 19, 2017
You were a True Blessing to All of those around You. Hope you're having a Wonderful Day while Dancing in Heavens Glory. Happy Birthday Jose. Never got to meet you. We're Blessed to be a part of your wife's family.
June 19, 2017
June 19, 2017
Jose, Mi Vida, Mi amigo Y me Esposo para Siempre. Hora haci 29 anos que te conosi y como quiesira estar con tigo otros 29 anos. Te Extranyo.
June 19, 2017
June 19, 2017
May Justice be Served in Your Honor. May Your Family Always Feel the Love of JESUS Our LORD & Savior Forevermore. May GODS Perfect Peace Surround All of the Family Now & Always, Amen
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