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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Josefina Gonzalez-Renzi, 70 years old, born on August 17, 1946, and passed away on January 2, 2017. We will remember her forever.
January 2, 2018
January 2, 2018
Everyday that goes by i just wanna pick up the phone to call u. What i would give or give up just to hear your voice. I love you and miss you so much more.

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January 2, 2018
January 2, 2018
Everyday that goes by i just wanna pick up the phone to call u. What i would give or give up just to hear your voice. I love you and miss you so much more.
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November 10, 2020
Josefina was an amazing woman. She had such a genuine soul, and a truly caring person.  Josefina had a way of explaining things that put everything i to perspective, she didnt do it in a disrespectful manner, or raise her hands or her voice. It was the way she gave complete eye contact while she articulated her life experience in a way that left me comfortable to where I not only heard what Josie would say, but sincerely listen to her message. I was a grown man and had never even carved a turkey, didnt get the chance to do that lind of stuff. I was very scared, apprehensive. But josie took me in like I actually did exist. She showed me how to carve a turkey and made it so I felt ok. She didnt judge when she welcomed me to her dinner table and I didnt understand why there was more than one fork and spoon next to my plate, instead she took me by the hands and showed me how to properly hold the steak down with the fork and properly cut it with a knife. Diana and I miss you very much and think of you everyday. Never forgotten and always missed, every time things get rough and Diana and I want to give up, we can hear your voice say STAY GOOD. 

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