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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Joseph Bolger, 17 years old, born on April 18, 1980, and passed away on May 24, 1997. We will remember him forever.
July 11, 2017
July 11, 2017
This is the 20th anniversary of our dear son's passing. Not a day goes by without thinking of him with incomparable fondness and love. We were blessed to have him in our lives for those 17 beautiful years. His legacy lives on with the awarding of college scholarships every year since his passing with the moneys he had saved in his very short life. 
We know we will see him again someday in heaven and we are looking forward to that glorious reunion. in the meantime our life goes on doing all we can to keep his memory alive in the hearts of all who have known him and loved him.
July 11, 2017
July 11, 2017
A couple verses from God's Word:
Joe, "I thank my God in all my remembrances of you . . ." Philippines 1:3
Twenty years ago Joe heard the Lord say, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." Luke 23:43
Our eternal promise: "For God so loved the world he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. " John 3:16
As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you dear friends. Jesus is our hope, He is our victory. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Love you forever and ever!
~ Nancy
July 11, 2017
July 11, 2017
I am often amazed how much I still think of someone who left my life 20 years ago. His short time on earth was so meaningful and his death impacted me in such a way that it changed the trajectory of my life. Joe was so funny and was an absolute sweetheart to me, he always treated people with respect and he had a great love for Jesus. I loved him very much and still miss him every day. I can still remember what his voice sounded like, his goofiness, his kindness and I know I'll see him again in heaven with a big smile on his face. I miss you sweet Joe, everyday.

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July 11, 2017
July 11, 2017
This is the 20th anniversary of our dear son's passing. Not a day goes by without thinking of him with incomparable fondness and love. We were blessed to have him in our lives for those 17 beautiful years. His legacy lives on with the awarding of college scholarships every year since his passing with the moneys he had saved in his very short life. 
We know we will see him again someday in heaven and we are looking forward to that glorious reunion. in the meantime our life goes on doing all we can to keep his memory alive in the hearts of all who have known him and loved him.
July 11, 2017
July 11, 2017
A couple verses from God's Word:
Joe, "I thank my God in all my remembrances of you . . ." Philippines 1:3
Twenty years ago Joe heard the Lord say, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." Luke 23:43
Our eternal promise: "For God so loved the world he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. " John 3:16
As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you dear friends. Jesus is our hope, He is our victory. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Love you forever and ever!
~ Nancy
July 11, 2017
July 11, 2017
I am often amazed how much I still think of someone who left my life 20 years ago. His short time on earth was so meaningful and his death impacted me in such a way that it changed the trajectory of my life. Joe was so funny and was an absolute sweetheart to me, he always treated people with respect and he had a great love for Jesus. I loved him very much and still miss him every day. I can still remember what his voice sounded like, his goofiness, his kindness and I know I'll see him again in heaven with a big smile on his face. I miss you sweet Joe, everyday.
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