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My joe

January 11
My favorite memory of us will always be prom. I had to force him to dance Spanish songs with me haha, he spent the whole night dancing . I miss talking on the phone, having late night conversations, sending random TikTok’s to each’s the little things that I miss the most. Always in my heart, until we reunite . 
January 11
Joejoe I’m going to miss those days where we all hung out (me and my crew) all I needed !! The kids  no friends just my babies!!! I miss you and Bianca  so much my family seems small now and things aren’t the same you and  Bianca brang life to our time spent together!!! When Bianca pass I missed her dancing she would dance anywhere and didn’t care !! So I would miss my dancing partner ,but I remember on the last day I was dancing by myself and you came and join me (that smile on you face) and those moves made me filled with joy !! But you didn’t care who saw u I miss you Nino sooo much i hope you and Bianca are dancing in the sky and when I visit you guys soon I will be dancing to !! Maybe u can show me some new moves!! I miss our big family!! Rest In Peace and rest easy my precious angels


January 11
My beautiful Grandson,
i will forever love and miss you always.  You were my first Grandson whom I fell in love with the minute I laid eyes on you.  I truly thank God for giving you life to brighten my life as well as everyone you came in contact with.  I am grateful I had the chance to raise you as one of my own.  I will always love your mama and dad for giving me that honor of being your Nana.  I don’t know how I can go on missing you and that beautiful smile that lit up any room you entered.  You were the perfect example of a Son, so loving and caring and very respectful, not to mention such a great cook you were.  I always looked forward to your food you would make and always come straight to me to share with.  My beautiful boy, please keep sending me signs for me to know you are at peace and watching over all of your family as well as all of your friends.  I miss hearing you on your PlayStation giggling and laughing with your friends.  What gives me a lil peace my beautiful boy is knowing I can’t live forever and will see you and the family in the near future.  I just ask you one thing, when it’s my time to go, please come for me and bring me to those beautiful gates in heaven that I know you have brightened up with your beautiful soul.  Until we meet again, I will hold you close to my heart forever and love and miss you until my broken heart stops beating, Love Forever, Nana

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