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This memorial website was created in memory of our beloved Joseph Chang.

Joseph was born on July 24, 1952 and passed away on January 21, 2021. Joseph was 68 years old after a 13 year battle with kidney cancer. He is survived by his loving wife, Diana, and three children, Melody, Luke, and Mark. His life was a testimony of God's faithfulness. His love and legacy will live in our hearts forever.


常约瑟于1952年七月24日出生,于2021年1月21日去世。在与肾癌作战13年后享年68岁。常约瑟留下了他挚爱的妻子Diana与三个孩子Melody,Luke, 和Mark。我们在他的身上看到了神的荣耀与见证。他的爱心将永远留在我们的记忆中。

With an abundance of love,

Chang Family

Joseph was an avid writer. Please check out his original work below.
English Blog
Memoir: Dancing with Cancer for 12 years

In lieu of flowers, please donate to the fundraiser below. Your donation will support the work of Joseph's oncologist, Dr. Sumanta Kumar Pal, in treating patients with Kidney Cancer.
March 29, 2023
March 29, 2023
January 23, 2023
January 23, 2023
Dear Uncle Joseph,
Today is Chinese New Year, I believe that you must watch us from heaven. All the talks between us by WeChat are still on my phone but I didn’t listen again, I just watched them over and over without click on the voice bar. I am afraid to fall in the deep memory. But I always talk to you in my prayer, I think it may reaches you. Please give me your blessings.
January 22, 2023
January 22, 2023
Dear Joseph,
How I missed you so much! Today is the second anniversary of you leaving us. I went through all our chats. It was so emotional, but I love the time spending together with you. In our chat, I see that on Feb 4th, 2019 at 10:30am I sent you a photo of me standing on my roof shouting in Chinese: “Happy New Year! Can you hear me?” I want to tell you that as I am writing now it just passed the old tiger year and entered the new rabbit year of 2023. Yes, I did made dumplings and exchanged New Year greetings with all my friends, wishing them a happy new year, and I left you a greeting too. But I am now missing you in tears……
Loving you as always,
Your sister Angela
January 22, 2023
January 22, 2023
我好想你! 今天是你离开我们两周年纪念日。 我浏览了我们所有的聊天记录。 太激动了,但我喜欢和你在一起度过这时光。 在我们的聊天中,我看到 2019 年 2 月 4 日上午 10:30,我发给你一张我站在房顶上挥手给你拜年的照片,上面写着,”我在喊话:春节快乐! 你听见我了吗?” 。 我想告诉你,写到这里,此时此刻,刚过完虎年,进入了新的兔年2023。是的,我包了饺子,和所有的朋友拜过年,祝他们新春快乐, 也给你留下了问候。 可我却在深夜里泪流满面地想你……
January 22, 2023
January 22, 2023
January 21, 2023
January 21, 2023
Dear uncle, we are here to remember you. You are forever in our hearts. - Roger, Rachel, Aaron, Chris
January 28, 2022
January 28, 2022
Dear Joseph:

A year has passed without you, and this triggers my interest of your presence with the Lord. What is it like, exactly? 

Of course, you cannot come back to share with us the joy and enlightenment in paradise, a place all genuine Christians long to go one day.

Here on earth, you may or may not be aware of the crises human faces: Covid-19's havoc, weapons of mass destruction, armament race, authoritarian iron rules.... A total mess caused by unrepentant and ungodly people.

It is therefore my wish that Christ would return soon to alleviate us of all the sins and injustice and suffering around the world, ushering in a righteous and divine kingdom of God where there is no tears, no suffering, no injustice, but a joyful reunion with you, my mom and all those faithful in Christ.

What a glorious hope we Christians have!
See you again soon in heaven!
January 21, 2022
January 21, 2022
Dear Uncle Chang,

Today is the 1st anniversary of your passing. I took out the book that you mailed to me. It has your signature on it together with your smile, your voice, your laugh, and all the beautiful memories.  Our family missed you and talked about you all the time. You forever live in our hearts. I am sure that you enjoy your new life in heaven. Just like every time I left your home, I want to say take care to you. We will be back to visit you again.


The Wei Family
February 1, 2021
February 1, 2021
Dear Chang Family,

We are extremely sad to have learned of Joseph’s passing. Christina and Allison have grown up playing violin with Joseph by their side, accompanying them on the piano. He was always a comforting presence and encouraging mentor during recitals and competitions. Joseph was a positive and caring person who has left an impact on our lives. We will miss him very much and remember him fondly.

The Hong Family (Charles, Pamela, Christina, Allison)
January 31, 2021
January 31, 2021






January 26, 2021
January 26, 2021
Dear Joseph:

It has been many years since I last saw you, but it feels like just yesterday that I was playing my violin by your side. You taught me how to play music with passion and emotion; I will never forget your laugh and your wonderful sense of humor. You and Diana helped mold me into the person I am today, and I will always be so grateful for the lessons that you taught me about life and music. Your spirit will always live within my heart, and I will miss you dearly. May you rest in peace.

-Andrew Tye (on behalf of Kenneth and Sabrina Tye)
January 26, 2021
January 26, 2021
记得上个世纪70年代初爷爷在北京因病住在大姑的家里,爸爸带着我去北京看望爷爷,那时你也去了北京,虽然你的时间是那么有限,但你仍然带着我们去北京动物园,我非常地开心.....,爷爷去世以后,奶奶回到青岛居住,我和哥哥回去看望奶奶,记得一年的春节你也回来了,给奶奶买年货,和奶奶聊天,带给她很大的安慰,时间很快就过去了,一天早晨你离开青岛要回潍坊,和你在一起度过的快乐的时光的情景催逼我赶快跑出去追你,希望能在和您再说说话能再多呆一会.....,只记得我失望地带着眼泪回到家中......!1977年高考恢复以后,记得是78年我爸爸单位的同事很兴奋地说“常大夫,祝贺你的儿子被中央音乐学院录取了......”,我爸爸一看是您的录取通知书送到了他的单位,我们欣喜非常!后来奶奶写信给我们,告诉我们您是班里的高材生,我们为你感恩!记得上个世纪的80年代我爸爸因病住在北京友谊医院,大姑帮助我爸爸找到合适的医生使我爸爸多年误诊的疾病得到了正确的诊断并且住进了医院做了手术,住院期间大姑,二姑,四姑都不辞辛苦,奔波于医院、工作单位和家庭之间,无微不至地照顾我的爸爸,尤其是在我爸爸术后的当天,您在那里陪床,第二天是您的重要的期末考试,但是您却执意一定要在那夜陪床,看见我爸爸术后疼痛非常,您就对我爸爸说:“大哥哥,你疼的时候就抓住我的胳膊......” ,第二天我父亲很难过地发现您的胳膊竟然都被他抓破了......,因着照顾病人,您一夜没有合眼,然而您的考试却是取得了优异的成绩!您虽然是家中最小的,但作为老大的我的爸爸每每提到你的时候,都是被你的善解人意,温暖人心的话语,对他的体贴入微所动情......1999年8月份,我爸爸突然的离世,那时您的工作是那样地忙碌,您和三婶却不惜一切代价还是带着三个幼小的孩子特意赶回来参加葬礼,给我的妈妈和我们带来了极大的安慰。进入了21世纪后,每一次您到青岛,都来看望我的妈妈,每一次我们都听不够您的分享。在青岛的我的有智障五姑是您最大的牵挂,您牵挂她的一切,把她看作是您义不容辞的责任,尽您一切所能的来关照她,即使身居异国他乡对她的牵挂从不止息......

January 25, 2021
January 25, 2021
80-90年代,有五年多,常老師是我們兩個孩子的鋼琴老師,每個星期見面。後來我們搬到弗羅里逹,失去了聯繫。直到在網上見了“與癌共舞”的文章,才再跟常老師聯絡上。之後常老師的文章陸續的發表,每篇總是那麽感人,文筆之細膩,用詞之恰當與優美,怎麽會是出自小學四年級中文程度之手,而且在美國生活多年,還保有這麽好的中文表逹能力,所以讀者越來越多,真是佩服常老師。 2013年聖誕節時,我們全家去拜訪常老師,師母,他看到我們倆孩子都長成大人了,而且有了下一代,非常高興,那天也是我們一家難忘的一天,在多年後能相聚。 2016年,我自己又去探望常老師,那天我問常老師,如何能在文章中敘述這麽多年前,在青島老家的細節,怎麽會記得,他笑著說,我也不知道,寫著寫著,細節就冒出來。這十二年多,常老師寫了62篇文章在網路發表,去年十月第一本書出版了,他寄了一本給我,我跟他打電話聊了半個多小時,他非常的高興,我手上掂著他厚實的精心之作,隔著電話,都可以感受他那份喜悅。我們談到如何保持腦子清楚,常老師鼓勵我可嘗試在留言欄裏留言,是一個鍛練用腦子的事情。最後一次接到常老師的微信,是在一月八日,他告訴我,在海外文軒上有朗讀介紹他的故事。再看常老師多年來寫的文章,及“與癌共舞十二年”的書,還有讀者的廻響,為何有這麽多人受感動,得激勵,因為是常老師自己的親身經歷,他有紮實的信仰,明白神的心意,從文章裏讓人看到那生命的美好和愛。感謝常老師給我們留下的作品,信仰,與愛心,永遠懷念此生的一位好朋友。常老師安息。
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Justin and I have known Joseph since I was 7. I will always remember his positive demeanor and funny personality. Joseph always believed in me, even when I seemed impossible. He was always patient with us and gave it his all every time, regardless of his situation. He would always drive us to improve and be the best version of ourselves, whether he was being our accompanist or just dropping into our lessons. Justin and I will always remember Joseph for what he did for us, and we will miss him dearly.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
There are many facets of Mr. Chang's life that I can be thankful for. One in particular that stands above all is his love for Jesus Christ and the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:3-4ff). He boasted in God. He drew strength from His Savior and Lord in order to live with purpose and hope. Because of that, he was able to demonstrate that you can still be a vessel for God's glory while living and fighting cancer for 13 years.  I am so thankful for Mr. Chang's courage and bravery during his time on earth. Dancing with cancer reminded me of Romans 8:28, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." His life reminded me that suffering though hard is not wasted and ultimately points to God who is sovereign over our lives and it is He who we must depend upon. I will miss my conversations with him and serving with him for the cause of the Gospel.  And I will always be grateful and cherish the memories of him and his family using their musical talents in my church and wedding.

Lord, Mr. Chang is no longer dancing with cancer, but he is now dancing with Christ, the Son of God who died on the cross and rose from the dead for his sins. I look forward to spending eternity with him while worshipping the Son of God. I know he is being cared for beyond our imagination!

In Christ,

The Mel Family
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28–30)
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
今天又重新阅读了您以前的部分文章,刚刚又在ijingjie里收听了您2018年2月关于抗癌十年的音频,最后听您唱Amazing Grace时眼泪不由自主地流了下来——感谢您这么多年以来为主做的见证,让我们对主的话语有了更深刻的理解。
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Joseph was the first person to give me a chance at Farmers. He hired me after college and gave me the opportunity to go on an adventure in Los Angeles. He showed me the ropes at Farmers and he loved sharing real Chinese food with anyone he could convince to go to lunch with. When I was alone in LA he invited me to come over and celebrate thanksgiving with his family. He was very proud of his hometown Qingdao and I don’t know how often he told me the story of the German beer from China coming from his hometown. He invited me to see his daughter play music and I’ll be forever grateful to him to have given me a chance to start my career. A sad day and you’ll be missed!!!
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
小舅时刻感恩神把他原本只剩余两个月的生命变成了十三年,他身体里的器官因为癌细胞的扩散已被切除了很多,几乎每个礼拜都要去医生那儿,身体上的痛苦不言而喻。他也气馁过,刚开始发现癌症时问自己的问题是为什么癌症找到他,后来他经常开心的问自己的问题变成了我怎么还活着。在过去的十三年里,在亲友群里包括每次和他聊天的时候,我们看到的只有乐观的他,我能记住的就是他每次爽朗的笑声和每次他都感谢今天还能开心的和我通话。因为心里有信仰,因为感谢主,所以他这十三年里的心路一直是平静安详的。他带给我的是对生命的热爱和对新生事物的好奇。他的好奇心一直是零零后的好奇,而且一好奇就想去搞清楚。 和他在一起聊天,我就觉得世界上总有那么多好玩的东西要去探索。 小舅和小舅妈都是中央音乐学院的高材生。 圣诞节前我们家小朋友的小提琴汇演他还专门连线进来参加。小舅妈也很伟大,是个有名的小提琴家,培养了几百个学生。她的女儿Melody曾经获得过在香港的世界小提琴大赛的一等奖,现在是加州Biola大学的年轻的 artist professor。Biola大学也曾是小舅的母校。我们家俩儿子也很荣幸能在Melody之前深造的音乐学院上课。 这十三年小舅妈对小舅的陪伴可想而知会有多么的不容易,但是她真的很坚强,也很乐观,她带给小舅的阳光只有内心热爱并感恩生命的人才能源源不断的产生能量并传递能量。如果生死都不是事,那么还有什么生活中的困难和烦恼是事呢?生命中出现的每一个人每一件事都是为了让未来的自己更好,都值得感谢。感谢神,也感谢小舅亲身为世界上的很多人(包括我)见证了对待生命的态度,心里有爱,世界才能是美好的,包括在生命中有可能出现的每件事,无论好坏。小舅的音容笑貌会永远留在我的心中。
January 23, 2021
January 23, 2021
My beloved brother and I had the closest relationship. During tough times, we would always reach out to each other and have one another to lean on. His support was a blessing that I will forever be grateful for. 14 days before his last day, he gave me two live lobsters as my 80th birthday present. Even though he had so many extremely difficult struggles of his own, he always thought of others and brought happiness to them.
The longest time I spent with my beloved Joseph in the U.S. was 12 years ago, four months after his kidney removal when he had his 2nd surgery pancreatectomy on December 15th. I remembered that day outside the surgery room: Diana was wearing brightly colored clothes and the smile on her face showed everyone her faith and trust in God. I remember the days after the surgery. Joseph, with his arm laying around my shoulder, took his first step, and then the second… as if his life had started anew. However, I believed this new life would last only a year, as sentenced by professionals. 
We celebrated Christmas together, then I departed home with a heavy heart. These precious difficult days we stayed together will be forever commemorated in my heart.
Among our eight siblings, Joseph is the youngest, yet he contributed the most to our family through his unforgettable filiality, like helping our parents and comforting them the most. In the wake of China's Cultural Revolution in the last century, Joseph, who was only 12 years old, was the only one who accompanied our parents and braved through the hard times with them. After he came to the States he constantly helped every family member who was in need, while asking his own children to get loans for education. Even if we didn’t want to burden him, he always miraculously detected each of our difficulties and helped us out of his kind and giving nature.
His love is always pouring out for others. On behalf of my siblings, I would say “Thank you, our little brother!”
To my surprise, Joseph lived much longer than one year and his life became increasingly productive. Every time I visited him, I saw more strength and happiness in him—especially since he started writing. In those moments I knew writing was his mission bestowed by God, for he had never written before and was too young to remember the past in its entirety; it’s just impossible to be such an amazing writer without previous practice and training. His writings inspire me and many others. His life was a miracle that strengthened our faith.
I have to give thanks to dear Diana, an amazing wife, mother, and sister, as she made everything possible, even though everything seemed impossible. She carried all the burden of taking care of Joseph and the whole family, while simultaneously maintaining a holiday atmosphere in all corners of the house and creating a family full of holy spirit. I would also like to thank Melody, Luke, and Mark for giving joy and pride to Joseph! Thank you to all of our friends and Joseph’s fans for supporting him and encouraging him to stay happy. Joseph would often share with me everyone’s moving comments. We appreciate them deeply.
Lord took Joseph to heaven while he was soundly sleeping, it went fast and peacefully—the best reward one can get.
Joseph, I will miss your smiles and chatting with you all the time! We will meet in heaven!
January 23, 2021
January 23, 2021
My Dearest Joseph:

How can I forget our 40 years of friendship from Biola College since 1980. I am proud to be your friend as you have achieved so much with so little. You were an accomplished pianist, a prolific writer, and a professional accountant— admired by friends & inspiring for many.

Moreover, you have raised an exceptional family– a musician, a physician, & a banker, topping that with a beloved wife, Diana-- a well-known Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra violinist whose multitude of students covers LA, US and beyond. Praise God, you’ve left a rich legacy indeed.

Miracle defines your life. In China, you survived the most brutal & inhumane Cultural Revolution, and in US, you boldly faced the challenge of kidney cancer for 13 long years. As our common good friend, Roberta Innes, once said: Joseph is a “Walking Miracle”. You truly were.

Now that you have gone to meet our loving savior, we are sad and miss you, but happy that you had fought these earthly trials & sufferings valiantly & victoriously—Keeping Your Faith—and are now welcomed into the eternal blissful Kingdom of Heaven. Halleluiah!

Your Roommate at Biola University,
Caleb of Vancouver, Canada
January 23, 2021
January 23, 2021
One of the last acts of Joseph at Farmers was to interview and hire me. I still remember him finding my resume online and calling me directly asking to interview me. For some reason, God led him down this path and it forever changed my life.

I remember thinking this was too good to be true and was skeptical of the call but had to take a chance. Joseph even offered to interview me at his own home since he knew I lived far away from the office at the time. While I countered to meet in a more public place like Starbucks, that showed the trusting nature of Joseph.

Since then, my career has taken off in ways I’ve never imagined possible but I will forever be grateful to Joseph and the Finance team at Farmers for training me and giving me my start.

One of the crazy memories I have of Joseph was finding out he was a sheep herder of some sort. He had bought sheep in China not for profit but was giving them to strangers so that they could have a way to make a living. At the time I could not believe anyone could be this generous and thoughtful but as I got to know Joseph, it made sense and was just part of who he was as a person always trying to better the world.

Joseph you are missed dearly from all of us.

January 23, 2021
January 23, 2021
Not only an amazing person, great uncle Joseph Chang was also an incredible writer. I loved reading his blogs, which inspired me to have faith and taught me a lot about his remarkable character that was so full of hope, love, and spirit. Transmitting from generation to generation, Joseph's positive influence is definitely eternal.
His family is also remarkably strong and admirable. At Melody's wedding, I noticed how aunt Melody, and uncles Luke and Mark were all so kind, welcoming, and funny, and how great aunt Diana Chang was so considerate, giving my sister and I pretty hair accessories despite it being our first time meeting. I pray that God gives them strength, comfort, and healing.
He greatly influenced the lives of many more than he probably expected, including mine. His generous portrait commission (evident by the fact I was only a freshmen) and his kind praise of the piece were things that I often thought about if I was feeling dejected and inspires me about the future.
It's clear to everyone who has met him or heard his story knows that he was resilient, courageous, kind-hearted, and faithful.
God has welcomed home another saint, but we will miss him greatly.
January 23, 2021
January 23, 2021
May God Bless you my friend Joseph. Our deepest condolences and Love to the Chang family for your loss. I want you to remember that Joseph is not a loss from us all because he left his Love in our hearts that we will always cherish. A life filled with the gift of God and Love that he so willingly shared with his family and friends. His appreciation of the arts and music will forever play in our minds and hearts. His writings have traveled the world with not only words but the Love and Glory of God.

Joseph made such a difference in this lifetime and has selflessly given so much to others that I don’t think he even realized. Thank you, Joseph, for touching me and my son in such a profound way. You were an Angel from God that delivered Love and Hope at our most difficult time. In a waiting room at the City of Hope, you became a true friend with a Love and Compassion we will never forget. Both you and Matthew have provided the great medical teams at the City of Hope with such valuable research and testing that will save lives throughout the world in the future with providing a cure for this disease. Your strength and sacrifice is truly inspiring and something that will be an inspiration for us all. We promise to carry on your name and spirit forever.

Thinking of you reminds me of one of my favorite quotes -
“ Heroes are remembered, but Legends never die “.
Thank you for this legendary life and all of the gifts you left for us all. Peace be with you, my brother.

January 23, 2021
January 23, 2021
Joseph was my faithful accompanist throughout middle school and high school, for every recital and competition. He knew when to guide me when I was lost, and he knew when to let me play when I was enjoying the music. Having known Joseph for more than half my life, he felt more like a family member I would visit on a weekly basis. Joseph was always warm and inviting, and his laugh was infectious at every dinner table. It was a true pleasure having Joseph in my life, and I hope that he has finally found rest after years of fighting for his. May God Bless you Joseph, and May God bless your family. I will miss you a lot.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
It was such an honor to get to know Joseph. He was one of the first patients to join my practice, and over the past decade (more than that now!) he has become a part of my family. I loved Joseph's kind heart and gentle nature. I loved the way that he approached life with such vim and vigor.

Joseph has contributed greatly to the lives of others in so many ways. In a very tangible fashion, he has contributed to extending the lives of others through his participation in clinical trials. Through these, we have gained knowledge and insights that will benefit patients everywhere.

In a less direct fashion, I have learned important life lessions from Joseph ... and Diana. I have witnessed first hand how to be a kind and caring husband, and no one has done better than Diana to take care of their loved one through sickness and in health as Diana has. Diana, you were an amazing partner to Joseph. I hope that if my wife or I are ever in the same dire straits, we will care for eachother in the way that you cared for Joseph.

Joseph also showed me how to be an amazing father. I have met Luke and Melody, but spent the most time with Mark. Mark and I met when he was in high school, and it's amazing that he is now making his way through residency. Through mentoring Mark at City of Hope, it was clear that Joseph was his motivation to enter into medicine and make a positive impact on the field. I am confident that he will.

To the Chang family, I want to thank you for the opportunity to get to know you over the years. I have learned so much from you all and I know we will always remain in touch.


Monty Pal (City of Hope) 
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Joseph was the bravest man I have ever met. He was incredibly optimistic, and had such a persevering soul because God was kept at the center of his heart. He always found his strength and his hope in Christ and I am so encouraged by his faithfulness to our Lord.

Psalm‬ ‭121:1-2‬ ‭ESV‬‬
“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

He was a gifted writer and I always loved to read his work. Joseph, along with his writings, always encouraged me to praise God for all of His blessings.

Joseph was a mentor for both of my children. He patiently and lovingly taught them the beauty of music. I can not thank him enough for his steadfastness in coaching them.

He will always be kept in our hearts.

The Hao Family
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021

You are a great follower and disciple of God. Your life and faith have inspired so many people. I love the little chats with you, and your writings are always inspirational for me. I can really see how a Christian’s life should be in you. I admire your courage and your faith. You have exemplified God’s love in your life. 
Your coaching sessions with Serena were always so fun. Your comments and your encouragement have been essential before her performances. We will miss these fun sessions. We will miss feeling your passion for music and students. We will miss your encouragement. We will miss your talk. We will miss your laughter. We will miss you, Joseph. You will always be in our hearts.

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March 29, 2023
March 29, 2023
January 23, 2023
January 23, 2023
Dear Uncle Joseph,
Today is Chinese New Year, I believe that you must watch us from heaven. All the talks between us by WeChat are still on my phone but I didn’t listen again, I just watched them over and over without click on the voice bar. I am afraid to fall in the deep memory. But I always talk to you in my prayer, I think it may reaches you. Please give me your blessings.
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A dear friend

January 23, 2021
Joseph was a co-worker early in our careers and we became friends. His friendship over the years and miles. Diana, know that you, and your family will be in our prayers. His life was a life well lived. With God’s hand upon him and with him throughout many hardships and many blessings too. Joseph, we will meet again in the heavens! May God comfort you Diana, Luke, Mark & Melody 

Thinking of my Dear Uncle Joseph

January 23, 2021
I am looking forward to meet you again in heaven.

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