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Share a special moment from Honorable Jude's life.

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June 8
You demise ,is still  a rude shock to me .we had a WhatsApp  conversation  the night before  ,less than  12 hrs  later the news filter  in you were no more.
You were a  very good  bro/friend, we would  have been having our usual  political  discuss   ,arguments, permutations  on the  likely  outcome  of forthcoming  elections .
May your  beautiful  soul continue  to rest in the bossom  of Lord. 
Sleep on bro.

My dear friend, I really do miss you.

June 7, 2023
Many never knew thevsidebof you that I knew. A very long time ago, early in your HA role, you stood by me during a very challenging period for for charity. You never asked me for anything and never did.

I miss that laugh of yours and smile. Miss the moments. Thia is still unreal that you left us behind.

God, you know best.
July 21, 2022
It's so sad that you are gone.No doubt many will miss you forever.Like a golden Fish that has no place to hide so were your desire and thoughts towards good things to come.
Your life reminds me of the Faithful servant whom the Lord made ruler over his household to serve, but only for the cold hands of death, and nobody can question the Almighty God for this.
     Like a giant in appearance in looks ,so was your heart large in kindness.
Stay bless in heaven and Rest In Peace. Amen.
July 14, 2022
Death leaves heartache no one can heal. Memories are treasures no one can steal. You ran your race and left your mark in the sands of time. Your life was a blessing .
You are no longer in our life to share but in our hearts you are always there. You are missed beyond measures.
Rest peacefully in the bosom of our Lord, our gentle giant.


July 13, 2022
Life is a mystery, and yours epitomizes the unpredictability of our human existence in this valley of tears.
Thinking about you brought back various sweet memories of joyful celebrations and encounters.  With your young age, you have achieved so much as if you were in a hurry to leave your footprint in the annals of time and history.
You started positively from your humble beginnings with simplicity, trust and self assurance. I saw you grow gradually in age and maturity from ICC, through UDSS, to UNIBEN, and shared your joys and sorrows in gradual achievement of your goals and expectations. You're an amazing achiever at home and abroad.
 Then, you mysteriously ventured into the dreadful Nigerian politics and against all odds you succeeded from the Edo state House of Assembly to the Federal House at Abuja. I know how you made a difference in the lives of the less privileged. But you have gone too soon my dearest friend, son and brother.
We shall all miss you. Your family, friends, constituency Edo state, and the entire federation.
Adieu dear friend; till we meet to part no more. May God the Blessed Trinity welcome you into heaven
May Our Blessed mother Mary reunite you with Jesus her Son, and may the Angels and saints welcome you into the eternal kingdom and glory of God. Rest in perfect peace my dear IK

Hon Jude Ise Idehen "IK Bobo"

July 13, 2022
Words are not enough to communicate how pained and broken I am as I pen down this tribute. Honorable as I call you. You were a go-to-person. 100% reliable. Always ready to listen to any business idea. Will always pick calls. Humble, Confident, Intelligent, Smart, Strategic, Peaceful oh mine. I can go on and on. Who will take up the mantle in Edo State from where you stopped. We had several discussions about Sustainable Development, you had great plans for Nigeria . I know God made our path cross for a purpose. I learnt so much from you and I promise to keep the fire burning. We your friends and family are broken oh. Let me tell You! We are weak.
I have cried and cried . 
May God comfort us all as we accept that you live in Christ. You are Alive. Forever in our heart.
Farewell Jude

A tribute to my beloved cousin...

July 12, 2022
I want to thank God for the life you lived...I want to thank God for making our part to meet... You made me what I am gave me job against all odds... You were so happy and delighted whenever I hint you of my progress in life... You were so selfless and humble... whenever I call to  intimate you of any progress, you will say, how many cakes are you owing me now? You didn't wait for me to repay you all your kind gestures.. The consolation I have is that, everyone I have come across in this trying period, will say, Jude was a kind and good man... May God continue to watch between you and I... May God watch over the beautiful family you left behind... I love you even in death... Death took away my dearest and best..... 
Uhunoma IKPONMWEN ( nee Osifo).

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