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March 19, 2021
Kaiden Anthony Washington who also goes by the name of piggy was born in September with a heart defect known as hypoplastic left heart syndrome the part of the heart that pumps the blood throughout the body wasn't developed fully so he had to have three open heart surgeries he had his first open heart surgery 4 days old he took it like a champ and I was beyond proud of him yet like any other parent scared he was on oxygen because his levels kept going down and he was having difficulties not being so greedy and taking it easy to understand drinking a bottle so he had a feeding tube we practically lived in chop Children's Hospital the whole time for his life he wined up on life support twice and when I tell you it was the worst experience ever felt throughout this whole process he has taught me so much patience and to enjoy life as it's given he fought so hard and throughout everything his littlw body went through he still managed to smile he was the cutest little monster always growling , love the sound of music and barely wanted anybody else to touch him I love that about him in November his little body finally gave up we prayed and had him baptized and then his pain was finally over they say when you remember somebody in silence they die twice and I would never .... continue to play in Paradise you're very loved and missed and will never be forgotten rest well piggy our strong little baby 

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