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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Kathleen Nikas, 75 years old, born on October 26, 1935, and passed away on May 1, 2011. We will remember her forever.
May 12
May 12
I love you momma happy mother's Day! But I know you're up there with auntie Peggy and Uncle David and Uncle Bobby and everybody else I can't wait to see you all!! Especially you!! My life was never the same without you!! And I miss you so much!!
May 12
Dear Mom, Happy Mother’s Day. I miss you every single day but especially today. I miss my Mommy! I don’t care how old get, I will always want my mother by my side. I’m so thankful for all the memories I have. We’re forever bringing up stories and having a good laugh. You were quite the wit. I still drive by your house all the time and wish I could stop and come in and sit in the chair and we could share some food and some laughs. You have a wonderful day celebrating with your own mom today. I love you forever. Love, Christine
May 1
I miss you Mom!! We had our chat today, I've just got that to hold on to!! XO
Bet you wouldn't like this crazy world!!!  RIP and keep flying with the angels!!!
I Love You, forever and always!!!
October 26, 2023
October 26, 2023
Happy birthday Momma, I love you and I miss you more everyday!! And I cannot wait to see you again! I'll bring the cold beers and the Chinese food have a wonderful day I love you xoxo
October 26, 2023
October 26, 2023
Happy 88th birthday Mom! I think about you every day of my life, but I’m especially thinking about you today. I wish we could celebrate with a big birthday cake for you and lots of winning lottery tickets. I miss you so much. Now you have auntie Peggy up there with you so I know you two are having a good time together. At least you get to celebrate your birthday with your mother, your father, your brothers and all the people that love you. You are never far from my heart and I just relive so many good memories. You had quite the sense of humour in such a sharp wit. I love you forever, Christine
May 1, 2023
May 1, 2023
Hi momma I don't really know what to say like Christine says about the crossword puzzle I miss me and you eating 10 tons of Chinese food and having beers together and cooking for you and I know I don't come on here as often as I should but I love you and I think of you often 12 years time goes by fast doesn't it I can't wait till the day I see you again I love you with all my heart!!! You and auntie Peggy better not drink all the beers before I get there!!!
May 1, 2023
May 1, 2023
Another year has passed without you. It's hard to believe its been 12 years! I miss you as much now as I always have. I miss your sense of humor, your sense of style and your sassy attitude. I'm still doing my crossword puzzles on Sundays but it's not the same without you. We had so many laughs at my kitchen table with our "crossword competitions". Those were a lot of fun days and I miss them so much. I find comfort in knowing you are no longer suffering and I will see you again some day. Until then, I think of you every day and those memories give me a lot of smiles and laughs.

I love you always,

October 26, 2022
October 26, 2022
Happy Birthday Mama. I was thinking about you all day and wishing I could stop and buy you some scratch tickets to make you a millionaire! Like that was ever going to happen but we had some fun times trying to get there. I still miss you so much and think about you every single day. I miss that sense of humor and I miss the glitter queen. You’re always in my thoughts. I love you.
October 26, 2022
October 26, 2022
Hi Mama, Today's your day..........87 years old; I guess that explains my age! Where do the years go??? I always miss you but more immeasurably today. Life has never looked quite the same without your glittery presence. It's dull, gray and dim. Wish we could have Chinese food with you today. Thank you for being the best mother that you could. I hope you're soaring high in the Heaven that you had hoped to someday visit. I love you with all my heart! Cheryl xoxoxox
May 1, 2022
May 1, 2022
Hi Gram,

Can’t believe it’s been 11 years without you…. I miss your sense of humor! I would love to still pick up some Harrison’s and come over and shoot the breeze with you! We always had some good laughs. You are missed by me and I will always keep the best parts of you with me❤️

Love, your granddaughter Sarah
May 1, 2022
May 1, 2022
Another beautiful day and 11 years.......... ugh! I will always love you Mom. Missing you today! Had a great day with Danielle and her boyfriend who graduated college - yeah! And now I have a nice Spanish family I'm ingratiated into - they're fun and crazy just like ours!  Rest easy mom, I'm going to bed now. Good night! I love you, Your daughter Kathy XO
October 26, 2021
October 26, 2021
Happy Birthday to you Momma. Oh, if you could only be with us to have a party (one of the many!) - have a cake with 86 candles on it - and I'd make that happen!! I miss you so much - you know that and I love to "talk to you" and "move you around" a lot at my house -- Hope you've been enjoying the spots! I miss you more than you know!! I try not to cry but sometimes life just becomes overwhelming, we're all still trying real hard to put one foot in front of another!! You know this. Enjoy your birthday in the beautiful garden! I love you always and forever!!!  XXXXOOOO Kathy
October 26, 2021
October 26, 2021
Dear Mom, Happy 86th Birthday! You are missed so much but never forgotten. I wish you were here to celebrate but I know you are pain-free in Paradise. I hope you're having a huge birthday bash with your family in heaven. In the meantime, we are left here missing you more than ever. Not a day goes by that you are not thought of and loved. I miss you so much! You were quite a character and we were so lucky to have you but we wish we had you forever! I love you.

Your loving daughter,

October 26, 2021
October 26, 2021
Dear Mom, Happy birthday to you today. Has it really been ten years since you left us? Life has never been the same and I mean that in more ways than you could ever imagine. I've missed your love and support many times through the years but grateful that you escaped the tragedies we've had to endure. I embrace many memories of you as a wonderful mother beginning on Pleasant St. up through North Andover. I'd love to hug you today but even more, I'd love you to hug me. Always and forever, your daughter Cheryl 
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Dear Mom, Happy Mother's Day!  I thought about you all day and missed you so much today. Its been a different life without you. I miss being able to call you and have a chat. You were always there for me; I hope I was always there for you. We'll meet again someday and have more good times.

Your Mother is always with you. She’s the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street, she’s the smell of certain foods you remember, flowers you pick, the fragrance of life itself.

She’s the cool hand on your brow when you’re not feeling well, she’s your breath in the air on a cold winter’s day. She is the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep, the colors of a rainbow. Your mother lives inside your laughter.

She’s the place you came from, your first home, and she’s the map you follow with every step you take. She’s your first love, your first friend, even your first enemy, but nothing on earth can separate you. Not time, not space, not even death.
May 1, 2021
May 1, 2021
Dear Mom, I'm missing you so, so much today. I can't believe it's been ten years! Today was a beautiful, sunny day like it was ten years ago. I thought of you all day and shed some tears a few times. I miss all our good times together and those memories make me sad we can't make more but happy we had them. There were lots of good ones and plenty of laughs. I think of you every day but today was especially bittersweet. I love you and will see you again someday. Love, Christine
May 1, 2021
May 1, 2021
Missing you today and always, Mom! I hope you and Katie! and all the others who've joined are rocking the heavens. Maybe Dude and Thunder are there??  I think of you everyday, you know this. Today - you're surrounded by the shells and rocks from Puerto Rico - yes, I got there!!! And hope you're feeling the love and the sunshine!!! I miss you and our fun and laughter we always had - now I gotta go check on a check in my checking account!!!! XXXOOO Kathy
October 26, 2020
October 26, 2020
Happy 85th Birthday Mom! I wish I could be eating a big piece of birthday cake with you today. Makes me happy to think your last meal was a piece of Peter's birthday cake. You did always love your desserts. I think of you every day and still miss you so much. That will never go away; we had some real good times together and a lifetime of memories. I love you always. Your loving daughter, Christine
October 1, 2020
October 1, 2020
Hi Mom, I cried for you this morning and in fact, I still am. I've been so lost missing Kelly that I forgot how much I miss you. I realize as I'm turning 65 that I still need you so much. I'm feeling like a little girl in a big world. I'd love to talk to you today and maybe brush your hair for you. I'm gonna go for a walk now and try to shake this shroud of sadness off. You were a good mother and I will never forget that. I love you, Cheryl xoxoxo
October 26, 2019
October 26, 2019
Hi Mom, Happy 84th Birthday. I hope you're enjoying your party in Heaven with all your family and friends. I imagine Chinese food is on the menu and lots of scratch tickets. I think of you every day but especially today.  I miss you so much but I am happy you are finally able to breathe easy and skip around to your heart's content. I love you forever and someday I will be joining that party and having some good laughs with you. I love you forever, Christine
September 29, 2019
September 29, 2019
Hey Mama, Still missing you so much. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and the times we shared. Jeopardy every day; still watch it and think of you and I saying "I don't know" in the Eeyore voice.  I still do that to this day. I'm happy to report we didn't have to do that too much because you taught me well and we knew most of the answers. Peter gets it.  He watches with me every night now that you're not here. But, you are here in my heart and always will be,  You are never forgotten and always loved. Your loving daughter, Christine
October 26, 2018
October 26, 2018
Dear Mom, Happy 83rd Birthday in Heaven. I'm sitting here watching Game 3 of the World Series. Yes, the Red Sox are in it and have won the first 2 games.  I know how much you loved your Sox! It's very bittersweet because I know you would be making all kinds of noise over at Elderly Housing while the game is on. I used to laugh because you'd always say everybody there was old and in bed by the time the game was on. You were always so young at heart. I still miss you every day but I am especially missing you today; wish you could be here with us to celebrate your birthday. I know instead you are celebrating with everybody else in Heaven. Kelly probably planned a surprise birthday party for you and I know you are all having a ball!
I love and miss you forever,
May 13, 2018
May 13, 2018
Dear Mom, Happy Mother's Day to you. I thought of you many times today and I was really missing you. I was missing all our good times together and wishing you could have been sitting in the yard with us. Another beautiful day today. Sarah came over with the little rugrat, Adam and Alyssa were here,  You never got to meet him (the rugrat). His name is Christian and he was born on Joey's birthday. You would have loved him. He's a real character, just like you. He would have given you a run for you money!

Well Mom, the missing you never goes away. You will forever be loved and always in my heart. Until we meet again, I love you. Your loving daughter, Christine.
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
Hi Gram!!!!!

I miss you so much! I can’t believe it’s been 7 years, seems like I just saw you yesterday. I miss buying you scratch tickets and getting us Harrison’s and splitting up the fries. I wish you could see the kids grow. You would get such a kick out of them. They have such personalities! They are sassy like us! You must have been happy to see my Nana, I’m glad you two are together. I think of you all the time, I hope you know that. Keep watching over us all and guide is in the right direction. I know you will. Love you so much. Love, Sarah
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
Hi Mom, Well, today is seven years since we lost you. It is so hard to believe that much time has gone by. I still miss you just as much as the day you left us. I do think of all the good times we had and I miss making more of those memories. I still go by your house and sit outside wishing I could go in for another visit with you. I think of you every time I watch Jeopardy and sometimes when I get an answer I think to myself "my mother taught me that". Thank you for all you did teach me in life. I hope you're enjoying time with those we have lost since we lost you. Unfortunately, there are many. Well, today was a beautiful day just like it was 7 years ago. I'll miss you forever and think of you forever. Until we meet again, I love you always, Christine.
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
Miss you Mom. Can't even believe it's been that long.  Feels like yesterday, still. I miss you too and I love you forever and a day, until I see you again!!!! XOXOXO
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
Hey Gram, I can’t believe it’s been seven years. You’ve missed some things that you would have loved; you’ve missed some things that would have hurt. Just know that you are missed. Watch over us all and make sure we don’t mess it up too bad. Rest peacefully, Gram, with a glass of beer in front of you and a cigarette burning between your fingers. I love you!
January 1, 2018
January 1, 2018
Happy New Year! I wish I had an opportunity to continue a tradition that started when I was 18 and ended 34 years later; calling you every New Years Eve at midnight. I did miss doing that but you were in my heart. I still miss you so much. the time flies! I miss you and love you forever. Love, Christine
October 26, 2017
October 26, 2017
And I want to say hell too, HELL YEAH, it's your birthday!!! I'm sitting with a half pint right now. Long week and only Thursday, they want me to go back - I need a drink!!!!  Anyhow..... Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Mama, Happy Birthday to YOU!!!! I love you!!! Your Loving Daughter Kathleen XOXOXO
October 26, 2017
October 26, 2017
Happy Birthday Mom. Missing you as much today as I did over 6 years ago. How many times I wish I could call you and tell you something that happened or just to say hell? I miss having you there as my sounding board and for the wisdom you always shared. I miss coming by and plopping in my chair, I miss watching Jeopardy, Cash Cab and Meekat Manor with you. Jamie (your granddaughter) and I have started watching Dancing With the Stars. Now I know why you loved that show so much. I think of you the whole time I'm watching, you always admired the talent in people and that is a rare quality. 

I now find I ask myself "What would Mama do?" That is the legacy you left behind along with 6 children,12 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren You alone are responsible for bringing 21 lives into this world. Imagine that, what a legacy you left behind. 

We all miss you and think of you every day. We all love you and will never forget that charismatic woman we will always called Mom.

"Don't forget your coat, Tex"! I'll never forget that Christmas when you had the chance of a lifetime to say that to a guy named Tex! I'm laughing as I type this. I WILL meet you on the other side.  We talked about this and I know you're waiting for me (not too soon though).

Your Loving Daughter, Christine
October 26, 2017
October 26, 2017
Happy Birthday to you, Gram!

I miss you and think of you all the time! You have my Nana with you now! I bet she was happy to see you! I’m glad you two are together, my two crazy grandmothers! I’m going to buy some scratch tickets today so send me some good luck please! You have given me many memories to smile back on and I’m thankful for that. I’m glad we always had a close relationship from when I was little up to adulthood. I feel lucky to have had that bond with you and although I miss you, that comforts me. We had some good laughs that’s for sure! You would get a real kick out of the kids. They are fresh but funny. You’d like it! I hope you are celebrating today with the loved ones you’ve been reunited with. The rest of us will continue to honor your memory and live lives that would make you happy and proud! Happy Birthday, Gram. I love you.

Love, Sarah
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Hi Mom,

Thought of you last nite at 3:30 a.m. as you know. I am with you always as I feel you are with me always. I love and miss you so much!!! Until we meet again......... Kathy XOXO (Sing on Frankie!!!)
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Hi Gram,

I just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking of you. I always am, but especially today. I'm happy you have been reunited with so many loved ones and that you are at peace. That being said, I do miss laughing with you. You should see the kids, they are so grown! You would get a kick out of them, they're pretty funny! I love you Gram and you are always in my heart. Love, Sarah
December 25, 2016
December 25, 2016
Dear Mom, Merry Christmas to you. I thought of you on the trip to Cambridge/Somerville tonight, Christmas Eve. You were always in the back seat, you were not there tonight. I miss that so much. So many memories, so many changes, so many of our loved ones gone. You are forever in my thoughts every day and especially tonight, I miss you and love you so much. Come visit me in my dreams, I miss you and would love to see you. Love, Christine
October 26, 2016
October 26, 2016
Hi Gram!

Happy Birthday to you! 81, huh!?!?!?! Still the sparkle queen, although I have to tell you, Alyssa is a close second! I miss you so much and think of often. I have lots of little things that remind me of you! I miss you Gram, I wish you were here to see the kids! I know you are no longer suffering and at peace and for that, I'm grateful! You are always loved and always missed! Until we meet again (which hopefully won't be for a long time!) keep watching over us and please let me win big on the scratch ticket I'm going to buy in your honor today!

Happy Birthday!
Love , Sarah
October 26, 2016
October 26, 2016
Dear Mom, Happy 81st Birthday! I hope you're eating chinese food and scratching a few tickets. I know you're celebrating with all your family that are there with you. Watch over them for us until we are there with all of you some day. There is not a day that goes by that I don' think of you. You are still so missed and life is not the same without you. I can still picture you sitting at my table doing the crossword puzzle on Sundays. I miss those days but I know you are no longer suffering and you are able to breathe easy. I love you forever, Christine
May 2, 2016
May 2, 2016
Dear Kathy, just know how much you are missed by so many. Hope you are keeping an eye on our Dear Kel, and Papa, and Jim Bob. The birds are still watching you.
May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016
Okay, I'm the first one to visit - hello Mom! I hope you continue to watch over each and every one of us - We're doing our best, really. (with what and whom we've got to work with). I love you today, and always, and miss all of you that we've lost, tremendously. XOXOXO
January 1, 2016
January 1, 2016
Hey Mamasita, Happy New Year! I miss calling you every New Year's Eve to ring in the new and out with the old. I never missed a night since I turned 18. Okay, as the years went by you told me to call you at 10:00 p.m. because you'd be asleep at midnight. We always rang in the New Year together. Well, I'm ringing it in with you again but in a different way. I miss you so much every day. I can't wait to see you again someday. What a party you must be having with Kelly, Jimmy and Joey, the best! I love you all and wish you all a wonderful 2016! See you again someday.  I look forward to that day and that gives me freedom from fear. I love you so much and always will. Your loving daughter, Christine
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Okay, here's a beautiful flower for you Mom on your 80th, You Go Girl - Straight to the Party! Put lots of glitter on, we don't want anyone missing you on this special day!!! Have fun - I know you will!!! I love you Mom, xoxox  Kathy
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Dear Mom, Happy 80th Birthday! How I wish we could have a big celebration for you today. But, as Steve said in his message to you, there are enough of you in heaven for you to have a big party there. You'd be scratching away at your birthday lottery tickets today hoping to win a million. The funny thing was, I always knew you wanted to win that money to help your kids. You didn't want it for anything. You were never able to give us millions but you gave us so much more. I still miss you more than ever. I'm still going by your house and sitting outside for a few minutes. Always wishing I could go in to visit. It's not the same without you. Give Kelly a big hug for us and show me a sign once in a while. I love you, Christine
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Hi Kathy, just a quick note on your birthday. Still missed by many, including your bird friends. There must be enough of you to have quite the party, now. Don't get Papa in any more trouble, and give our Kelly a big hug too. Love Steve
August 23, 2015
August 23, 2015
Hi Mom, Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and missing you as much as ever. I know you're wondering why the hell Jimmy, Kelly and Joey are there with you. We're wondering the same. Please wrap your arms around them and take care of them for us until we are all reunited. I look forward to that day but I will enjoy my time on Earth until the time comes.

I was at the camp today doing the New York Times crossword puzzle and it brought back so many memories. We had a lot of good ones and I laugh at the thought of a lot of them. Who's on first? We did have some good times.

Thank you for being a wonderful mother to us. I know you are okay but I miss you so much. Watch over all of us and give us a helping hand along the way. We need you.

You are forever in my thoughts,

May 10, 2015
May 10, 2015
Dear Mom, Happy Mothers Day to you! You were so missed today. I miss your glitter, your wit, your sarcasm, your advice and your love. I miss everything about you. That love was always so unconditional. You were more than a mother, you were a strong smart woman who raised strong, smart women.

You would love my grandkids, Alyssa is right up your alley, you could swap clothes with her. She inherited your love for glitter and sarcasm. Adam, you'd kill him. He'd match you barb for barb but you'd win. So far, none of us have.  Christian, you never met him but you must be watching over him because he's an angel.

I know I was lucky to have you for so many years but I am selfish, I wanted you forever. Happy Mothers Day.

Your loving daughter, Christine
May 10, 2015
May 10, 2015
May 2, 2015
May 2, 2015
Where does the time go, Kathy? It's hard to believe that it's been 4 years since you've passed. You must know how much you are missed by so many. Though it's been a couple of hard years for us, we are all looking forward to seeing everyone again hopefully in heaven. Love you! Birds are still watching you.
May 1, 2015
May 1, 2015
Mama, I don't know what to say has thrown me some curve balls and I could use you more than ever but I thank God you're not here to see it! What do I do without my mother? What do I do without my daughter? What do I do for Nik and Jamie? I'm just lost without you and your guidance. I love you Mom; I hope there's truly a Heaven because I need to see you again. I love you xoxox
May 1, 2015
May 1, 2015
Hi Gram,

Thinking of you extra today and missing you always. I hope you know how much you are missed! I miss calling you and coming to visit for one of our Harrison's lunch dates! We would always joke about how much fries they gave us what kind of gluttons can eat all that, then next thing you know they were gone!!!!!! I miss your witty personality and sense of humor the most! You were so much fun. I know you are at peace now which brings me peace, because I know how you struggled. Please keep a watchful eye over us. I love you, Gram!

Love, Your Granddaughter, Sarah
May 1, 2015
May 1, 2015
Dear Mom, It's hard to believe it has been four years since you've been gone. I miss you so much. Every once in a while I go by your house and sit outside wishing I could go in and plop in the chair. I miss our crossword competitions every Sunday, calling each other to see if we got the final Jeopardy answer; kidding each other if one of us didn't get the answer, patting ourselves on the back if we did. I just miss everything about you. You deserve the peace you have now attained. I know you are breathing without struggle and are with the family members who have gone before and after you. Someday we will have a family reunion in heaven. Until that day, you are forever in my heart. I love and miss you every day. Love, Christine
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Recent Tributes
May 12
May 12
I love you momma happy mother's Day! But I know you're up there with auntie Peggy and Uncle David and Uncle Bobby and everybody else I can't wait to see you all!! Especially you!! My life was never the same without you!! And I miss you so much!!
May 12
Dear Mom, Happy Mother’s Day. I miss you every single day but especially today. I miss my Mommy! I don’t care how old get, I will always want my mother by my side. I’m so thankful for all the memories I have. We’re forever bringing up stories and having a good laugh. You were quite the wit. I still drive by your house all the time and wish I could stop and come in and sit in the chair and we could share some food and some laughs. You have a wonderful day celebrating with your own mom today. I love you forever. Love, Christine
May 1
I miss you Mom!! We had our chat today, I've just got that to hold on to!! XO
Bet you wouldn't like this crazy world!!!  RIP and keep flying with the angels!!!
I Love You, forever and always!!!
Recent stories

"The Garden"

November 6, 2012

God looked around his garden and he found an empty place. He did look down upon this earth and saw your tired face. He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest. God's garden must be beautiful; he always takes the best. He knew that you were suffering. He knew you were in pain. He knew that you would never get well on earth again. He saw the road was getting rough and the hills were hard to climb. So he closed your weary eyelids and whispered, "Peace be thine." It broke our hearts to lose you but you didn't go alone. For part of us went with you the day God called you home.

Mama, As you grace God's garden know that a special place was created for you here by your loving son-in-law Peter on the very day you left us. He tends to this garden with much love and we all cherish it. I'm missing your birthday wishes very much today and thinking of you as always. I love you, Cheryl xoxo

Just Hello!!

July 18, 2012

I don't come here as often as I probably should but it makes me cry, everytime!  (is the reason)  Not so sure I love the melody today, so I'm gonna change that - I love "sorry seems to be hardest word" because i LOVE YOU AND ELTON, MOM, FOREVER!!! 

Hope you made the rain today, as I said you could!  That was nice - and much needed.  Make sure there's a way Jamie can get up here for Sarah's wedding too!  Just a small request but I really want him to come up and be with all of us - I told him that - he can probably get a roofing job - quit a few days before and be here!  Sounds like a plan, right??  Hee Hee 


I did it!

May 14, 2012


I know you were watching over me today and maybe even made me pause at the stage!  I couldn't move!  It was a tough day but a great day!  All that hard work has paid off and I have my degree - yahoo!  I'm going forward and will be back at this
"grind" in September.  Please help me make my decision with what to follow thru with.  I didn't write earlier - I was literally exhausted but here I am - back at it again at 1:30 a.m.  I kow you were with me today, I felt it and thank you for giving me life and brains - What a working combination that is!

Happy Mothers Day!  Kathleen Marie (Nikas) Wilbur (had to be third from the last today!)

P.S.  Steve fix up the entry - my mom would be mad and so would my BROTHER!
thank you, Administrator - (it's the legal in me)

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