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April 27, 2023
I met Kathy in high school, most likely through Aquila. It’s been 20+ years since then so that specific detail has escaped me. What I so fondly remember though was how fun and positive Kathy was - like all the time! She was always a force for good in this world, even way back then. She has left such an amazing legacy of love & kindness; I know her spirit will live on through her family, friends, and everyone she encountered in her time here on Earth. Praying for Kathy’s family & friends as they walk through this different season in their lives
April 25, 2023
I'll never forget meeting Kathryn my freshman year and she was one of the most beautiful souls that I've had the pleasure to meet. The world lost a wonderful soul but her presence is felt by all whose path she crossed.
March 22, 2023
I was just thinking about the time in 1999 when Kathryn and I skipped school to attend the WTO protest in Seattle. That was quite the day, I remember the energy and also getting on the overly full last bus back to suburbs.
March 20, 2023
I was so overjoyed to see Kathryn when I started at SPL this fall—she made a point to stop by my desk and welcome me with that beautiful voice and smile of hers. I felt so lucky to be working with her again. I've been remembering our years at SCLD, laughing and eating crunchy snacks with her and other SCLD pals at my house (Sonia, Amber, Aileen, Linda), and how my kids danced and sang and read with her in various storytimes—she brought extraordinary intelligence, love, and joy into our lives, with such seeming ease—and she's done this again and again for so many. She cared about people in life-changing ways. We love you, Kathryn.
March 19, 2023
Everytime I saw you it was with a smile and warm welcome. You have been a bright light with the kids. Anytime I needed something with the kids you were always willing to help. The Friends of the Spokane Library and I will especially miss you. Thank you for all you have shared and done. May you rest in peace.
March 17, 2023
Kathy and I grew up down the street from each other and were great friends in elementary school. It was so nice to reconnect with her in Spokane. Sometimes randomly running into each other at shows or festivals and starting last summer she became my daughter's favorite librarian we always loved storytime with Kathryn. She will be deeply missed.
March 17, 2023
I met Kathy through Aquila, and have such a long list of fond memories from times spent with Kathy at gatherings Aquila and Gavin were hosting. For several years, I had this bond with Kathy as we were in a sense the Yuppy Puppy staff. Groomers came and went, and Aquila was running everything else seven days a week. We were the people there when Aquila needed help with the front end, before the store had grown enough to support regular hourly staff.
Kathy was always sweet and generally happy, I can rarely remember ever seeing her sour about anything. I didn't share a lot of commonality with Kathy, aside from our connection to Aquila, but I always enjoyed seeing her. I remember there was a time when I was struggling personally and Kathy brought me several books from the library to serve as a guide through my dark time
March 15, 2023
Kathryn and I worked the Pride festival last year together along with two of our other lovely co-workers and I remember leaving the event with an overflowing cup. Kathryn was so very sweet helping make the event fun, engaging, and meaningful to the kids. She came up with this gorgeous and colorful craft of a heart with rainbow streamers flowing off. She encouraged kids to have fun and express themselves. I’ve always admired Kathryn’s creativity and innate engagement with children. Her library family misses her so much and are so grateful she came into our lives. 
March 14, 2023
Kathy and I may not have been family by blood but she was my family by choice. She was an aunt to me since day one. I will always remember the day she took me to the library during one summer when I was little and introduced me to poetry. We sat in a corner reading poems out of ‘Where The Side Walk Ends’. That day I fell in love with reading poetry and now I love writing it because of her. I will always read and write poetry and think of those amazing memories Kathy and I made at the library that summer. In memory of Kathy I wrote a poem for her:
As the road has ended so has our time
I will look for you in sky
I wish I got to say goodbye
Leaving so soon should be a crime
Forever in our hearts and on our mind
Looking back at all our memories we made
The ones I’ll never trade
Remembering how you were always so kind
You brightened every room with your smile
You will forever be missed, I love and miss you Kathy ❤️

When life gives you lemons…

March 13, 2023
Kathy and I shared a locker one year in high school before we could drive. 
We had a card taped inside the door of our locker, I can’t remember which of us bought it, that said “When life hands your lemons, tuck ‘em in your bra! Couldn’t hurt, might help!” It became our bulletin  board for pep talks and love notes for the entire year.
It continued to be our “thing.” We signed texts with lemon emojis, bought each other random lemon nicknacks, and even got matching lemon tattoos (in our bras, duh!) 
For 25 years, lemons have been our secret love note. I think of her whenever I see one. Probably always will. 

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