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June 29
June 29
 Happy Birthday, Queen! Every year I sit n imagine.. What you're doing on the other side for your birthday.. Are you dancing? Are you listening to music? Singing? Playing your guitar? Do you have a best friend there? Are you cutting up with others that left that we loved? Or are they too.. Living their best life in Spirit? I know you come to visit.. And I'm thankful for the signs you give that you do.. Not one day goes by that I don't think about you.. How our life here would be .. If we were all still together physically.. Your grand babies would love you so much! And lord knows.. They'd be spoiled rotten.. Lol Your daughters, Sister, have truly grown up to be Amazing women and Mommas. They for sure carry your Strength. Words will never express how hard it is.. To live this life.. Without you physically here! I want you to know.. We carry you with us.. In everything we do.. And everywhere we go! Sister.. We love you! We miss you! Happy 37th Birthday!!! ❤️
May 24
May 24
Sister- This is the day.. That changed all of our lives.. Forever!! You're Never going to be forgotten! Your fire, your passion for life, your love, your laughter.. You're missed!!! .. More than words could ever express!! I love you.. I Honor and Appreciate you.. Every day of my life!
May 24
10 years. I can’t believe it’s been that long. I still think about you, your laugh, your smile. I hope you’re in heaven having a good time. Keep watching over us down here love you ❤️
January 11
January 11
K.c I miss you so much ❤️ you’ve been on my mind lately. I just wish I could talk to you one more time I got so much to tell you. I know you’re up there having the best time. You are the brightest star in the galaxy. Love you beautiful ❤️
January 10
January 10
Mama , thinking of you and miss you extra as I lay here cuddled up with your granddaughters . I wish I could see them with you . It’d mean the world to me . I miss you . I love you
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
K.C. ,
Today is Your day. Your day to be honored and celebrated. I never thought for a second you'd be walking with me in spirit instead of in person. But for you I am eternally grateful. You are Still my best friend. And no matter where this physical life takes me, I take you with me! I love you, Sister!!
May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023
KC you were all the good things in this world. I miss you ❤️ I wish I could sit and talk to you for hours again. I’ll never forget your smile or your laugh. Today is always hard for me I hope you are resting good ❤️ until we meet again darling.
May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023
Sister, it's hard to believe 9 years ago today.. You transitioned into your next life.. It's still and will always be hard for us left behind.. Thinking about your smile, your laugh, your wild and free nature.. Only makes me miss you more.. I'll never forget the memories we were blessed to share! And I'll never forget you! You're a grandma now.. And I know you're with them and your kids. Not one day goes by that I don't think about you. I love you little sister!
July 1, 2022
July 1, 2022
Sister, I miss you more and more every single day. Hard to believe on your birthday this year you would have been 35. I often think about what my life would be like if you were never taken away... What your life would have been like.. The life of your children.. Of your nieces and nephews.. We ALL miss you!!! I know you stand close by me in spirit. I can feel you near me.. And for that I'm extremely thankful. ♥️
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Losing you, I lost half of myself. When you left that half went with you.. And even though I know you are still with me in all I do.. It doesn't take away the pain.. I miss you little sister.. I miss your laugh. I miss your smile. I miss us dancing. I miss us singing and writing together. I can feel you by me in spirit.. And for that I'm thankful.. Just wish you didn't have to go.. I love you!!!!!
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
I can’t believe it’s been 8 years since you left us. I’ll always remember us riding that ATV. Me driving and you on the back we stopped and you picked me some flowers. I miss you so much. I know you are watching over me.
All the good things that have happened in my life I’m sure you had something to do with. You will forever be missed my beautiful butterfly
December 23, 2020
December 23, 2020
I often look back.. on our bond we had as sisters.. our bond as best friends.. and I smile bc it was stronger than death. It was so strong that no one could take that away. Our tattoo we got together is a constant reminder that you're not really gone.. just away for right now. I'll never forget our times together. I'll hold on to our memories as long as I live. I love you more than words can say and I can't wait to see you again Sister. You'll Never be forgotten!!!
May 24, 2020
May 24, 2020
Sister.. Every year that passes without you beside me gets harder.. I miss your smile.. I miss your laugh.. I miss your jokes.. I miss our hugs.. I know you come to see my babies in their dreams and that means the world to me to know tho you're not physically here they still see and visit with you. Kirra talks about you alot and asks me to take her to your resting place.. They will forever know and love you.. You my dear baby sister, my best friend I've ever had, will Never be forgotten long as I live! I love you!!!
May 25, 2019
May 25, 2019
K.C. Yesterday was really hard for me and many others who love and miss you so much. I miss your smile, laugh, humor, and really everything about you. You will never be forgotten and always loved.
April 20, 2019
April 20, 2019
K.c. My baby girl, I miss you so much. Even after all this time my heart is broken and can not heal. I talk to you every day and it is so hard not hearing your sweet voice. When my time comes, I hope you will be waiting for me. I love you so much
February 1, 2018
February 1, 2018
I didnt know this was thing, but its cool and love you madre
June 30, 2017
June 30, 2017
K.c I never got the chance to meet you but from what i hear you where a lovely woman and you also had a beautiful voice i would of love to have gotten the chance to say hello to you i also lit a candle for you on your birthday
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
K.C.~ Sister.. Today you would have turned 30. Today we would have sang together, today we would have danced.. I am being selfish but I wish you were here! I wish I could hug you.. Ill Never forget your spirit, so very full of life.. Today is your birthday, always a hard day for us... But Happy Birthday! Hope y'all all have a glorious celebration today.. I love you very very much and I miss you more than words could ever say..
May 2, 2017
May 2, 2017
I love you! You will forever be my best friend not just my baby sister. I miss you!
May 2, 2017
May 2, 2017
Kc there isnt a day that goes by that i dont think about you. I still remember your laugh and smile and how you could light up the darkest room. My favorite memory would be the weekend we went to Columbia and rode horses. We took that ATV through all those trails and you picked me so many flowers

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