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My rock

November 6, 2023
You are hard to put into words. You are such a picture of love and fun and life and now somehow I must go on living a life without you. You took care of me when I was very sick teenager, and it was over after that. You made tuna casserole and forgot the tuna, you were my euchre partner against whoever come against us ( usually Jack and his partner) but most of all you always made me feel loved and accepted. We shared countless cups of coffee and talk about life and the trees. We would listen to the birds sing, and I always found myself looking for the moon. You left your print ony heart that no distance can separate. You called me your big baby girl, Karen Gene. You loved Chuck and Kemper and all of the extensions a family brings. I am heart broken and find it hard to breathe, at times. I know you are better than ok, but I am changed. Change because of your love and the goodbye. For now. Landslide by Fleetwood will always be my song for you. Thank you for showing me how to be a good woman, woman. Remember when I asked you when I would be a woman? Lol... I love you

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