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My Baby Girl

April 22, 2013

My dearest baby Keira,

It's been (almost) another month and you would be 8 weeks old on Earth on Thursday.  Instead, you are dancing, running, and playing in heaven.  Mommy and Daddy hope so very much that you are happy up there and that you have gotten to hear stories about us, from Jesus.  We love you so, so, so very much and miss you so, so, so very much! Knowing that you are in Heaven and happy is mildly comforting to us as it is hard to understand why you couldn't stay on Earth with us and be our baby, as we thought it was always intended.  It continues to be hard to be without you.  We are reminded everyday of you and reminded everyday that we are without you.  It just doesn't seem fair.
Love you to the MOON and BACK,

Mommy and Daddy

1 Month

March 28, 2013

It's been a month since we held you in our arms and sent you home to Heaven.  Words can't ever express how much we miss you and love you. 

We are going to send a balloon to you at 12:52pm...the time you were born to haven last month.  We hope you like it and it contains hugs and kisses for you from Mommy and Daddy. 

We love you to the moon and back, baby girl, and miss you even more!

Mommy and Daddy

Due Date

March 19, 2013

My Dearest Keira,

Your due date has come and gone.  It was not an easy day for Mommy and Daddy, but we made the best of it by spending time with Uncle Jason, Auntie Nancy, and your cousins Alexis and Carter.  Seeing the kids play makes me happy, but sad at the same time.  I wish you could be there, too, playing with them and having fun like cousins should.  There shouldn't be this look of wonder in Alexis' eyes...and I just know she wants to ask where her baby girl cousin is.  She wants to know where Auntie's tummy went and why that baby isn't here.  I know someday I will be able to tell her about you and she will understand.  But, right now, she just doesn't.  She's too young to understand.  And then I think about us....we don't even understand it ourselves, how are we EVER going to explain this to a our child that we will eventually have and be able to parent the way that we were supposed to parent you?! How can we explain something NOONE understands? That may always be a huge question. 

The one thing you will NEVER EVER have to question is our love for you.  You are so very loved, baby girl.  We love you so very much.  From the tips of our toes to the tips of our nose, you are loved.  We NEVER EVER go a minute without the thought of your beautiful face! In heaven we shall be together. 

Loves and snuggles,

A tough day

March 11, 2013

Today is the first day that Daddy went to work and Mommy is home with Riley and Maverick alone.  It's been a long morning of errands and now I'm listening to music to keep me company and looking at pictures of you, baby girl.  I love you so much and wish so much that you were here with me. So wish you were here to wake me up in the middle of the night.  And wish you were to here to cry and coo and do all the things that we looked forward to you doing.  The wishes we had for you were many and we are saddened that we will never get to share this Earthly world with you.  It is easy for other people to tell us that you are in a better place...and I know that you are being taken excellent care of by Jesus now, but as your Mommy, I wish I would have gotten the opportunity to say hi and look into your eyes.  It is what I looked most forward to.  I dreamed about the day you were born many times over..and looking into your eyes, kissing your forehead, and holding your little hand. I was not prepared for losing you before I was ever able to hear your first cry.  And, Keira, it isn't fair.  It isn't fair that you never got to see my face.  It isn't fair that you never got to see your Daddy's face.  It isn't fair that ayou had to leave us before you were ever able to be with us.  I pray everyday and cry everyday that you and your sister/brother are playing in heaven...and are whole.  Whole babies running on the clouds and enjoying everlasting sunshine. 
I just want you to know that Daddy and I will NEVER stop loving you and we think about you every minute of everyday.  Praying that you are safe in the arms of Jesus.  And watching us, and loving us, from heaven.
We love you to the moon and back, Keira.  NEVER forget that. 

A Letter from Mommy

March 6, 2013

My dearest Keira,

From the moment we found out we were going to have a baby, we were SO excited to meet you. We couldn't wait for the second that we saw your beautiful face and look into your eyes.   
Daddy really thought we were going to have a boy, but when he found out you were a girl, he was so excited to have a little girl that he could protect. 
When you were inside me, you were such a busy little girl.  ALWAYS moving and stretching out and kicking me.  Sometimes you had a really good kick and it kind of hurt :) I told Daddy that we have a soccer player, swimmer, or gymnast because you moved so much.  I don't think a minute went by that you weren't moving.  The doctor called you a fuss budget :)
When we found out that you were no longer alive in my tummy, we couldn't breathe.  We cried so hard for you. Our dreams for you would never come to pass.  Our family will now always be missing one very important, and beautiful, member.  When we saw you for the first time, we cried because you are SO beautiful.  You are our beautiful angel in heaven and we can't wait to see you again and to hold you in our arms again. 
Until we see you, hug you, and kiss you again,
Mommy and Daddy

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