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September 12, 2012
September 12, 2012
Hard to believe its been a hundred days. I miss you so much dad!

June 26, 2012
June 26, 2012

杨旭东 张川
June 17, 2012
June 17, 2012
Words cannot describe what my Uncle Ken meant to my family and friends. Growing up, he was always there for me, like a third parent. He gave me advice, constructive criticism, and more importantly, unconditional love. I miss him so much. RIP Uncle Ken.
June 12, 2012
June 12, 2012
I had the privilege of being Ken's treatment nurse for chemotherapy the past few years. I admired his courage and his perseverance. He never complained.  He always had a ready smile and always said thank you. I miss him. My condolences to his family and may you find comfort in your memories.  Susan Keefe
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
The man taught me the value of nothing and gave me everything. He lived, he cried, and he has more friends than anyone else I know. I love you dad, and I'll never forget you. Please give us your blessing and strength from the next realm.
Rest in Peace Father
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
My dad was the bravest, wisest, and kindest man I ever knew. He dedicated his entire life to filling the world with laughter and love, and to making it a better place for his friends and family. He was my father, my mentor, and my hero and the world is surely a lesser place with him gone. Even now I can see him watching over us, smiling and ready to help. So RIP dad! I'll always love you!
June 8, 2012
June 8, 2012
惊悉杨子卿先生溘然辞世, 我和我先生心中十分悲痛。他几个月前拖着病体还在和我们一起学习养生气功“八段锦”,前两个月还在他的餐馆里亲手擀饺子皮特意为我们端上几盘水饺品尝。。。他的音容笑貌依然在眼前。从他的生平照片中可以体会到,他是一个孝子, 一家三代同堂居住直到为他母亲送终。。。他是一个慈爱的父亲,临终前紧紧拉着儿子们的手不舍离去。。。他是一个好丈夫,负责任,肯担当,并且有幸娶到了一位贤妻:阿媚。阿媚从88年22岁的姑娘,就阿KEN一句话:”嫁给我吧“,阿媚回答:“你去问我爸爸”,就这样一见钟情的跟随阿KEN。在美国他们一起开餐馆生意, 一起抚养两家的老人, 一起带大两个优秀的儿子。。。。在阿KEN生病期间, 阿媚更是倾齐全力,求医找药,推拿按摩,尽心服侍。。。。愿杨子卿先生在天之灵得以安息,保佑你的家人平安,幸福!

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